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The inner growl Sep 2019
she observes her setting for a while
she plans her points
she sets her anchors
she notices the challenges
she takes the risk
she starts building her web
she finds the center and waits

she is drawn in by the scent
she is drawn in by the light
she is drawn in by the beauty
she is drawn in by the safety
she is drawn in by the peace
she is drawn in by the similarity
she is drawn in by the difference

i am hence stuck in this sweet torture
i am content in my waiting
i am content in my trap

waiting for her to **** me dry
waiting for her to leave me high
waiting for her to make me cry

i sit waiting in terror.
i sit waiting for the transfer
i sit waiting for her power

a healthy trade
ones evil to be paid
for a heart that beats delay.
justification of sorts
a reward for her grit
chomping on a fresh bit
but now its time to relish in the play
this is only part one
just wait for it.
you'll get it one day.
everyone deserves to be loved, despite how scary that is to admit to one's self.
The inner growl Aug 2018
My loud voice is shattered
I’ve spoken my truth

Now I slightly whisper
I literally spent all my cooth

I’ve saved your bullets for you
In case you try to point in your mouth and shoot

I have no other words
I have nothing else to prove.
The inner growl Aug 2018
I find myself begging for fights so I can add it to the excuse pile

I find myself laughing inside when you’re  ****** or picking a fight

I find myself grinning when you grumble

I find myself daydreaming of days where I get to do what makes me happy

I find myself.
The inner growl Aug 2018
Tell me why I want to leave

But when it looks like it’s really happening I feel guilty

I feel ashamed

I feel weak for giving up.

But if I don’t.

I’ll never heal
And then I won’t ever get to heal again

And that’s what I’m here for

But tell me why it’s so hard to heal when you’re close

But so hard to love when it’s so far away
The inner growl Aug 2018
I’ve lost the words to say
I’ve lost the will to stay

I can’t let it stay this ******* way

Even in your pain
I find for myself potential gain

As in leaving
Finding what it’s like to be freeing

But it’s the task I’m having a hard time completing
The inner growl Jul 2018
Look I know you bound me
Set a veil all around me

And it’s quite astounding
How I’ve been sounding

My heart starts pounding
Can’t breathe like I’m drowning

I need Solid grounding
If only time was allowing

In this rebirth I’m crowning
Smiling while she’s still frowning

I need to run from her hounding
I’m so tired of jousting

The straight line I was following is rounding
I keep running no matter what the sidelines are shouting

I can almost hear the crumbles of the walls around me crowding
The inner growl Jul 2018
The weight of loss
Shakes the mind all the way across

To open the connection
And immediately be shaken

A polite laugh immediately mistaken

The only thing to do now is sit in waiting

Overwhelming up and downs

I want to take it all from everyone
I want to be the lean to for all not just one
I am not strong enough but I’m not even done
I am just waiting for the right moment to come
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