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xavier thomas Oct 2021
Dear God,

I’m mad.
Sometimes I wish you would come down here & stop the madness that goes on around here. The killing, stealing, disrespect. I wish that you would stop these bad people from harming others for their own desires.

But at the same time, how can I be mad at you? You gave us free will. You gave us everything we needed and it was certain individuals own fault that caused all of these issues to occur.
It’s s not your fault that we don’t know how to behave. I guess I’m upset because I want you to do something about it.
I’m sorry. Forgive my ignorance.

Sometimes I just wish you controlled these situations.

March 9, 1988
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xavier thomas Oct 2021
Dear God,

I have days where I wish I was with you in heaven. No, I’m not suicidal. I just think about you taking my soul away as I spend all eternity with you.
But then I start to think, “How selfish of me would that be when I haven’t even fulfilled my purpose on earth yet”, you know?
I haven’t tried to change my life around. Given myself time to find out who I am or what makes me, “me”. Nor realize how it would affect family / friends to see me gone in an instant.

So thank you for not taking me away just yet. I will fulfill your request. I promise

But what is my purpose?

July 8, 1974
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xavier thomas Oct 2021
Dear God,

I don’t know if you saw, but the other day, I saved someone’s life with my words. They told me they were cutting themselves to the point where they **** near killed themselves. But I came into their lives right on time, sharing my story that was very identical to theirs.
The difference between us was that I kept fighting for my life. Then I showed them how to fight for theirs so they survive.
I honestly didn’t know I had something like this in me. I mean I was just writing down how I felt.
Yet, to hear them say I saved theirs life made me cry with them happily.

Looks like you have another angel coming your way.

April 14, 2020
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xavier thomas Oct 2021
Dear God,

Tonight, after having this difficult conversation with my woman.
I pray that you continue to guide us both on the right path. We ask the right questions. We take care of each other regardless. And that things will be revealed to us to know if we are ready for marriage or not.
But most of all, if we belong to one another under your will.

September 1, 2006
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xavier thomas Oct 2021
Dear God,

Lately I’ve been feeling attacked by family. More than often, and don’t understand why?
I pray, I stay out of trouble for the most part, read the Bible from time to time, and because of you I finally found one of my callings. Poetry. I know I haven’t been around or talked much. I’m invested into my craft. My energy/ attitude never changed. I’m still the same strong spirit, will minded, giving child you created for this world.
Back then they said - “ Put God in the center, be anything you want, pay no attention to stupidity.”  
Now it’s, “Go get a good job with benefits, why aren’t you back in school, I don’t think this is what God intended for you.”
I don’t get it.
I’m just trying to obey your orders and demonstrate it to the family, best way I know how.
I just don’t understand.

So why me????

December 6, 2004
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xavier thomas Oct 2021
Dear God,

Random questions:
What is it like to be God? To see over everyone and everything you created. To watch things on earth fade away like certain animals going extinct as new ones be replaced. Is the work difficult sometimes or easy?

How strong are you?
Like seriously. I want to know how strong you  are. I think it would be so cool to see you in action demonstrating your power.

What exactly do you look like? I know you tell us we’re made in your image and all but I must see what you look like if possible.

Lastly, have you ever been embarrassed or embarrassed yourself before? For example-
Person “A” is talking to person “B” right. And all of sudden, person “A” pass gas in front of “B” because “A” thought it was going to be silent.
Something silly like that.

May 16, 1984
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xavier thomas Oct 2021
Dear God,

Do you ever crack jokes?
Every time I read the Bible, I only read about you blessing people, causing wrath due to disobedience, or telling someone what to do in order to receive what they desire most and be thankful.
But one thing the Bible never talks about is you laughing.
Unless I’m not reading in between the lines and you actually are from time to time.

I would definitely love to see that one day.

January 4, 2010
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