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I write him far-away poems
Jerking off in lamplight
Public *******
Reflecting back on my face
Screen attachment to a maybe
 Mar 11 Styles
We sip congratulatory Miller lites
In the bar with the 50 cent pizza
The poor mans gala I thought to myself and chuckled

But Heather she whispered
And drew me close, her lips against the folds of my ear
“I still think of her”

“When” I say
“Everytime we make a major relationship decision”

She wants to know is it wrong
I say no
But what I mean is “you’re not alone”
 Mar 8 Styles
Your fingers trace me hip to breast
Switching back and forth against my curves
Sending ripples down my middle
And splitting me wide open
 Mar 8 Styles
You told me so many times
That I deserved better
But I never heard you
 Mar 8 Styles
Sakshi Balla
Love sounds like music to me
Music sounds a little like her voice
And a bit like her breath
Over the way she would call my name
Slow soft tones, I think I love my name
It's a ******* music to my ears
Her love is the ******* music I can't stop listening to
Until it wears me out of my trance
And I find the home, the sense of belonging in her music
I find everything I ever wished for in this music
 Mar 6 Styles
 Mar 6 Styles
Was I born with this
The part that  can’t be tamed
She craves chaos
A cigarette between my fingers
A straw parting my lips
My bare feet on stone, sand, tile, dirt, mulch, glass
But she’s never here when I wake to wash the cuts, to rinse the sin, to recover the funds
Is she me or is she chemical
 Feb 21 Styles
 Feb 21 Styles
I'd always die for your attention,
I'd always cry for your attention,
I'd always lie for your attention,
I'd even live, if I get your attention,
Love, care, whatnots, I just need your attention,
It is suffocating, this suppression
attend to this sensation.
My guy is a diamond
Precious and rare
So sparkly and beautiful, too

My guy is platinum
Hard as metal
Adorning my body
Almost a jewel

My guy is silver
He could be better
But still worth wearing outside

My guy is steel
Strong and true
And he is almost stainless

My guy is a rusty old bike
On which I used to race
But our riding days are over
He’s rotting away without a trace
I will stay in the back of your mind
I will stay there for years
Perhaps your whole life
And though it’s not the place
I’d choose to be
Any spot is fine for me
It’s your mind
So in it, you are the boss of where I will be
 Aug 2023 Styles
 Aug 2023 Styles
the musk this evening
mixed with the dark cherry overtones
of smoke
I could fall in love with myself
if I wasn’t me
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