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 Aug 2014 Z
 Aug 2014 Z
I don't know what I want,
I don't know who I am,
And I don't know why I am, for that matter,
I don't know what's going to happen,
Or what should,
But I do know,
Without a doubt,
You deserve to be happy,
And if they don't make you happy, run like hell, because that's the only way you're gonna get out
 Aug 2014 Z
 Aug 2014 Z
I miss the warm bed, but cold air
The way the fire popped in the morning
Or hot cocoa in the evening
Or frost on the grass
I miss the sweaters, hoodies, sweatpants
And visible breathe, teeth chattering
Hand holding
Snuggle closer
Hug tighter
Warm and toasty
 Aug 2014 Z
 Aug 2014 Z
That feeling when your father wakes you up
Says goodbye because he's going to work
And mentions for you to try harder with your new hair
Because the other day it looked like a boy
I wish I was a boy, but no girl ever wants to her that
Let's be honest.
Im not girly, but everyone wants to feel pretty
And something about the way he said it
Made me feel so... ugly
I cried the rest if the day, because a lot had happened (days before)
And all I'll say about that is I overheard him say
"She's going to drag her sister down by not being popular"
Then something else about my friend group
People always 'say oh don't listen to your parents'
You are beautiful
But how freaking hard do you think it is
To have heard from your own father
That you. being yourself, might hurt your sisters rep
Doesn't that make it feel nice to exist.
When I was in theatre the other day,
And my friend said I was pretty.. I reacted
Because I didn't believe it
Because he caused me to take a second glance in the mirror
And think i am ugly
I used to be so secure and high esteem
But it's hard to have that when your own father
Who you've trusted your whole life say those words
Without caring whether your window of life is smudged or cracked
Or even thinking the words I've heard whispered just behind my ear
When they thought I was asleep, or in another room
And I heard what you thought..
I know how you feel...
And I try to block it out and mask it with a smile
But the truth is it is always there.
And I know what you want.
You want the satisfaction of saying your daughter is best in everything
You want the feeling of the starting point guard, straight A's, popularity, and beauty.
Everytime I force myself to pull through it's not so much I want it, but that if I dont get it you are disappointed
And the look on your face causes trembling fingers and puffy eyes for days...
The day you told me stop being a ******* Eartling just so that's would please your hunger for triumph.
To fill in the hole of what maybe you didn't get in your childhood.
All to run down and shatter your daughter
Who now has a brand new issue to face and it's not trophies or medals..
But to think now it's come down to a *reflection in a makeup smudged mirror
 Aug 2014 Z
 Aug 2014 Z
Twisted everything is twisted
Is there an emotion for happy yet sad
Joyful and depressed?
Because it took too long to get over you
And the butterflies in my stomach are dancing no more
There's no more fall into me or the way my heart soared
Only a hollow shell, once filled with hope
That faded away like fog in the morning
A fog that made it hard to see that I couldn't have you
 Aug 2014 Z
Joe Cole
Hand Me Downs
 Aug 2014 Z
Joe Cole
I grew up in a family of nine kids
Yes nine
Times were hard then, not much money
So nothing was ever wasted
My school uniform was so warn patched and darned
That you could almost see through it
Its lucky the three below me were girls
Or next year one of them would have been wearing that uniform
Sunday lunch and we always had meat
Cold cuts on Monday and stew on Tuesday
Because unlike today nothing was ever wasted
We didn't have the fancy toys or expensive holidays
Our summer holiday highlight was sleeping on the ground in an old tent on my aunts farm
But you know we were so happy with what we had
During those holidays in the tent we would go out and collect mushrooms
Bacon,eggs and fresh mushrooms for breakfast
What a way to start the day
Then ragged and almost bare assed
Off into the woods, building camps, bows and arrows
Oh yeah with bare feet most of the time
I look at kids these days, miserable with all the latest gadgets and still wanting more
When I was that kid with nothing
I was happy, I had all I wanted, all I needed
YES I was happy
 Aug 2014 Z
 Aug 2014 Z
Yesterday I stood for awhile
In awe at the beauty of nature
All around me
Thanking God for it all
© SilentCry
 Aug 2014 Z
When you say goodnight
And sweet dreams
You are clearly unaware
That it takes me a long time to sleep
And that when I do sleep my dreams
Automatically become nightmares
© SilentCry
 Aug 2014 Z
 Aug 2014 Z
I've been told contradictions don't exist
So why in the pit of my being is there a void and a mound of lead all at the same time?
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