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 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Flowers die off so soon
They are beautiful at the
moment they were born
but when they
wither away into the ground
no one cares, no one cries
because flowers are so easily
replaced by another bouquet of plants
the petals will fall and that is their demise
I am a flower

I am the dust in your bedroom
the kind that falls from the sky and
tumbles through the light
streaming through your windows
I am only visible to you with the
light of the Earth
I will stay on your floor and
you will walk all over me and
never know anything of it
You will kick me up and
I will leave you

I am not the blanket that covers
you up at night and keeps you warm
I do not deserve such a title
I am not the roof that keeps you safe
from the ongoing snow and rain
that happens in this town
I am not your lover, your friend
I am nothing

I am a ghost, an apparition
a wisp of non-existence
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Allen Wilbert
Ways To **** Yourself

Blow out your brains with a gun,
slit your wrist, slit your throat.
Play chicken with a moving train,
jump in front a moving bus.
Go in the ocean, filled with sharks,
while in the tub, throw in a toaster.
Overdose on alcohol, drugs or pills,
leap off a real tall building.
Hang yourself with a strong rope,
choke on a big piece of meat.
Run in the hood, yelling the n word,
jump from a plane, high in the sky.
Drown in a swimming pool,
poison your food or drink.
Cover your head with a pillow,
stab yourself in the heart.
Jump on top of a hand grenade,
walk naked through the jungle.
Warning, do not try these tricks ever,
side effects include a painful death.
Reality, never a reason to **** yourself,
don't be foolish, dumb or stupid.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
-Believe it
-Trust it
-Nurture it
-Feed it
-Love it
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Mind battle
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
A single thought is embedded in the back of my mind,
It’s always there,
Should I spare myself the time?
Life doesn't play fair
So why should I?
Why do I?
It’s just a matter of time before the walls come crumbling down
Nothing in the fridge by whiskey and beer
Nothing in the cupboards but mice, rice and pasta
One cigarette to last me a month
The TV has been shut off
My couch has holes in it like me hat and socks
I wonder what my ma would say
If she saw that my wife had left me
With nothing but whiskey and beer and mice and rise and pasta.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
my mind sprung a leak
my heart attempts to mend it
now my heart hurts too
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