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 Aug 2018 April
Keith Wilson
I was walking leisurely
one fine day
I found a shortcut
on the way
but it wasn't to be
I landed up under a tree
grazed my arm
and my knee
The root of the tree
I didn't see

A young lass lifted me
up from the grass
She was half my age
so I didn't mind
the fall
Shaking, she took me
home for tea
All because of the root
that I couldn't see
 Aug 2018 April
Keith Wilson
It's ok to grow a beard
these days
It's all the fashion
I remember a chap in the army
put on a charge
for missing one whisker
while shaving
My how things have changed
 Aug 2018 April
Infamous one
 Aug 2018 April
Infamous one
He was one that could talk to everyone but everyone is so stuck on posting or texting. He could start a conversation and wanted to know people. Online dating people ignore you and don't take it serious he was one that would rather get rejected in person put forth an effort.
He was not into labels all he did was be a good person treat others right. He missed his friends everyone got older being responsible working to survive. Found love got married started a family.
He felt he was behind but would notice change some divorce. He was cut out once most of his friends found a partner he kept them in his memories. He learned to keep living make more memories. He had his share of failed love that made wait not rush into anything because most of the time he ended up with the wrong person.
As he got older it felt he was fading away, what he loved was replaced gone. now he needed to start over find new this routine got old.
Everything went away, he got tired of losing. The heartache was common everyone he loved left leaving him feeling ababndoned. Change was always hard as he got older he learned to adapt.
 Aug 2018 April
High in the forest trees
Summer spirits
   Ride the breeze...
Timeless souls
Beneath they gather
Summer hearts
   Waxing fatter...
Summer romance
Nature's desire
All of her children
   Drawn to the fire...
Something else
Is about to bloom
   An Autumn Moon...
Traveler Tim
 Aug 2018 April
Art transcends the hold of truth
no longer slave to certitude
regarding what is meant to be
or what’s viewed in critique

some would say that it’s a lie
travesty in dogma’s eye
the misuse of divine gifts
truth revisited by the profane

stating what’s not meant to be
still the eye is quickly pleased
by the bending of the norm
redefined to sate our wants

understanding follows form
the muse is counselor to the blind
opening eyes by showing forms
existing only in fantasy

now the new reality
becomes the master in the end
roles are turned in pursuit
of salvation beyond belief

escaping bonds tied to fact
the latter altered to comply
truthfulness in craft’s tall tale
transforms fiction to verity.

© 2018. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20180810.
The poem “Craft’s Tall Tale” was inspired by Pablo Picasso’s quote, “We all know that Art is not truth. Art is a lie that makes us realize truth at least the truth that is given us to understand. The artist must know the manner whereby to convince others of the truthfulness of his lies.”
 Aug 2018 April
cute dog
cuter owner
 Aug 2018 April
Under The Ice
 Aug 2018 April
The faces in the water, they sleep  

  for eternity, their tears



                 ­          deep.

The Frozen Lake of Souls
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