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I will make my bed with you tonight
sleep soft and deep beneath your counterpane
no soothing water song, will ease my cares,
for I have none to ease
sing me no sweet tune,
no lullaby beneath the trees
for I am not a child,
a man full grown am I
traveller of the road,
by choice to make home
beneath a starlit sky
Always a treat to see,
Its ever-stretching beauty,
Shall ever be with me,
Like the clouds, ever plenty.

The sky scours freely, matching Her infinity,
The perfect companion,
For even at night,
Her bright strikes provide a sight.
Bringing with it delight and fright,

Been on my mind:
A stream that intertwines,
A gleam born from wayward mountains,
A cabin nestled between,
A plethora of trees,
An ambition for You and Me.

Always a haze,
Leaving but a taste of sweet glaze.
I remember the days,
Whether in my dreams or real life,
Oh, it is always a delight.
From the miniature grasslands of Yosemite to the Great Plains of America, I still was in awe of what a simple landscape can provide.
There is a spot between the Mountains of Nevada and Wyoming, on the main road, where if I could, I would live.

This was written over a period of time, in my attempts to capture, reminisce, about my ideal cabin placement.
Walking fleetingly on Stormy Clouds,
Playing Peek-A-Boo.
From the Lightning and the Rain,
The Thunder too.

Aware of the risks,
Of the Lightning and the Rain,
The Thunder too.
Fleetingly moving,
On Stormy Clouds.
Man 3d
Roaming the rolling sapphire,
Thoughts of home & the bereaved.
Under tide they sink.
Spit back into that grand basin,
Give a good greeting to Poseidon,
Lift up your cup & drink;
To the fathoms we eclipsed,
The journey facing.
** & heave,
Waves crash against the hull
Letting on water;
I've never much cared for
Admitting defeat in the presence
Of overwhelming odds,
I'd rather die on my feet
Bravely meeting the Gods
Silence after rain
no drip on bending leaves
no sound remains
no faint and whispered breath
nothing to be heard
except the wind
and a sweetly singing bird
Her whispers:
Puts my mind at ease,
Cusping my shoulders,
With Her gentle breeze,
Removing a boulder.

O, Wind,
Come again,
In need of reprieve, sweep me.
Come again,
O, Wind,
I need relief.
While I mowed the lawn, the gusts of wind spared me from misery.
Elle May 23
Happiness passed by
So long ago
But the grass looked greener
In scorched fields
And now I wallow
Across dry barren earth
AE May 23
To witness the subtlety of change
in all things that breathe

To grow in this new delicate rain
and spring's easy breeze

To be the colour of water
when it's finally set free
The water, calm or rowdy, comes in, slowly.
Swarming tides soon become too much,
Drowning me-
And I remain motionless,
As I fear nothing or, am paralyzed by fear,
No, the real movement comes when I am lost.
As I try to find my way time and time again.
Begging for the waters to return,
For true motion to return,
And for my tears to freely flow into the water once more.
Just because I can fight back, does not mean I know the way. Succumbing to emotions requires balance. Just struggle to remain afloat while discovering the tides of the universe.
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