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Kindness, love and beauty, all in the maze of your heart,
Unconditionally, l have loved you since the day we met,
Death is better than to live without your love which is unrated,
Zeal and passion in your love l have made,
Isopyrum flowers so beautiful l can see,
Endless desire of flowers like a flying bee

Rebels can even fight for the unfairness,
Unfortunately l am not a rebel but l fight for love that is endless,
Kudzie you are a piece that can make me whole,
And my heart can be yours in the times of loneliness,
Nature can choose its own path and way,
Directly my heart has chosen where to lie,
And it is only you of course there is nothing that l can say.

I have nothing else to prove only words can tell

Look at me, lonely like a drowsy dead man seen from a mile,
Overcoat me with your heart, your love let me feel,
Violets can never turn red,
Endless love that will never change is all I ever wanted.

You are the hour that can make my day,
Only you can give happiness to my heart that's all l can say,
Unconditional love, the gift that can make my way.
Acrostic: Kudzie Rukanda I Love You
The winter is over,
you can see with a flooding river,
I am now promising to be an achiever,
because the problems of the past are over.
In my heart I am creating a place for you
That is why l am sending you a black rose,
as a symbol for a new beginning,
in a new land with a new feeling.

All the pain that l have caused,
On my knees forgiveness l'm begging.
The door of happiness I have opened,
True love is all that l'm searching,
and in you heart that's where it is made.
That is why l am sending you a black rose,
as a symbol for a new beginning,
in a new land with a new feeling.

You and me together,forever
all the days of the past l can remember,
but all are gone coz now l am a problem solver,
This is the truth l can even guarantee,
because the bright future l can now see,
flying over beautiful flowers like a bee,
That's why l am sending you a black rose,
as a symbol of the new beginning,
in a new land with a new feeling,
the feeling with no ending
A fine gentleman,
noble in reasoning and formally dressed,
infinite in faculties and technology,
in form and moving how express and admirable,
in action like an angel,
in apprehension like God,
the beauty of the world,
the paragon of all animals,
However life is a tedious told tale,
vexing a dull ear of a drowsy man,
a man without Christ,
lost like a prodigal son.

They have sinned against him,
they fall short of the Glory of God,
they ignored and ran away from his law,
but still there is hope on the cross.

He came to redeem us from all the curses,
Saved by the son not by the slave,
he loved the world through his son,
even when our sins are red like cardinal,
as red as scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow.

Through the faith of our father Abraham,
we are saved.
Faith in Christ we are healed,
faith in Christ we are forgiven,
there is hope in Christ.

Rise from the past brother,
its holding you down.
This moment is that matters the future now,
with Christ Jesus life will be amazing,
you will be thrown in the sea of forgiveness,
whatever you have done,
the punishment was put on Christ.

Its never late for Christ,
his love is deeper than an ocean floor,
run into his arms like an open door,
You will never come under his condemnations,
Satan and his accusations,
This is the time,
that you make heirs while the sun shines,
because time and tide waits for no man .
Romans 10 vs 9 "If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved"
Can we call love from the heart where it is not given
Love not given is just like a prayer not answered,
its more painful.
Love not given is like flower not watered,
it feds away and dries up.
Love not given is like a Greek Puzzle,
its so difficult to solve.
Love not given is like an exam failed,
it brings disappointments to the heart.

You know its hard to love and not loved in return.
Its hard just like to open and no one has courage to enter.
Just like to knock and not responded,
Just like to open eyes and see nothing,
Just like to listen and hear not,
Love not given is more than a burden to carry.
#love#     can  you just say it to me #love#
What is in you is what makes me up.
I am made up of your love if you go away I'll die.
How can l live without you if you are my breath,
How can l see without you if you are my sight,
as awkward as swilling castrol oil is life,
because its you who makes me whole.

You are my robustness,
Its more than a burden to bear life without you,
You are my contentment,,
It will be like driving a mountain to grin without you,
I can be a hero to myself
if it happens that l live without you,
because it will be as difficult as a Greek puzzle for me.
You are the half that can make me whole.
You are the hour that makes my day.

I am made of you
You are my whole life
You are my strength,my happiness, my everything
A single day without your love l will be dead
because its you who makes me up.........
(True love that gives breath of life)
Where is the transformers
for the total transformation of this world,
from its disguise and evilness,
to the nature in which it was meant to be,
the nature of peace, love and joy.

Where is the place for peace,
when the hunger for love is more than the hunger for bread,
when cruel leaders are replaced by cruel leaders,
when poverty and diseases proliferated Africa,
when sin is now regarded as good,
Where is the place for peace.

When is the time for restoration,
if time is spend to look for money instead,
if evil is advancing with time everywhere,
if the time for war haven't known its pinnacle,
if time for peace is smaller than a drop water in a tank,
if yesterday, today and tomorrow are always bringing tears in the eyes of the innocent,
When is the time for restoration,

Where is the transformers
for the total transformation of this world
from its disguise and evilness
to the nature in which it was meant to be
the nature of peace, love and joy
Spate of inspiration for Global turn up @
compliments to all loved ones
I think my fears has swindled me
The way l was used to do, now its not the same
l have lacked courage even from the beginning
because l didn't believe in myself, was thinking
that it might not be the way l wanted
but at last l realized
I am the one dying from inside.

When she smile even not at me,
that's when that feeling of love start to come.
When her face is looking angry,
in my heart its more than a burden to carry.
I have never loved someone like this before.
Maybe its my misconception I don't know.
What l am conscious of is vivid
I am dying from inside.

Should I let it end up like this
Dying from inside to me is like a mess
I wanna try but where can l find the strategy
how can I try when l am loosing courage
Maybe this might be the only way to vent
Letting her read this up to the end.
Even though it was a tight end,
but this might let me transcend.
Dying from inside,I can't wend.
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