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In came I at the end of the storm
Soaked through to the skin with icy rain
I six or seven weeks old abandoned once again
Too young to believe in the spoken eventuality of spring
Of which the elders told mystically the unseen shifts would bring

Too young to conceptualize the marsh grass
dry, the blue skied sun ablaze in the sky
Too young to believe in clouds of butterfly
Driven forward by the simple wish not to die

Came I to the door and mewling stood
Until it opened and into gargantuan
Heated arms lifted and I folded into them apparently for good

Was I wise?
When in I came
Warmed in those flanneled human arms
Dried with a towel from icy rain
I lie on floors polished to a shining glow
warm, clean and fed I see myself grow

Outside the glass the wind howls
The trees now iced and bare
Would I have lived to test the mythic spring
I know not that, know only this one thing

That should the time actually come when
All outside transforms to warm, scented green
It will through 'pain' of clean impenetrable
Glass by me, safe, ensconced, separated,
Looking out from within - be not ever felt, yet ever seen
I watch your dancing

I watch how your hair goes

I look how you jump and sing along the lyrics

I stood up and started singing

Hearing your voice kept me going

Seeing your leaving made me sad

I wonder what you’re
Looking at
When you’re
Looking at

Because when I look at you,
I look at the world in one person,
Spinning around
Rotating in my mind
As if nothing else matters.

When I look at you,
I see nervous hands
And anxious smiles
From our awkward first date,
A quiet boy with not
A whole lot to say

I look at confidence,
Yours and mine,
Because you tell me
I am beautiful
Each and every day.

I look at a smile
Forming on your lips,
Resting on your
Strong jawline.

I look at eyes…
Ocean blue
That I drown in for hours,
The kind of drowning
That I don’t want
To be
Saved from.
Ocean eyes
Rocking me slowly
To sleep.

I look at cuddling,
Late at night,
(Because you always fall asleep first)
And the way you grind your teeth
While you sleep.

I look at hands,
Rough and calloused,
Holding mine tight.
Rubbing thumbs
And you have no idea
How wonderful
That feels.

I look at kisses…
The kind that make
Because you take my breath away.

I look at laughter,
Full and goofy,
Throwing your head back
And squirming around
While I tickle your sides,
And you tickle my heart.

I look at comfort.
The kind that’s hard to find,
Because you always know
When something is wrong,
Sometimes before I do.
You hold me tight in your arms,
And everything
Will be

I look at the future
Because this time,
I know it’s real,
And I know
Are the one that is
Meant to walk this
Journey alongside

And now,

I wonder what you’re
Looking at
When you’re
Looking at
All white today
Pure as snow
Clear as glass
Cool as mist
Mind is cold
Listen and you may be heard
Skin so golden
Smooth as Egyptian cotton
In the meanest time of summer
when the sun cracks the pavement
and swelter fills your lungs
a call to the dispossessed is in order.
Consider the river washers,
and the alley dwellers
who are simply thankful for today.
Chew on a bitter piece of perspective
and ask yourself;
if you had to carry a cross to your own death
would you complain about the heat?
This delicious dish!
So full of wonder and taste.
Layers of sauce, cheese, onions
with grounded beef and penne.

A stroll by the kitchen
is a heavenly moment.
The smell of it baking,
Oh, the anticipation swells within me!

One long sniff
can inspire great dreams,
and one bite,
can cure the misery
of a cold dreary day.
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