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Some people are the morning
And some the night

I am a short-lived moment
making false promises
The soft sunset
lost in neon lights
The quiet sunrise
tip-toeing out the door

I am the in between
Empty sheets, empty streets
I am the in between
Wasted time, wasted lines

You should know me by now
I am everything you claim to love
And everything you can take for granted

You never need to worry about me

I-I am just a body you wanted to know
Some people are...
I-I am just a body you thought you knew
Some people are...
I-I am just a body you used to know

Some people are your morning
And some your night

I am what I am
A short-lived moment
the in between
now i just watch them slowly walking away
while killing me a little inside
with every step they take
What is my life?
A rollercoaster of ups and downs,
A climb up a hill,
Only for gravity to pull me down,
Why does it feel this way?

Does the universe hate me?
Whenever I get happy,
I mean consistently happy,
Why does something crumble?
Starts as a small break,
Others are a siege upon my world,
A battle I'm unprepared for.

Then tell me,
Tell me what to do,
I wish to be happy,
I wish to smile,
Without fear of sadness.
How much more payback,
Do you require?

May I ask one thing then?
There is something,
Or someone,
I wish to find a piece of happiness,
With them.
May I have that as,
An untainted happiness,
My constant smile,
The only rollercoaster,
That never falls.
Idk I feel lost
If I were to collect then present
Each and every tear I cried
If I were to show
Every emotion I was told to hide
If I were to point out
The litany of moments where I lied
If I were to open up
Recalling the days I wished I'd died
And shamefully admit
The number of times I've tried
Would you be able to love me for me
And put the worst of me aside?
Don't worry if you can't,
The rides creator couldn't even finish the ride

SANA May 23
can i miss him a little less and love him a little long
The water, calm or rowdy, comes in, slowly.
Swarming tides soon become too much,
Drowning me-
And I remain motionless,
As I fear nothing or, am paralyzed by fear,
No, the real movement comes when I am lost.
As I try to find my way time and time again.
Begging for the waters to return,
For true motion to return,
And for my tears to freely flow into the water once more.
Just because I can fight back, does not mean I know the way. Succumbing to emotions requires balance. Just struggle to remain afloat while discovering the tides of the universe.
RC May 14
Everything is that deep for me
I have oceans inside
swells in my chest
the tides have been beating
I can't keep waves in my hand
but I have handfuls of what I can keep

Why does everything feel like it's going to pull me under?
Mrs Timetable May 12
If your heart breaks
Into so many pieces
Are you allowed
To pick any
Or do you
Leave them and come back later
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