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Bintun Nahl 1453 Mar 2015
Serasa haru , campur bahagia , sedih , kesal senang juga . bercampur menjadi satu ketika aku mendengar bahwa sahabat tercintaku akan menikah dengan kekasih pujaannya . Haru kenapa? Terharu saja , disisi lain aku kagum akan usahanya memperjuangkan cintanya trhdp org yg dia cinta sejak bbrpa tahun lalu. padahal , jika boleh menengok kebelakang , kisah cinta mereka terbilang sangat rempong . Yaaa... beberapa kali sebut saja novi kerap menghubungiku utk meminta petuah2 apa saja yang bisa membuat dia gak cemburu buta lagi hanya karena si cwoknya ketemu mantan via jalur reuni .

Dan kesalnya adalah , mereka menikah dengan jalan pacaran . Padahal , Dalam islam tdk menganjurkan pacaran ,meskipun kegiatan itu sudah menjadi budaya seluruh dunia . Tidak melihat dari sisi buruk . aku hanya bisa mendoakan saja , agar ALLAH memudahkan segala hajat . menjadikan kalian sepasang suami istri yg saling mencinta di dunia sampai meggapai jannahNYA .  Semoga Bahagia selalu sahabatku NOVI APRIANI ,
Lindsey Jan 2012
Kinda of sick of feeling this way
Not sure what to do to push this feeling down
Just need your skin
I need your skin!
Farther, farther, ohhhh
Guess I gotta take another sip of that
Whiskey drink
That, that thing
That gets rid of this feeling
Ohhhh! No no no no more teasing me this time
Just get it in, get it done, ohhh rough and tough
Isn’t this enough?
Let’s just get ****** up
And I’m so frustrated with these aches and pains
Baby, baby, let me take another shot of of the whiskey drink
Yaaa, another pill
Another spill
Another sip of that whiskey drink
Ohh, baby baby don’t you wish you could be
Just as pretty as me
Ohhh, baby baby
Where are these words coming from!
Where are these screams coming from!
Ohhh baby baby
Just take another sip of that whiskey drink!
Blurring out the rest of the world around you
Ohhh, baby baby take another sip of that whiskey drink!
One pill
Two pill
Oh ****, looks like I’ve taken too many this time
Ohhh baby baby, another sip of that whiskey drink
Ya, that’s me
That ****** delusional mess spilled out on that couch
Rip these clothes off me
You know you can’t stand to see me without  my skin
Ohh baby baby
Touch me, up and down, oh, baby baby put your hands on me
No no no no more teasing me this time
Just get it in, get it done
Ohhhh and I need something to push this feeling down!
Something to get these voices out of my head!
Get it in, no no no no more teasing
Don’t you love it?
Ohhh, and another spill from this ****** mess I’m in
Another ****** wreck from this mess I’m in
Just this skin
Just this skin
And this whiskey drink
Just another, another….
Ohhhh baby baby
And take another sip of that whiskey drink!
Leave me.

I don't think this piece is finished yet
mike dm Apr 2016
i jus now saw
some dude
literally move
the apt. dumpster
so to paint
the wall white
behind it;

a wall, which,
will be completely ******* covered
by the dumpster,
after putting it back
against the newly painted white wall.

plus im pretty sure they're calling for rain..

that happened.

i actually witnessed that happen:
and, then, proceeded to
turn around
to go back inside my apt.,
with two full trashbags in hand.

... do you even realize what that means??

somebody actually gave him
that task: "go paint behind the dumpster."
aren't there other things to do?
or is this guy's boss that much of a ******
that he'd tell his employee,
"heyyy soo.... the wall.. behind the dumpster --
you know that wall? yaa
it needs to be painted.."

i mean, it'd be one thing
if, like,
the wall were
visible. and gross looking.
and people were calling
and complaining
about it,
like it was some eyesore
that offended their
aesthetic enjoyment
and anticipation
of approaching
the scuffed forest green
apt. dumpster.

but it's not;
so it's not;
and so
they aren't.

or i'd get it if people routinely socialized
hanging around dumpsters,
like a water-coolor
or something;

buuut they don't;
so it's not
like a water-cooler..

