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unknown Jun 2020
Thank you for being my reason to smile.
Thank you for not leaving, like others.
Thank you.
You are completely amazing.
I love you.
unknown Jun 2020
He said "I'm used to it".
And at the exact moment,
I realized
        we were going through the same thing.
And no matter how many times, I doubt I'll make it out
We'll get through it
Not alone
T o g e t h e r
unknown Jan 2019
The tattoos you left on me
Some can kind of see
But most of them are invisible.

The Tattoos you see
Are all my fault
But you're the one who put it in my brain.

The tattoos you don't see
Linger in the dark.
But come inside my head and you'll see them all over again.

The tattoos to you are just scars
But to me they are everything
Because you caused me to have them in the first place.

The tattoos, you see,
Are the only thing that stays.
Everything else dies.

The tattoos are my children,
And I'm their mother.
But you don't get that do you
The tattoos my mother have made me have.
unknown Jan 2019
I’m waiting for the night to save us.
You’re waiting for the night to break us.
unknown Jan 2019
Nothing but broken.
Im broken.
I tried to be okay.
I really tried.
But I ran.
Ran from everything.
All the thoughts.
All the heartache.
And built my walls.
And forgot about what mattered the most to me.
And now,
I’m blocking people out.
I’m so tired.
I just want to be okay.
Everything is falling apart.
I’m falling apart.
And no one notices.
I want people to notice.
It’s all gone.
  Jan 2019 unknown
My love,

I fell in love with you when I was young.
I remember that you first came to me when I held a hunting knife in my hand,
In front of a 3 ½ by 4 foot mirror.
You found me in the blood that stained my arms.
You came to me, initially, in sets of three.
I was eleven when you came to me.

It was December, I remember, when people found out I loved you.
My cousin asked about the red marks you leave on my arms,
I yanked my sleeve up in fear and responded “It’s just the cat.”
I never wanted to admit I had fallen in love with the most terrifying thing I could imagine.

The kids at school found out about you around this time-
I’d left my hoodie at home, and I couldn’t wear a coat to classes.
Everyone saw your aftermath.
I am surprised the counselor did not call me in to talk about you.

My love,

You had my aunt so angry with me she started to abuse me,
I remember her screaming at me getting worse every time she found out I had relapsed-
How she got more irritable.
I know that in the beginning she meant well-
But eventually, she just started trying to permanently hospitalize me.

You made her believe I was a freak, darling.

My love,

You found me in more ways as the years went on,
You started to mess with my body image and force down my food intake,
And then you forced my teeth to find my leg in a hospital bathroom
because I couldn’t take you back to your roots
Those roots where I held a four inch blade in my hand in a tiny bathroom
In front of the widest bathroom mirror I had ever seen,
Next to a towel clad window-

You eventually made me bruise myself to the point where I had dark brown splotches over my thighs for two and a half weeks.

My love,
I have loved you for five years this coming October.
It’s odd, thinking we’ve been together this long.
I still remember, vaguely, what we looked like together that first time-
I still see your ghost on my arms.

It’s been a month since the last time I’ve talked to you fully,
I’m not counting the days you whisper in my ears and I pull at my hair, you see,
But I can still see the last time we talked.
It’s the pink little mark down the center of my wrist that reminds me we were ever lovers,
And I’m terrified I’m coming back to you worse than ever.

My love,

You scare me.
I mean it. You genuinely scare me,
Because you make me feel so much better for a few hours until I realize I have to get undressed in front of people,
Because I don’t just have a room to myself anymore.

I have been found out about loving you seven times this last year alone from adults.
But I got smarter than most people.
I hide them in better places,
Scar up my hip bones and hiss whenever I move the wrong way
Or have to peel my clothes from the little marks you leave.

My love,

I love you.
I hate what you do but I love you.
I love that you make me feel better for a few minutes,
But I hate when everything goes downhill five minutes later.

I love you.
I’m sorry.
I've published this on another poetry site, so if anyone sees this under the same username, then it's still me.
unknown Jan 2019
Everything will go back to how it was,
The depressed family from across the street.
Because my family can’t seem to get a break.
And you’ll leave too
Just like everyone else
You say you “Love” me
Then parade out of my life
Like it’s nothing.
You do your best to make me happy for a week or so
Then walk out.
That’s what everyone I have ever loved did.
They left
And you will too
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