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Žõhņ Đõhņ Jul 2015
We need it like this to show ur support n repost
914 · Jul 2015
No more
Žõhņ Đõhņ Jul 2015
The men in her life deserted her
She stay up all night wondering if she deserved it
To them she was just desert
The meal after the good meal

Life was tough cause they all had that special touch
They always made her feel like she was the girl of the house
Without even staying the night
They left with picking fights
She was really was just a mouse trapped in a maze of relationships with no care

No care for who she was
So she grew hate for every man who came
The light at the end of the tunnel always showed Mr Right for the moment
So she grew the hatred for the sweet moments portrayed by the chick-flicks aired at night

Her Knight in shining armor was no more than a character acting in a movie she created with scenes she wished she'd deleted

What you now read is a novel no longer important
Her heart is no longer broken
With the pen in her hand the script is now one which no man should witness
842 · Jul 2015
Stephani  Sylbert Derrick
Žõhņ Đõhņ Jul 2015
"Hello Poetry" people please remove the account the person tryed to scam me on this site. The name is the one above
Don't believe a word from that person.

"King of Poetry" my poem is coming
818 · Jan 2016
Shakespeare's Syndrome
Žõhņ Đõhņ Jan 2016
A dangerous tool to grasp, some used it to break some to mend
Its been said that it goes back way beyond the beginning of time

Of course if someone was misusing it you'd know
The victims bear the scars whilst benefactors bear the smiles

Are we all just cursed? Do we all suffer from Shakespeare's Syndrome?

Couples get married and then divorce
But the love never dies, Shakespeare was right
The love is converted and transfered to the kids
807 · Jan 2016
I Love You
Žõhņ Đõhņ Jan 2016
╔══╗ ╔╗╔═╦╦╦═╗ ╔╗╔╗
╚╗╔╝ ║╚╣║║║║╩╣ ║╚╝║
╔╝╚╗ ╚═╩═╩═╩═╝ ╚══╝
719 · Sep 2015
Reminiscing poem
Žõhņ Đõhņ Sep 2015
Once made a poem called "King of Poetry"
Big mistake,  this no kingdom it's a community
Been makin poems portraying my life since puberty
Always wished they'd understand my lines before judging me

I hate how they say men are the same
Always hated how other men treated women like lames
I guess thats why I made "No more"
I was always the sad guy with the "Heart breaks"
Had to write my "Last sad poem"
Before I got stuck in the "Twist"

When I said "you can have her" that was one of "my poems"
I'm good with the "lazy unfinished poems"
Thinkin back on some of my poems.
649 · Jan 2016
My Dreezy Vibe
Žõhņ Đõhņ Jan 2016
You know things are brutal when the plural goes all singles
The once mutual with constant mingles
Goes all poor and starts to fall on you

You probably kickin you for not stickin it out
Guess it'll forever be your downfall, she's probably wondering whether you've figured it out
From all the clues she left in the house 
Non of this was ever ment to hurt her, you just wanted to make her your spouse

With all the pain she buries in her heart
Is you diggin it up?
634 · Aug 2015
You can have HER
Žõhņ Đõhņ Aug 2015
I'd like to keep her to myself but that aint right
Don't want to deprive anyone their privilege to write
So if she's with me tonight, you can have her the following night I don't mind

I wasn't always like this you know
I've always thought that love was a tunnel that you fall into
and once you hit rock bottom you get broken
Hence the heart broken statuses

I blew everything outta proportion
But when the time came I grew into a better person
So all this affection for Poetry came after a good lesson

Poetry is the only one that fully understands me
I just hope I can fully explain it to you
I love this site
561 · Aug 2015
My Poems
Žõhņ Đõhņ Aug 2015
I'd like to write poems were I'd say my hearts in pain
But I would be playin with you
From my deepest thoughts all my words are plain
I hate to disappoint you but all my poems come straight from the head

See I'm a science students and I know my heart pours blood not love
So I won't surmise the idea of love
I'll support the idea of trust, care and maybe just to like you, hope that don't spike you
548 · Oct 2015
A Woman Scorned Part 1
Žõhņ Đõhņ Oct 2015
She's been through this before
There's only so much you can do before they snap
And she did, but before that

She never had a boyfriend, her love life
Was a game full of players
Who were only looking for a quick score

Her legs would open with flowers
Her heart untouched no-one cared about that
How could God plant a cherry stem on the street?
Stay tuned for 3 piece poem
523 · Jul 2015
Country Men
Žõhņ Đõhņ Jul 2015
A lot of possibilities where made possible through adductive thinking
For once we stopped arguing and started being adducing
All those with bad minds where reduced and all that was left was productive minds
We took in onto ourselves to to straighten our paths
We took it onto our strides and conquered hard times

Now all that's left is to reap the benefits of what we sowed
And watch our ideas manifest in the minds if those who imposed our ideas

The test of life is never to protest when pain is felt
But to except the cards you're delt
To the weak we demonstrate strength
To the strong we acknowledge the time spent to rid the world of the bad stench that we had brought on ourselves
511 · Jul 2015
The Twist
Žõhņ Đõhņ Jul 2015
I strove for success
Did it with civility 'coz I had no haste
She called me Dr 'coz I knew how to handle her anatomy
But now she doubting me
Heard all the tumults that followed with insults
But our love was ordained by the Gods you could hear our orisons

Now who's being indolent
Got the nerve to tell me about our denouement
When I found you, you were banal
Scavenging for Mr Right
So I gave you the keys to my heart
So how could you expect me to surmise that this would be my demise?

