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101 · Oct 2022
Slow Suicide
Kole J McNeil Oct 2022
There is no gn to my head
There are no p
lls in my hand
But a slow sucicide is my poisin
Small smiles
Tight laughs
Small cuts
Slow sucicide is how I die
Playing in snow
Eating air
Sleeping days
Caffine nights
Slow suicide is my choice
Silver pens
Red paint
Smoky lungs
Whisky breath
Slow suicide is a petty death
Braclet wrists
Long sleeves
Empty ribs
Cold hands
Slow Suicide
Slow Suicide is my choice of death.
93 · Dec 2021
Kole J McNeil Dec 2021
You hit me
you hung me
you cut me
you broke me
but i'd never leave you
92 · Dec 2021
Trans Boy
Kole J McNeil Dec 2021
Tugging my shirt away from my chest
Hunching my shoulders
Breathing shallowy
Tugging on my hair
Pulling the sleeves of my shirt
Hiding my face
This is how it feels to be trans for me. Hating my body, my mind, other people. And people hating me. Thats what it's like for me at school. Its terrifying
86 · Mar 2021
Kole J McNeil Mar 2021
You should "smile" more
Why do you always look so depressed
So I do
I smile
I laugh
I watch the world pass by me pretending
I smile
I laugh
I carve it into my face
I wish my poems came out the way my thoughts are in my head
It's all a mess
All jumbled up
Loud and harsh
Headache inducing voices that never shut up
The smile is disillusioned happiness
I keep smiling
I will smile myself to an early grave
With my actions
I no longer have any idea who I am
I list off my fake dreams and my fake goals
But I never believe I will live to make them a reality
I act fine and no one questions it
Im bitter and broken
Im angry and lost
I got sober for a while but thats when all the pain came back
I was clean for a while but thats when I could no longer take the internal pain
No longer happy
But Im saved for one more excruciating day
Why can't you just let me die
Nothing happend
I'm fine
See im smiling
All your problems will be solved
I don't remeber what my real smile looks like
I'm so numb and empty
I just wish smiling wasn't a chore
I wish I could write my esseys the way I write my poems or books
I don't know whats so ****** up with my brain but thats ok
I'll just smile for one last day on earth
Im scared for any change though
The pain has become a fimillar feeling
I feel lost without it
I feel like of im not in pain I don't have a personalty
My mental illnesses have become my personality
I'm no longer a person just a problem
One last
No i'm not ok. im not fine. im not happy. I'm not smiling anymore.
86 · May 2021
Kole J McNeil May 2021
My World Geo class is so loud
Its like ive started floating in a cloud

My mind has gone blank
I feel like I need a crank to work

I can't feel my hands
My life is numb

It's too loud
Its time for a panic attack

I cant wait to have my 4th one today
I cant foucs ITs too loud and my hands have no feeling. Its strange
84 · Feb 2021
my story untitled
Kole J McNeil Feb 2021
That Is what MY story is
My story has not a title
MY story
It has no title because it will end soon
I will wait until the last period is placed
I will wait till the cover is closed
I'm not ready to be labeled yet
I don't have any label nor do I wish to be labeled
84 · Feb 2020
Kole J McNeil Feb 2020
Like a pencil to paper
The blade to my skin draws lines
I release my pain and thoughts with every cut

This is my life I'm sorry if I disappoint
I know its short but it reflects my life in a few short lines.
78 · Dec 2020
Kole J McNeil Dec 2020
I am trapped
In this computer
In my phone
In techolagy
I am the prisoner of my own genoration
MY words live inside this divice
Im a mess of thoughts and anger
I am trpped
Inside my own mind
In my own thoughts
In my words
In my anxity
Im a mess of words and hate
I am trapped
In school
In the bullying
In the hate of other kids
In the judgemntalness and dissapointment in my teachers eyes
I am A mess Gods im a mess
I am trapped
In all these sleepless nights
In the bottom of this bottle
In these pills
In the hate for myself
I am trapped
I am truly trapped
75 · Jan 2021
Drunk on my Youth
Kole J McNeil Jan 2021
I remember that what I held in my eyes were dreams and stars and in my hands were the pens with six colors and bottle cap shots

