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ymmiJ Nov 2023
blessed sky
brightest colored eyes
in fading light
ymmiJ Nov 2023
after winter rage
silence blankets frozen earth
a white raven calls
Had 22 inches at yhe house here in Anchorage and saw the white raven today that has set up residence in Anchorage this winter. Another 12 to 16 expected Sunday.
ymmiJ Nov 2023
pink morning glories
spiral buds drip sweet nectar
suitors soon arrive
ymmiJ Oct 2023
the permanent kind
leaves undug holes
and no earth to fill them in
ymmiJ Oct 2023
snow slowly melts
falls this time faster
then ever did before

                    life is always fleeting
                    counted days decreasing

take time to sip
from her swollen rivers
now in springtime flow

         along tides now rushing past
         enrich your soul in her bounty

life's quiet moments
the ones between your sips
those worth cherishing

can come in rushing tides
when you least expect such peace
on the currents of melting snow
ymmiJ Oct 2023
thoughtless lives
just endless abides
wasted minds
ymmiJ Oct 2023
dead never die
their spirits dwell inside
those left behind
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