... yaaa, unless i'm missing something here,
as far as i know,
there have been no
emerging cultural trends
whereby large groups of people
are routinely finding some
sorta symbolic resonance with
the object of a

it's gravitas
doesn't exactly
prompt frequent and
spontaneous dialogue
around it.

it isn't a known cultural artifact,
representing something meaningful and
bigger than ourselves, creating cohesion
and establishing an intangible commonality:

behold, our goodly trash-bearer!
great eater of things prolly totally not needed!
humble builder of plastic trash continents,
swirling vortex in the middle of the high seas!

nobody says that.


and nobody
is overstaying their visit
at a giant,
metal maw
which disposes things,
either unneeded or unwanted,
long enough
to suddenly notice that
the wall behind it
could maybe use a new paint job.

it's not exactly a cafe.
it's a ******* dumpster.

that man,
charged with the task of
painting the wall whiter
behind the dumpster,
ought to be
on a canvass

which we all could see,
visible to the greater public.
and we would celebrate it, with him.
we could all gather
together, and toast
to his mind manifest, his art,
on display for all to see.

i wanna see THAT.
**** the white wall
behind the
******* dumpster.
that **** can wait.

what visions would surface?
how would he render it?

what would
he make?

i dunno

he'd paint
a surrealist depiction
of a man
charged with the task
of painting white
a wall behind a dumpster
as rain clouds
rolled in overhead,
spelling out

"i am Employer.
destroyer of worlds,
and vibes.
feel my ****** wrath."
cierra fielding Sep 2018
i wrote you a lil sumthin i hope you dont mind me reading i thought of you today , this hurt me very deeply. there once was a time i thought you'd never leave me lemme know if im wrong but lately ive been thinkin
over on how i was so ignorant, **** you had me fooled yeah i was convinced n now this achin pain inside my chest has become an old friend n i dress myself w a smile i still play pretend
in the end that may be pathetic but ******* aint it the truth youve left my heart all black and blue i got many scars to match these wounds n is it possibly to be so beautifully bruised? n i mean this pains a reminder, you were once always there n w your symphonic soul i swear you ****** cared  but even at your lowest high i want you n your corrupted mind.

n here dear ive gathered a couple questions id really like to share you dont gotta answer no you dont even have to care but baby do you think of me now and then like i think of you? i mean ive had quite a few drinks n its aboutta quarter till 2 but you see my altered brain doesnt change my subconscious truth because at the end of each day my heart keeps beating for you. but youll ash me off , again and again , no worries though i know im nothing to sweat and im just waitin for the day ill wake without you inside my head. but you know truth be told thats not how this hear works ill look into those eyes again and revisit all my hurt. n im inconclusive of which evil is worse.

people tell me each n everyday not to let this world make me small but im only 5'1 yo i was never really tall n ya'll can keep on talkin **** on my style cause your words cant steal my smile. but im always questionin how much more can i even take daddys sick of seeing tears fall off this pretty face. iv been rollin on my own feelin so out of place i got so many fears im so unsure of my fait this future image isn clear n im sorry i cant be who i was past years. im changin yeah ***** a changin so are the dreams so are the demons i know ive grown cold but ive got my ****** reasons. this ***** gotten old my filthy conscious is a constant bleedin but i guess i must accept whats been placed upon my plate you were just another phony who couldnt relate n i guess thats your luck n my ****** mistake.

it was a foolish thing but quite beautiful too. those last words left a sting yeah im pretty bruised n now im hopin that this melody will relieve some pain inside the wounds because its a tragic thing a tragedy thats what i can conclude, thats why i smoke **** so i can be elude fill these lungs with smoke hopin highs will get me through hoping somehow i can cope rolla doobie maybe 2 laugh cause lifes a ****** joke i hung my neck inside a noose. maybe ill jus ****** choke ive been pullin on them ropes. n now im spittin fire so hot haydes jottin notes i got the devil askin for tips, baby ima make it n im gonna make it big. but they tellin me to start but idk where to begin.

so many bad moments followed by worse emotions when will it end? im hightenin the doses cause **** ive given it.  just walkin thro the motions less alive n mostly dead. doors just keep on closin im hungup with my regrets n these demons wont let me forget bad intentions, their why i havent slept. countless broken promises i can never mend thats why i do what i do so i can feel closer to death.
n now youve all been askin whats up inside my head, well your not gonna like the answer your about to get. evils on my ****** conscious. its clutterin my brain that must be the reason im so inmuthafuckinsane. always ****** w bad **** n even worse people stuck inside a trip soaked in all the evils but everything i spit is venomous that ****** lethal n even if i overdose ima cop a sequal cause im so invincible tearin up traditional principals
yaaa im so ******* illll hopefully ya'll catch this sickness
so busy making some bills
honey moneys on my wishlist
and homies know this
i always gotta sack of that purple potent
n now im on a mission lookin for that purple potion
put my mind ina wavy motion im a constant floatin.
n now my parents are makin a commotion

cierra baby just get off the ****** drugs
sorry mom im crazy yeah im really ******* nuts.
this mind is fully corrupt. the world ****** it like a ****.
i wrote this when i was only 16 and the world has only gotten more evil
Mohd Arshad Sep 2015
Poetry comes to us like a tear
And becomes our shadow!
Notes (optional)
Taru Marcellus Mar 2014
as I ride the J toward the eastern sun
my gears clicking questions at the photogenic view
I wonder
what type of medium was used for this art

if I were to paint the sky...
it would be a kindergarten crayola rendition
yaaa                                                   ­                             
a                                                               ­     
w ­                                                               
n       ­                                       
n                   ­                                 
                      g magenta seeping into the gray horizon

only the blurred lines of youth
could bring color to such places

God must have been a child before it died
Bret Desrochers May 2011
Woke up today with something to prove
decided to lay it all on the line
and boy was that line fine
a little liquid courage and I was off

Testing the waters of how far I could go
got the green light and It started to flow
the plan was starting
while my heart was stopping.

