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  Nov 2015 Unknown
Chalsey Wilder
A heart isn't a game
*** isn't a game or a gamble
Tears are potions of frustration and pain
*** was never intended to be physical gain
I could knock on this ****
Point out everything not worth it
But still no one would ever get what my mouth tries to say
This age, and this day
Nothing but a petty game I'll have to play
So tired.
  Nov 2015 Unknown
Noellyn Catalan
I'm gonna SMILE like
nothing's WRONG,
PRETEND like every-thing's
all RIGHT, ACT like its
all PERFECT, even though
inside its REALLY HURTS
#Pieces #Wasted #Hurting
Unknown Nov 2015
I hate the wind
It blows away all my heat
Just like what happens
To every person I meet
It leaves me stranded
Like bare feet
In the winter snow
Trapped Knee deep
With nowhere to go
  Nov 2015 Unknown
Chalsey Wilder
"She kisses me like she's trying to **** the life out of me. Who'd have thought those are the moments I feel most free."
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