Now in my eyes is the pain that came with growing up and in my hands shots to forget

I remember when all the worries were of who had cooties and who had a crush on me

Now its about who wants to **** me and who wants to drug me

It used to be king of the castle and blanket forts

Now it's cigarettes and ***

It was play dates and playgrounds and crayola markers making rainbows on the page

Now it bed sheets and lights off and silver markers that draw red lines on skin like paper

It was coloring inside the lines and playing nice

Now its late assignments and bullying

It was can't wait to see and have a good day

Now it's ******* later and go cut yourself

It was juice boxes and lunchables

Now it's ***** and starving

I miss the old me, when my friends still loved me, when I didn't feel like cutting myself up and drowning my problems in alcohol and pills. I wish I was drunk on my youth not my dads whisky every night.
72 · Jan 2022
Kole J McNeil Jan 2022
Ciggerets gather on the dashbored
Shot glasses piled high
Windy night
Shivering in your arms
As you hold me tight
No light on your lips
The ciggrett dangles from my mouth
And you hold me
Not judging
Just there
In a moment
That I will Never Forget
You don't care about my vaices
My habits
My pains
You don't give me these things
But you accept
That this is me
And i'm doing all I can to hold on
Thank you dearly
For I love you
For not being the reson I let go
I love her and she understands that this helps. She may not get how or why but she understands
72 · Jan 2021
Kole J McNeil Jan 2021
You make me want to write
Words so bitter but oh so sweet on my toung
The words u said to me sour in my mouth as I repeat them

Im a slave to your words
Im a slave to your love
Im a slave to you
71 · Jan 2021
Shut Up
Kole J McNeil Jan 2021
Shut up, Shut up, Shut up
69 · Dec 2021
Intrusive thoughts
Kole J McNeil Dec 2021
Holding a pencil
"Stab her"

Holding a bottle
"Hit your head"

Using headphones
"Choke youreself"

These intrusive thoughts run around my head
These intrusive thoughts make me crazy
67 · Apr 2021
Kole J McNeil Apr 2021
And Im falling
Falling through my thoughts
Falling down
Falling in
Falling alone
A void of stares
Silent stares
Im falling through
through my thoughts
Falling through my thoughts again
Goodbye ill try again
maybe we'll meet in another life
but goodbye
I say falling of the cliff
67 · Oct 2021
When I Was Alive
Kole J McNeil Oct 2021
No one cares
and no one sees
No one cares
and now I'm gone

Youre tears fall down
and you say I'm missed
You say you love me
Hoverd over my body

If you cared
You would have seen
That when you touched me
I dissapered

You would have seen
my soul turnd to dust
You woukd have seen
My eyes grow dark

You say you care?
Then where were you
when I was alive...
63 · Feb 2020
Better Off Dead
Kole J McNeil Feb 2020
my misery knows no end
The darkest thoughts come forward

I tell people and they see a therapist
The therapist says take thees pills you'll be happy

What is happy
You can't just fix this

It doesn't work like that

My Boyfriend says
"I'll fix this. I know I can"
But you cant.

Everything you say I
twist to make it negative

Sometimes I think
I'm better off dead.

My friends say
"You can get through this just smile and breath."

I wish I could

"Get some sleep you'll feel better"
But the nightmares don't help.

