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LaSandra Akesson Sep 2015
"Stand still and let me love you, then I will grant you a peek into the depths of my soul.  For within me are deep, quiet, and still waters, few are willing to  tread for fear of drowning in the mere shallow end."
LaSandra Akesson Sep 2015
As I slide into my little red dress, I glance at the mirror on the side wall and notice it's slightly crooked. I quickly adjust my view, grasping my hair in one hand, and "pony tailing it" with the other.

"How could he raise a hand to this fine body?" I think loudly, as I rub my firm round hips.  Smoothing away every wrinkle visible that might distract from my hour glass figure.

As I'm dusting my face with the finest of powders, I make sure my subtle lips are moistened with ruby red dew.

Blowing that final kiss in the wind, I grab a little "Oscar" to splash on my visible *****.  

"He loves me right?" Closing the door behind me, with keys in hand, I lock her in - the abused woman.  

No one will ever know (or care to meet her).  She just is.
LaSandra Akesson Aug 2015
Us in love, rainbows made from cotton candy and bubble gum.
Head back, smiling toward the sunshine, warm hand around my waist.
Sprawled across the lawn, lips moist, plump, ripe and ready.

Us in love, sweet wine, flower nector, butterflies dancing above our head. Laughter, then giggles, followed by silent stares that mean the world. You promise forever, but I hear eternity when you speak.

Us in love, rhapsody divine, angelic sounds when I lay on your chest.
Heart beats in sync, candles spent, no concept of time or space.  I pounce toward your intentions, you capture my cause and we wait.

Us in love, never cold or tired, flowing curtains in the wind.  Gapping love birds whisper in envy.  Unicorns trot around our encampment, fairy dust drizzles over our heads.

Us in love, Us in love, Us in Love.
LaSandra Akesson Aug 2015
"Come, hold my hand and let's glide down this less traveled road called NO FEAR, where the sun doesn't always shine and friends may lose dedication to your cause - but we'll always have each other. "
LaSandra Akesson Aug 2015
Her grave had no marking.  It was wedged between two esteemed others.  Visibly only by a gap and indentation.

It was raining that day, I'll never forget.  Embarrassed by how long it had been since I returned, I locked myself down in the car seat.

A tall willow tree swaying over your grave seemed to lure me out of my car.  Suddenly I found myself standing on the spot where you lay.

A flood of tears, and gitters uttered forth as I fell to the ground sobbing.  I watered your grave with my tears that day.  A pain in my heart caused me to gasp repeatedly.

Then it happened.  A soft white thick cloud of dandelion seeds appeared over my head and gently falling down, each one kissing my face.  I instantly stopped crying because I was utterly amazed.  And a smile replaced my frown, remembering you knew how much I loved these floating fairy wings.

I'd gather them from near and far in order to sit on your porch and blow them into the wind, making a wish on each and every one.

You confirmed, you were with me then, and now.  And you always will be.

Rest peacefully my beloved Ida Mae.  You will forever be cherished and remembered.
LaSandra Akesson Aug 2015
As you lay there, scantly clad, content from the love we just made, I wonder if you know...

The swirl of my hips and rhythmic dance of my tongue in your mouth, are clear indications this is mere lust.

I've banished, even forbidden, the L word from the act, since this hair pulling moment is just to scratch an itch.

How I wonder if you knew that I was contemplating a second round, since I'll most likely change my locks.

Old toys get replaced. No offense.
***, lover, lust, Whoopie
LaSandra Akesson Jul 2015
"Caught between some place and any place, the vast grey matter found here still contains specs of hope that glisten when the right angle of light is provided.  Such is soothing and pleasing to the mind, which I call peace and where I choose to dwell.  Esteem me not, lest you lose sight of your own path and stray beyond life's passage to happiness."
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