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Herselfher Mar 2019
She wondered
Is she learning from her past
Is she repeating the same mistakes
Was this going to last
Was this the non-traditional
Storybook ending
Or was this just a harder lesson
Than the past
She wondered
#past #lesson
Herselfher Mar 2019
Woke up today
Even for the pain
& swollen eyes
A new day
New adventure
Convincing myself
#okay #ok #eyes #tears #grateful
Herselfher Mar 2019
Took him for granted
Maybe he was not that bad
I didn’t realize what i had
Until someone else
gave him a chance
For her,
he is the best
She has ever had
For me he is my sad
Herselfher Mar 2019
Wishing a knight in shining armor
would save me
From my fears
Wipe my tears
Years of pain
& Sorrow
Longing for a rescue
Fairytale, yea,
It does not exist
Herselfher Mar 2019
Everyone wants to be a
super hero,
But only for validation
Herselfher Mar 2019
From the outside looking in
Everything is alright
But on the inside if my organs could talk
They would spew
Of the most pleasurable poisons
Drugs, alcohol, ***,love
Things You would never get.
So i just shake your hand
Pretending normalcy,
Just like you.
#normal #drugs #*** #poison #love #justlikeyoi
Herselfher Feb 2019
It was about an hour train ride
One to relax
Think of past regrets
& stress about future ones
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