Words came out that had never before
started by saying I'd come back
to settle an uneven score
to throw your life off track

Ha ha ha yaaa

Time was always on my side
this could have been stopped a long time ago
but of course of course you lied
now I begin my never-ending throw.

Words came out that had never before
started by saying I'd come back
to settle an uneven score
to throw your life off track

Ha ha ha ya

(guitar solo)

How do you feel now?
like a top notch ***** I hope
never thought I'd stoop this low
till one day you came a long

Ha ha ha no

Words came out like never before
started by saying I'd come back
to settle an uneven score
to throw your perfect life way off track

Words came out then went back in
realized I would always win
I could not be stopped
I was superior in every way
to you the one who never thought you'd have to pay.

How's that working for ya

Ha ha ha ha ya
Copyright, Bret Desrochers 2010
jeffrey robin Apr 2013
they call em
Everything's goin
To hell in a hand basket
Someone's helpin it along !

It you got no intention of tryin
To do
Something about it
A lot
If you do)
So to speak)
of course they are
We would already be correcting things
of course we would
Let us endeavor to put aside
All pettiness
Trivial things
Like as has been said before

(and it shall sink)

Only be us
On the
Deep blue sea!

See ya there
See ya then
Perhaps we should start seein
ZACK GRAM Jul 2021
The pain, the roof, this empty house
Pacing round lost
no recollection
You in my reflection
Lost thoughts going thru my head
Alone faithful no regrets
Every day we grow older
God shows me
Our love grows stronger
Old an Alone
This Love Grows
My heart goes 2 you.
dying to love you..
Your love gets me
I have a life to share
A white fence to paint

Grab ahold hang tight
Never forget, no regrets
Our love grows stronger
No looking back
I'll die loving you
I love you
Dying in love with you...
Dont walk away
Aslam M Nov 2019
Ek Lamba Arsaaa Hau Gaya Hai
Dil Ki Baat Zubaan Pai Aaanai Sai.

El Lamba Arsaa Hau Gaya Hai
Aaap Sai  Guftugu Karkai.  

Kabhi Kabhi Aisa Lagta Hai Ki
Arsaaa Lamba Hau Gaya Hai  Yaaa
Lambaa Arsaaa Hau Gaya Hai.
Aslam M Sep 2020
Ab Yeh Sangeen Sa Sawaal
Phir Sai Kar Raha Hai Bhawaal
Aaakhir Mai Kaun Hu ||

Kya Hu Mai Ek Hawa Ka Jhaukha
Yaa Bas Woh Mitti Ka Anmol Tukda ||

Kya Hu Mai Woh Nadi Ka Paani
Yaa Bas Woh Wruksh Ki Sansaani.

Kya Hu Mai Woh Na Bujti Roshini
Yaaa Bas Woh Kaunai Ki Andheri.

Aaakhir Mai Kaun Hu ||
Dominik Jan 2015
Ivana... Hmm...*

Soo Hey you really wanted to know what I think about you soo lets start off with some bad experiences before I actually met you. So it was the first time I actually went on tc and I was just trying to talk to people, especially girls so it happened that you and Jen were on tc at that time and I tried talking to you and to her I didn't actually know you were mods and didn't know that the star by your name meant that you were a mod so I was confused when I was getting banned because I was trying to talk to mods... Anyways there was another reason I was getting banned I kept trying to talk to you and Jen I even remember that the two of you were keep telling me that you were lesbian and that Clare(?) was your girlfriend... LOL. Then Jen started saying that I got banned because I was asking for ***** which I never did... fkin liar xD. I quit tc for some time because no one wanted to talk to me idk why, maybe because I looked like 14 or something :P When I came back on tc after coming from holidays with new haircut and differently looking in general I was actually getting some attention from people that's when I made a lot of friends online and was just more known on tc in general, but there was this one ***** who never pays attention to anyone but herself, her name was Ivana ****. I don't actually mean that because it wasn't like that but it was really hard to catch your attention unless it was only me and you in the room and you had no one else to talk to xD When we finally "talked" for like 5 mins I actually found out how nice you were and I actually stopped talking **** about you. (Yes I used to not like you because I thought you were just weird as **** :P ) So Ivana - Mexican kid with an attitude of a queen, does drugs which I really hate, really nice to talk to if you actually get to talk to her and doesn't give a **** about anythinggg ( good attitude )

                                                                ­                *
Love yaaa :D

— The End —