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Shane Jun 2016
I tried to send myself love notes
At first I informed the darkest parts of me that I was built on light and compassion
That my remedies were found in the depths of my imagination and to save the world someday
Safe to say I was having a hard time saving myself and I still am

My life is built off impulse and coin flip pragmatism
Now I send myself to sleep at a reasonable hour
Now I leave sticky notes that say “remember to drink water.”
All with the intention to never stop striving to be a better me
Something that until now was ludicrous
Don’t aim that high you’re scared of heights
You’re scared of falling
You’re scared to die but that noose was calling
Let’s go for a ride
Shotgun then off to paradise

Nowadays I say I’m fine
I still wear my heart on my sleeve
My scars and improper melody
My faults and coffee stained morality
But I’m finally me
Finally living even if silently I shiver because sometimes reality speaks in course tones and I’m still raw
Yet still breathing and not so lost
Still wandering with a smirk
Aloof trying to bury my curse and earth seems to be the sweetest berry
I’ve enough cavities already
But with a sweet tooth like mine I can’t help but go for a second helping
Shane Dec 2012
The aftermath of betrayal
Those upon a corrupted throne shall witness my reign of anger
Though not stereotypical
My wrath with come a little bit stranger
Fury with grasp my fingers and lips
And I will dismantle their establishment using cunning as speartips
Shane Dec 2012
A Featherweight mind takes a long draw of a fragment of time cut out exclusively for the purpose of observance

There are delicate fingerprints elegantly marked vertically along his forearm

In case of insurgency, please start here

Dread mixed with a sense of urgency

For what purpose were those fingerprints placed

If not for the eventual laceration
Shane Dec 2012
The wind is as idle as I am today
It groans in halfhearted exasperation,
recalculating avian trajectories at 15 miles an hour
The trees are shaken up
“Give me all your leaves!”
They comply with as much dignity as nature brings
Crumpled sighs as they acquiesce and deliver
The same bounty demanded every winter
Shane Oct 2012
Some say that giving us freedom was a mistake

Whites, cameras, action!

Blacks are discriminated for a “whiter” satisfaction

We’re in the media, and we pretend it doesn’t hurt

But you have to admit it kinda sticks when the black guy dies first

How much positivity is connected to us on television

African American innovators still get no recognition

Instead follow that Kobe, or Tiger into the eye of media slander

That’s because even if it’s negative attention we choose to accept it

We run with it, have fun with it

Quite frankly, we should be done with it

There’s a reason why we as black people have such negative reception

When the results of our conflicts usually end with transgression

How often do you see

A black man on T.V.

Without a gun, drugs, or a crime scene he must flee

That’s not what I want our people to be identified with

But that’s not going to change until we stop accepting it

We aren’t unified as a people

Half of us recognize and sound up the movement

While the other half is content with only the other half doin’ it

Until we are unified as a whole no change will be made

We know this

Some of us just choose to stay the same
Shane Dec 2012
I escaped from the Cognitive Radiance Suppression Clinic two nights ago

Slipped through the pressure cracks unnoticed

No precautionary measures

Just focus

On the outside I sung

Swept into a tornado of metaphysical

****** into a whirlpool of the spiritual

I was connected to the universe

Amplified by my well versed tongue

However, the reverie didn’t last long

My mind was confiscated

I was told its volatility needed to be monitored for safe measures

Now it’s attached to suppression plates

In that asylum I lay dormant

Patiently waiting for my next outbreak

— The End —