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May 2015 · 321
Yihua May 2015
"Do you love me?"

"Do you love me?"

"Do you love me?"
Mar 2015 · 1.1k
Lost soul
Yihua Mar 2015
They always say you got to have a plan in life
To get good grades in school so
You can get an amazing job next
And find a lover to settle down
And build a family together
But what if I don't have any plans
Not even any plans for an hour from now
What if my life is to get wasted yet i'm ******* happy
Is that a plan too?
Am I still going to get label as LOST?
Mar 2015 · 523
Yihua Mar 2015
I can forgive you when you raise your hands on me
I can forgive you when you wanted the best of both worlds
I can forgive you when you cursed my family
I can forgive you when you disrespected me
I can forgive you when you left me for your friends
I can forgive you when you were selfish
I can forgive you when I wasn't your priority like you promised
I can forgive you when you broke my heart
I can forgive you when you broke promises
Maybe I didn't think I deserve better
Or maybe I didn't wanna deserve anything but you
You were you and it was enough for me
I did love you with everything I got, but it still wasn't enough for you
Your hearts are out there for those girls
And you learnt a skill over time
And that is only to find me when your fun ends
You knew that I will always be here
You took this loyalty for granted and cheated half of the time
Shame on me
Feb 2015 · 870
Yihua Feb 2015
Your pullover
Oversized shirts
That toy
The fake daisies
This bag
Every letters
Our poloraids
That spongebob mug

Can we bring back what's lost?

The stains on the bed
The way you dry my hair
How you curse me for being naive
The way you stroke my hair
When your hands land on my waist
The way we spoke the same words
And the way your face light up when you're happy

Are you happy now? What are you doing now?

It's the ache
The pain,
The price of being a "bad" guy
The loss
The leaving
The emptiness that got left behind

But no, we can't bring back people who doesn't even try
Feb 2015 · 803
Lost Love
Yihua Feb 2015
I know I won't find the same love we had
And probably I would regret
But if staying means pain
If staying means feeling lonely in a relationship
Then I rather go
You call me selfish
But deep down you know it better
After leaving, coming back, leaving, coming back
Our love has turn into a wilted flower
Before we even realized
The flower,
It's dead
Jan 2015 · 2.4k
Clingy x possessive
Yihua Jan 2015
200 days ago
I pushed you away
And told you
You'll run away in fear
But you told me
You love me
Told me
To hold your hand and trust you
Told me
To give you my all even if
There's monsters living in me
Told me
You'll never run away in fear
And told me
You'll love every part of me
But 200 days later
You yelled at me-
You're clingy
You're needy
You're possessive
You're petty
You're selfish
You're ridiculous
Maybe you're right I cannot do this-
That moment
My world shattered

— The End —