Thought you had the occult mind
Able to resist the mockery
So I guess this was all gnarly

But now I heave to the next one
With a lesson learnt.
497 · Jul 2015
Death the Giver
Žõhņ Đõhņ Jul 2015
Death be not proud
And I quote
At school I took notes
As a youngster I had hopes

Dark nights always had white lights in my life
So I can't complain
On our shirts D.O.P. engraved
Death Over Pain

Life after death,  love eternal,  death a moment
Briefly mangled eternally replenished
Death the Giver
No more Death the Ripper

One death, two lives
Death no more than a disguise to trick us of our demise
493 · Jan 2016
Baby Love
Žõhņ Đõhņ Jan 2016
She looked at me with a smile and said: I'm pregnant
With a shock I remained stagnant
The joy in me she could not fathom
Silly thoughts in my mind asked: how did this happen?

But I knew better than to say this out loud
My heart knew this was what happens when people fall inlove

She personified our love as a new born child
My first grasp at my baby Love blew my mind
Love was blessed as a fetus
Everyone around us wanted to be us
I just prefer to leave my poems unfinished so that the readers mind can finish it.
484 · Jul 2015
Lame One
Žõhņ Đõhņ Jul 2015
It makes no sense
Yet you write it  'coz it rhymes
When you read through the lines
You see it lacks strength yet you write when it makes no sense
If it'where business you'd make no cents

Small Poet surrounded by Big Poets
So the constant need to write more hoping you grow more begins to grow like a seed in your head

So Hello Poetry
How you doing?
My name is Zohn Dohn
And these are type of trophies I take home

Next letter to you should be a big one
I wanna be the only one
Crowned as the special one
The "King of Poetry" my biggest poem is coming
475 · Aug 2015
Žõhņ Đõhņ Aug 2015
Funny how she always depicts me as boring
Everytime I tell my story she starts that snoring
But my mood is never broken, I'm forever glowing
I beg the Lord to give me a woman

I'm tired of these girls treating me like a tunnel
I am a fighter, nobody goes through me to reach the light at the other side
I swear they treating me like the other guy
While they main eventing on hearts mind
Love the site man nothin more
449 · Nov 2015
I Give In
Žõhņ Đõhņ Nov 2015
I don't know you myself but I feel like I must help
I dont owe you a cent but I feel like I owe you my strength

Its against my faith but I'll give you a hand
If its power u wish then I'll give you my fire
In this cold world all need is my heart

Been searching the world looking for the one
Stayed out of sight, she's nowhere to be found
I give in, now give me your heart

I'm swallowin my pride give my a smile
I'm swallowin my pride now give me a sign
Zohn Dohn ©
427 · Jul 2015
Last Note
Žõhņ Đõhņ Jul 2015
As I lay my eyes on my notebook, I begin to
feel them dilate..
Not knowing how long I can hold back these
tears, I scribble after spending a minute
reaching for it..
Only to realize that I'm reaching.
Blurred lines is all I can see on the paper and
then tear drops appear in between the lines,
becoming apparent.
Apparently I've been holding on to a forever
that's gone forever...
But letting go takes forever and its been
Letting Go Forever, I'll be with you in a
minute, and for better or worse may that be
Thank God for the waters even if they're
Because as they dry and disappear on my
face I realize that the truth lies in between
the lies that I fed myself,
And this is just me paying the price.
Cutting the ties, I free you to go to the world..
Tell them my story, let them live my joy and
Lord knows I pray they never feel my pain.
I've taken a **** load of drugs, poured my
heart and soul to you, I'm just tired of never
fixing the pain.
May you find some sunshine and every once
in a while don't forget to dance in the rain
just to hydrate the joy and wash away what
used to be the pain.
See, when I met you, you were banal
scavenging for The One* to give you a
I gave you that and more, but sometimes
more becomes less and too much's what you
get when you've been longing for a purpose.
I'll take the blame if its for your sake,
And I wish I could write more but I'm past the
last line of the last page..
And this is the last note I'll ever write for
you.. The irony.
Poem by a very close friend of mine I tributed my first poem here  "The twist" to. Seni  thaDeegit..

Wait for my "King of Poetry" poem.
425 · Aug 2015
Heart Breaks 101
Žõhņ Đõhņ Aug 2015
I never really finish my poems
I just stop workin on them
I could just stop here but I feel I need to tell you something

I'm not confessing to anything
Last I checked you were contesting my every move
At first I felt like we were connecting
Now it turns out you were fakin it

I remember being happy tellin the guys I was wingin it
Do you remember our first song?  Well I was singin it every morning
I pleasured watchin you yawning
Remember picnics watchin the sun dawning?

