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Dec 2015 · 2.6k
Seems Like Yesterday
Xphaedos Dec 2015
You see, today’s problems are all going fast
Everything crumbling, turning to the past
So everything I think of of
Has already happened somehow, someway
Like it was yesterday
Yeah, yesterday

Seems just like yesterday, I didn’t know how to speak
Seems like it was yesterday I was on a winning streak
Seems like yesterday the problems were far away
Seems like yesterday there wasn’t any pain

Guess things change
After a while
Guess things change
Though they have denials
Guess things are never quite the same
Guess it was just like

Seems just like yesterday we had the time of our lives
Seems just like yesterday we only told truths not lies
Seems just like yesterday we were all home free
Seems just like yesterday we opened our eyes to the world to see

Guess things move
And never really stop
Guess things have a groove
Gotta make it to the top
Guess things rise and fall
Making history
Guess things are written on the wall
Hey, are you listening?

Seems like yesterday I was president of the world (yeah right)
Seems like yesterday black and white was swirled
Seems like yesterday I got this whole new beat
Seems like yesterday this is all just a repeat

Guess some things, really never change
Guess some just like to stay the same
Guess some only do it for the game….
Guess some always take the blame

But it just
Seems like yesterday was a brand new day
Seems like yesterday was a scripted play
Seems like yesterday, the sky wasn’t so far away
Seems like yesterday we were getting paid


Seems just like yesterday, I didn’t know how to speak
Seems like it was yesterday I was on a winning streak
Seems like yesterday the problems were far away
Seems like yesterday there wasn’t any pain
Don't steal these lyrics, please.
Dec 2015 · 469
Xphaedos Dec 2015
You say you’ll be back
How can I trust you?
You say you’ll back, how can I tell for sure?

I’m kind of afraid
Because when you go away
You never return
Until another day
Dec 2015 · 159
Starting Of A Song
Xphaedos Dec 2015
Let it all burn down in flames
Let the past shatter
Let go of the blame
Dec 2015 · 283
A Campaign Is..?
Xphaedos Dec 2015
Campaigns are: things where people who want to run America shout their opinions, how they’ll help, while roasting the others against them and shouting out random facts.
Dec 2015 · 264
Even Some
Xphaedos Dec 2015
Even some walls cannot contain secrets
Even some prayers can’t save your soul
Even some practice won’t make you perfect
Even some scars do not make you whole

Even some comfort won’t soothe the pain
Even some cloudless skies still produce rain
Even some fears just can’t be contained
And sometimes strong feelings you’ve tried to hide, still remain

Even some guns won’t defend you well enough
Even some badass crap won’t make you tough
Even some skills will fade away
And even sometimes, though you can still feel, you’ll be numb for days

Even some words can’t help you
No one can save you now
It’s too late, far to late to ask for help
And now, you’re going to drown

Even some cloaks can’t conceal you
Even though you hide, you’ll always be found
Even though you’ve always wanted to die
When you jump, you land perfectly unharmed on the ground

We live in a cursed and opposite world
One that’s cruel, one..plain unfair
And some Rapunzel’s won’t be there
To let down the golden stair

You’re falling, down, down
Spiraling into despair
You’ve searched for it all
You’ve wasted your whole life, grasping
But your fingers only catching thin air
Oct 2015 · 169
Xphaedos Oct 2015
I can feel things falling out of my pockets
Just like words I don’t mean coming out of my mouth
Oct 2015 · 344
Even Some
Xphaedos Oct 2015
Even some walls cannot contain secrets
Even some prayers can’t save your soul
Even some practice won’t make you perfect
Even some scars do not make you whole

Even some comfort won’t soothe the pain
Even some cloudless skies still produce rain
Even some fears just can’t be contained
And sometimes strong feelings you’ve tried to hide, still remain

Even some guns won’t defend you well enough
Even some badass crap won’t make you tough
Even some skills will fade away
And even sometimes, though you can still feel, you’ll be numb for days

Even some words can’t help you
No one can save you now
It’s too late, far to late to ask for help
And now, you’re going to drown

Even some cloaks can’t conceal you
Even though you hide, you’ll always be found
Even though you’ve always wanted to die
When you jump, you land perfectly unharmed on the ground

We live in a cursed and opposite world
One that’s cruel, one..plain unfair
And some Rapunzel’s won’t be there
To let down the golden stair

You’re falling, down, down
Spiraling into despair
You’ve searched for it all
You’ve wasted your whole life, grasping
But your fingers only catching thin air
Aug 2015 · 547
Can't remember
Xphaedos Aug 2015
Why'd I walk into this room again?
Aug 2015 · 383
Drunken With Loss
Xphaedos Aug 2015
When you can't risk another nightmare
When you can't risk a look back at what you used to be
When you're the devil's very heir
And you're pretending to be blind when you really can see

When you can't look back on your past
When everything you remember hurts
You just can't hold this stance
And every time you look back, your stomach gives a lurch

