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  Jun 2020 Sky
Monsters don’t exist
Still, we are very afraid
Because we made them
Monsters. A concept so often used to represent anything dislikable to society, which we are afraid of. Yet literal monsters don’t exist.
  Jun 2020 Sky
sweet dream
night mare
  Jun 2020 Sky
Gone were those days
when we laughed with the butterflies,
coloured the cotton candy clouds,
danced with the ocean tides,
built castles of sand,
whistled the wind's sound,
and held the sun in our hands.

I still paint your name across the sky,
Do you still catch the stars for me?
  Jun 2020 Sky
Bansi Adroja
Depression is
a life lived under water
numb to feeling
robbed of sound
rising in the tide
at the whim of the waves
and hopeless
  Jun 2020 Sky
Path Humble
you stand on your own two legs

you stand straight,
begin wherever fate
has you fall in,
but well remember,
wherever the line dance snakes to, 
direction and destination,
you remain you-true,
on your own humble path,
be ever-wary of the snakes
traveling along side you
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