I swear girl that was the glory
But then you left,  I aint mourning
Now that I think about it we were just *****
Love the site man
418 · May 2016
BiPo Reads
Žõhņ Đõhņ May 2016
This is not your average world
I'll say it once,  and let the truth be known
Our minds controlled, we put our lives on hold
In this sea of sickness we searching for a cure for weakness

I pray for my brothers and sisters
I hope you know that you came from greatness..
Why you selling your soul for papers?
Don't you know he's tryna degrade us?
Father said he's sending someone to save us
What? , did you forget Mary had a little "lamb"?
407 · Jul 2015
I'm confused (40w)
Žõhņ Đõhņ Jul 2015
I cannot be compared to the all time greats of Poetry
I did not invent words they were given to me
Why create words just because you want them to rhyme
In our line of Poetry that should be a crime
402 · Jul 2015
King of Poetry
Žõhņ Đõhņ Jul 2015
Hello Poetry, how you doin?
I swear she's too mellow, make all the fellows think they can have her
But I know the secret
She wants you to think you're a hero
Got you shooting words out the dictionary like its open
With out a reason its beginning to feel like a mission
You wanna succeed, proceed to the next poem with more likes
Hoping you're trending

You wanna be great well guess what?
There's somebody greater
Poetry is the instigator, she got that goad
Make you start thinkin about your goals
It don't have to rhyme, long as your lines don't look like mine it'll be fine

Used to treat Poetry like my girl but she older than that
She like my mums
Tried to impress her but with her hand on my head she told me
No Pressure son no need to trend I'm impressed
Who cares if you trend or not
If it comes from deep,  it'll climb the hills  'n touch the souls it reaches

I'm lying in my bed lying to myself  'bout who the best when we all Kings N Queens of Poetry
So Hello Poetry
I'm Zohn Dohn
One of the Kings of Poetry
I love this site biggup  "Hello Poetry"
394 · Jul 2015
Hello (4w)
Žõhņ Đõhņ Jul 2015
My name is Zohn Dohn
362 · Jul 2015
Lazy Unfinished Poem
Žõhņ Đõhņ Jul 2015
Sometimes He wonders why hunger always strikes  like thunder
You never know until it hits
Words he echoes as He pumps His fist
To the men with nothing but still feed their kids

To Him It was all so sudden
With a flip of a coin all He had to choose from was
Hunger or Hunger?

He envies the rich
Always giving speeches on life when to Him they are no more than thieves who stole from the streets
354 · Sep 2015
HER in my life again
Žõhņ Đõhņ Sep 2015
I just met her a week ago and
I can still smell her as the days go
Never have I felt such zeal for a lassie
A gnarl feeling is beginning to spiral
I'm starting to think my minds tired
Or just crazy

She's the girl of my dreams
The one I see when I sleep
I love the way that she speaks

With my phone I'm never wondering who should I call
I'd like to say we met at the mall
Just to make this poem rhyme but we met at a time
Were a mall was not an option

I treasure her affection,  let her know I'll never desert her
But that's a lie
We aint God , so we make promises we can't reach
You're lier till proven honest

So in the sense of the word "Honest" you can't preach
351 · Oct 2015
Stuck Between Them
Žõhņ Đõhņ Oct 2015
I'm stuck between a daisy and rose
Both I hold dear in heart what do you propose?
I feel like Adam in the garden of Eden
Picking a flower for Eve which one should I leave?

Margarita and Rosa mi favorito en las mundo
Spanish is kinda cool though
Now back to the poem

In a world full of so many, who can you choose?
I choose my words well and try never to be wrong but one disapproves
But the other is enthused

I know what you're thinking
If she agrees she's probably the one right? Wrong
Heard it once being sang in a song
"If she disapproves she can make you strong"

But then again its just a song
I always try to structure my poems, but in this case
All they gave me was a pen and a Pad
327 · Oct 2015
A Woman Scorned Part 2
Žõhņ Đõhņ Oct 2015
"Men are brutal" you hear that?  Plural
Love is beautiful but she hated the funerals
Having to bury another relationship in the dust, but it was a must, they kept using her
She lost trust, stuck in the house. .. sobbing

She was the father faced girl with her mother's hair
At first all men were drawn by her stare
But as time went she drove them off with her scare
The last she deemed worthy
It was costly,  messy plus no-one knew she wasn't ready

Victor was cool he treated her good
When the cherries started popping the man gave her a spoon to start eating
The wonders of the world all at her feet
They shared a table of love with all she could fist
Can a cherry stem really grow in the street?
325 · Sep 2015
Last Sad Poem
Žõhņ Đõhņ Sep 2015
My perfect timing almost missed the show
I guess I was always too slow

I've got a yawning desperation for power
Been at it too long its my final hour
If my words won't succeed I'll buy you a flower
But that still didn't work

I don't understand why you left
I thought I told you how I felt
I thought I succeeded with the heart theft
So it was all an illusion your heart is solid it didn't melt

I swear she got me feelin like Adele
Always the sad songs never the happy feet poems

So if my poems sound sadder and sadder
Know that I'm gettin clever and clever

— The End —