When you're stuck doing punishment
And you don't even know what for
When your whole life is made up of lies and sins
And the one you loved slammed the door

When everything little day passing by
Is a shard of glass in your skin
And by some means, you wish you could die
Because you know you'll never win

The very day when you know it just can't go on
You've sank to your knees
But, oh darling, no one will think of your brawn
And I'm sorry, but no one can hear your tortured pleas and screams
That are haunting...every day, every second, every dream

Now those dreams will come alive
To shatter you so
You wonder how you've managed to survive
You're broken inside, I've been told

Wish you could rest, you tortured soul
Wish you could live to see the light
But it's kind of hard when you have no role
In your bitter, twisted life

Wish you could end it all, your life
One quick stab, or a shot, or a swallow
Maybe several stabs with a knife
Or slowly and painfully, in the gallows
It all ends on All Hallow's

You wish you could die, but you can't
Because you've grown to like the pain
You don't think they'd understand
That you've gone completely insane

Another loved one lost to you
Another fist closing over you heart
This mourning thing, you must be new to
Because it's tearing you, a shell, apart

There's nothing left inside you now
Not a heart, or a brain, or a mind
It might be a good time to tell you how
The sanity you lost, you'll never find

That first death affected you deeply
Got well under your skin
You were way past weeping
Your life being torn apart by the skin

The darkness is no longer chilling
As it bites and it tears and it calls
The fear it used to, is not instilling
And nothing ever frightens or appalls

You are alone in your room
Just with the moon for company and light
You might as well be in your own tomb
Because you've lost your sense of mind

Beer bottles litter the floor
But they've been there
Way before
When your soul was new and repaired

No one can hear you
Don't even shout
No one can save you
Because no amount

Can fix you
Save you
Heal you

And the nightmares come alive in the night
Once more to predict your blight

Another lonely night alone with yourself in your brain
For, drunken with loss, you've gone absolutely insane
Aug 2015 · 433
Xphaedos Aug 2015
Fluttering, so fragile
A shred, infinitesimal
An ember still fighting to survive
Through generations, to stay alive
To keep burning into the books
How our history looks
What we've achieved
Lost, won, and grieved
And so, my friends, I hope a shred of hope you will receive in your greatest need
It will help in the darkest of your days to relieve
And just know don't ever let it go, because when hope is released

One more ember in the fire goes out
One more fight shivers and freezes
One more dead body added to the pile
And one more heart in the lives of our loved ones is seized

Take care of the shred of hope you have
Try to build a chest full
When you've succeeded that
You'll feel a pull

To help others in their darkest days
As hope has done to you
And hopefully, hope will be
Strong and good enough to see you both well, all through
Aug 2015 · 189
Xphaedos Aug 2015
Asks how you are
Takes a look
You look shaken up
Broken down
Run to the ground

Begging for mercy
On your knees
But I won't be bad
I'm not gonna leave
Aug 2015 · 201
Xphaedos Aug 2015
Comes at a cost
And at several a loss
How badly do you want it
Is it even worth it?
Aug 2015 · 296
Changing History
Xphaedos Aug 2015
Oh, so often told
Stay out of trouble
Out of the rubble
of our history.

No one rebels
Until it's too late, everyone lays still
Upon the altar, now

Blood dripping
The marble's sipping
It stains
Representing the failure of this time, in that place...

Hold tight, they say
It'll be alright
But it's nothing
Nothing but lies

I was the one who listened to the satan in the pit
Who wanted to change all of it
The one who rebelled for the better good
Because I was so misunderstood

Now look at me
Watching the marble drink in the iron
Watching the stains of yesterday, not for tomorrow

Oh, so often told
Stay out of trouble
Out of the rubble
of our history...
At first it was a poem, then...I heard it as a song in my head. If you read, and listen...maybe you'll hear something too.
Aug 2015 · 272
Xphaedos Aug 2015
Call for help:
No one
No where
Help me
Stop this
I can't
I don't
Know what
Hit me
Please tell

Please know that
life is
hard to
get through
But I'll
be there
for you
Don't ever think that
You're alone
Because I'll be there
for you
in flesh and bone
You will be fine
Keep your head up
And you'll be alright
Just bathe in the moonlight
And I'll be there
Making sure
You'll be alright
Aug 2015 · 266
Left to...
Xphaedos Aug 2015
I am left
To fall
with gall
Without grace
On my face
Representing generations of my race

I am left
to stand
Without someone holding my hand
No could possibly understand
This was completely unplanned

I am left
to drowned
without a sound
complaint, without ground
to hold me down

I am left
to suffer, to die
Is the whole world lies?
Don't mind me, pass me by...