Soon all you feel is empty

Sometimes I think
I'm better off dead.
62 · Apr 2021
Ruler among them all
Kole J McNeil Apr 2021
Heavy is the crown upon the head of the queens of broken hearts and burning love
Heavy is the heart of the kings who lost the war

I don't know who i am
no i don't know who i am

I sit upon a throne of lies wearing a crown i didn't earn I stole this throne
And I will rule
I will be a God among humans
I will be the king among peasants
I will be the ruler they never saw coming

I don't know who I am
No I don't know who I am

I am the boy who will never love I am the boy who was never seen
I was the boy who killed himself to be the ruler he knew he was
Idk know what or who i am. Ive got so many people in my head im standing on the edge right now
62 · Apr 2021
The way you look at me
Kole J McNeil Apr 2021
the way you look at me
while on the floor
with the bottle in hand

they way you look at me
while lying in the ****** tub
with the blade in my hand

they way you look at me
while tying the rope
around my neck

the way you look at me
while standing on the edge
so high i think i can fly

the way you looked at me
when I said goodbye
when you caught me
from the edge of that building
when i fell entangled in your arms

the way you looked at me
broke my heart
58 · Dec 2020
unseen insomniac
Kole J McNeil Dec 2020
My heart is weak
My hands are shaking
My knees weak
My eyes are dark and blood shot

I'm lying in my bed
It's 9:00pm
Almost bed time
My Brother is in bed
My dad is aspleep on the couch
The is TV playing in the living room
The fake news is all I hear now

My mum is cleaning the house
She has siad goodnight to my brother
She has taken a shower
She is ready for bed

My mums in bed
She said good night
I'm still sitting in my bed
I should be asleep
As usual i'm the last one awake

I'm still sitting here
My mind is racing
I'm staring at my computer

14 missing assignments
I have sat here all day
I need to compleate them
I look at my grades

That is what I am

I finally looked away from my computer
Still 14 missing assignments
I plug in my computer
I unlock my phone
I put my headphones in
Just a half an hour

Time to sleep
School tommrow
I have to sleep


2:00 am
I have to wake up in an hour
How did time pass so fast

6:00 am
49 · Sep 2020
Kole J McNeil Sep 2020
What is feeling
It's like I'm just a shell
There is nothing left
My soul has left
I have left


T-ested daily
Y-oung with and aged mind
48 · Dec 2021
I am
Kole J McNeil Dec 2021
I am..
Ripped jeans and hoodies
Beinies and army boots
I am...
Ciggaret smoke and burned holes
Midnight kisses and bloodshot eyes
Dark circles and a bruised jaw
I am...
Flinching at movements and jumping at your name
Black outs in school and broken ribs
I am...
Empty bottles and bleeding wrists
I am...
Kisses under the hidden tress
Love in the shadows and fleeting eyes
I am...
Sneaking out at midnight and falling through my mind.
48 · Mar 2020
Why am I so SAD
Kole J McNeil Mar 2020
Why am I so sad
I feel this crushing weight on my chest
I feel my life imploding
I can feel my friends slipping away from me
I can see the disgust on there face when they see me
I can feel there words when they talk in hushed voices
I can feel my nails on my skin
Raking and ripping and shredding my skin
Blood drips on my arm
I feel my own skin under my nails
I'm disgusted with myself
I want to die
I want to feel
I want know what it feels like to be actually loved
why am I so sad
Why does it feel like I'm drowning
why does it feel like I'm falling, I'm crashing into a void of nothing
#depression #sad
43 · Sep 2021
The Carved Smile
Kole J McNeil Sep 2021
I have a ****** line across my face
It curves up at the corners and looks so pretty
It portrays that im ok
It shows that i'm not dying inside

The blody smile curves at the corners
It gives the illusion that all is ok
It distracts from the dark circles under my eyes
It shows that im ok

The ****** line curves more with every time i'm asked if i'm ok
It grows larger and cuts deeper in with every "I'm ok"or "I'm fine"
It hids the pain that resides so close to the surface

That is my carved smaile
One for socioty that I can't take off
forced by my life to stay perfectly poised
To show no emeotion othere than happiness
It has been forced apoun me by a socioty,
that only cares about apperance
If you stray from the path you must know
the same pain i feel of having craved that
smile into youre own face.
Never let anyone tell you that youre feelings aren't valid or that you should smile more. Im done living a life that i was forced to. I want to be free of this fake carved smile i wear. Its taking time though.

— The End —