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Jessica Aug 2019
My phone is at the bottom of the river
Along with the letters
I wrote to you
I pray that the water
Washes away
The words that hurt
To say out loud
I'm too proud
I'll let my ego
Drown my doubts
You'll sift through
My filthy clothes
Drenched with woven
Uneven patterns
  Jun 2019 Jessica
I know you feel you’re drowning
You’re lost in your own head
You’re a prisoner to your consciousness
Every breath is filled with dread
I know you feel it’s over
You’re fighting like you’ve lost
I know you waged the war
Without knowing the cost

You tell me all these words
To describe the mess inside
The monsters that devour you
The ways you try to hide
I don’t know how this ends
I won’t lie to earn your trust
But I do know this one truth
Even monsters turn to dust
  Jun 2019 Jessica
There's a tear in my soul
And the stuffing's falling out
Surprised you're not surprised
I was never real
Eyes of glass
Heart of gold
My flesh is made from silicone
Imperfect, blemishes and wrong
Hands are cold
Warm as stone
I was never real
Yet I still feel alone
I need this lie
To bleed itself out
And cut through this flesh
Of silicone
Do I mean anything more to you?
  Jun 2019 Jessica
touch me
like the way I am

only the things
I want to see

peel off your skin
I want to see under
the layers

I'm dancing in this heat
will you come
and pull me closer

tell me no
I hear your footsteps
pull me down

where no one can see us
how will I forget the image of your skin
mold it against mine

we sweat
we laugh
we shiver

hold me
I'll promise you the world
I speak
everything you want to see
  Jun 2019 Jessica
Love and confusion confounding the illusion of trust in a systematic regime which they deny ever existed but constantly promise to improve upon. The hat's shape and color may change, but our inability to exchange their deranged platforms for a stabler form of expression exposes our disillusion with dispossession and our embracing being complacent in the face of our rulers' all-encompassing corruption.
If the truth hurts, revel in its burn.
  Jun 2019 Jessica
they’re cursed
cast down from their families
she, the girl with secrets to bare
he, the boy with the cursed heart
them, the boy and girl with the secrets and the broken heart
they come together to form one beautiful, broken disaster
  Jun 2019 Jessica
even as I lift it like a wounded bird off pavement,
out of its case and against my chest
as my heart cradles it close and my hand presses it away.
I don't let it in yet. I can't. Not yet. Maybe never.
The viola sits atop my knee and waits for me.

And they know - I know they know - how long it's been
From my own lips, lips that once would hum along
As younger fingers danced up and down that ebony stage...

It's nothing to me now, but it's a gift, so it's everything.

...they'd dance for hours, because I loved it.
I grew around it and it grew through me,
This need I could never share without seeming crazy
And maybe I was.
I loved the feel of it, the sound of it,
like a thunderstorm waiting just for me,
in the palm of my hand

like the one turning the viola atop my knee.
The strings face outward. When the time comes to play,
She will turn a graceful arc until the cool of her rib
rests against my shoulder like a lover's temple,
her eyes turned up to wait for me
to realize just how long it's been.
I adore giving gifts because I adore revenge. I deeply regret every time I've been ungrateful for gifts I didn't know how to accept. I deeper regret each time I've failed to pay a gift-giver back in kind.
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