And so, I am left.
May 2015 · 278
Xphaedos May 2015
We get along well
But behind my back, are you only too willing to sell
My soul to devil, without my permission?
Do you really have evil intentions?
Do I need to watch my back around you more?
Is it a death threat when you're opening the door?
Please help me here, my friend, I'm starting to sink
In my paranoia, I'm already in way too deep
May 2015 · 169
Xphaedos May 2015
I love you.
Apr 2015 · 250
Xphaedos Apr 2015
So what if you lose all the time?
Pick yourself up, you're still going.
No, it's not easy. I know.
But you do it anyway.
You keep on going.
And this
all funnels
into who
Keep it up :D
Apr 2015 · 868
Happy Without You
Xphaedos Apr 2015
How are you, dear?
You walked away from me last year.
Do you regret it? Because I don't.
Glad I'm living life without you,
but I bet you don't.
Apr 2015 · 1.3k
Simple Love Poem
Xphaedos Apr 2015
I wanted to let you know one thing
You're like a dream
And you're the best thing
That happened to me
Apr 2015 · 696
House of Colors
Xphaedos Apr 2015
Right this way, please
Welcome to the house of color
Would you like a cup of tea?
Nothing is dull here

The reds are brilliant, and try to beat the others
But of course they don't get to, or we wouldn't be called the house of colors

The greens, how wonderful in every single shade
And then there's Neon Green (who was always a bit of a renegade)

The soft and sinister purples also come to view
Not all of them are nice, some of them are worn, not as new

There's oranges that roll downstairs (would you like a taste?)
The citron taste does not, the fine palate,  escape

The yellows pour in
some sunshine, some shades of *****

And then for cool and bright blues
(this isn't all, too)

We also have greys, blacks, whites
So step right in and order yours tonight

We don't charge much for shipping and handling (though they're much too hard to hold)
We can give you any type, light, dark, or bold

This was the house of colors, we hope you liked what you have seen
We also give quality: fat, thin, or a beam

We can give you rainbows (though those are getting rare)
And you must be extra careful with them (they easily tear)

So welcome to the house of colors
Not a normal house like others
Apr 2015 · 313
Enjoy Life
Xphaedos Apr 2015
We could spend the day
Talking about the things that take our breaths away
We could spend watching the sunset
Laughing, and yet
We choose to spend our life sad
I think we should just enjoy what we can, and neither be sorrowful or mad
Apr 2015 · 331
Xphaedos Apr 2015
Cut off tongues
That fools have rung
Take my hand, blind trust
And into the darkness we plunge
In which we save humanity
From the corrosion that can end with you and me
I don't know. But I had fun writing the ending.
Apr 2015 · 334
Unanswerable Questions
Xphaedos Apr 2015
What is freedom?

What is loud?

What is quiet?

What it time?

What is love?

What is insanity?

And, finally, define yourself.
In comments, if you want to, you can answer these. I might get interesting answers, hmm....
Apr 2015 · 814
Not a Goodbye
Xphaedos Apr 2015
Love you, never goodbye, and one beautiful word for you: hi.
Apr 2015 · 283
Xphaedos Apr 2015
Starts in drafts
And wraps
Around you
Biting your skin in late afternoon

Kissed by the cold
Apr 2015 · 1.4k
Childish (10w)
Xphaedos Apr 2015
There's nothing wrong with being childish. Why not more often?
I believe that everyone has an inner child and they should release it more often so they can live a full, happy, while life.
Mar 2015 · 250
Never Goodbye
Xphaedos Mar 2015
Only thinking of you, nothing and nobody else
Alone at night, sitting, tired, on this couch
The skies are dark, and all is quiet, except for the typing of my keys
I’m staying up for you, beloved, because I know you’d do the same for me

My feet are getting cold, and if only you were here,
I’d be warm and not so lonely, and I’d whisper in your ear
Right before I fell asleep, my head against your shoulder
“I love you.” and I would no longer be growing colder

But for now, all alone in the living room
As silent, cold, and quiet as a tomb
I have only one thing on my mind, and it isn’t sleep; it’s you

Alone, at night
growing colder
Alone, at night
probably older
But the point is neither
Only that I’m thinking of you though alone, there are knives at
my heart, as well as my skull, trying to chip away bone
I can only think of you, not even going to sleep
And whisper to the air in the darkness, hoping you’re responding back to me

I’m going to stay up until the morning’s first light
And fall in love at first sight
Because you’ll be beside me on this makeshift bed, even though
it’s really all in my head

I can wish, can’t I?
And I most certainly can dream
but when the sunlight comes, you’ll turn to dust and I’ll run
from the room, because I’ll be alone and I’ll be missing you

All throughout the day, ninja stars will be shredding my heart
But when dark falls, I can talk to you again, whether you’re really here or not
or you’re simply my thought
And the cycle will repeat
And on this couch I’ll take a seat and I’ll be

Alone, at night
growing colder
Alone, at night
probably older
But the point is neither
Only that I’m thinking of you though alone, there are knives at
my heart, as well as my skull, trying to chip away bone
I can only think of you, not even going to sleep
And whisper to the air in the darkness, hoping you’re responding back to me

I’m going to stay up until the morning’s first light
And fall in love at first sight
Because you’ll be beside me on this makeshift bed, even though
it’s really all in my head

— The End —