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SøułSurvivør May 2015

of a                          
on the                  
face of          
the night
                          bright sky

or a      
as sweet          
        stars go by

a half a
ghostly gleam        
partly covered by            
black veil xoxox          

moon arises
wan and deathly
pale xoxoxoxoxoxo  

full as a
great gallion is the
most important phase!
for she looks down upon
us with a tender, loving
gaze! the lady in the
moon a shining
beacon be

she pulls us and she stills us
and beneath her we are


been on and off site
preparing for
Mother's Day

Have a great one all you
moms out there!

Angel Groman Feb 2013
I always knew that we were meant to be baby, our love will last FOREVER Nick, i can promise you that, i didnt believe in love at first site, until i met you my love, and i know that no matter how many mistakes we make, we will still be together, because everyone makes mistakes, and if we didnt then there would be something wrong with our relationship. i love you more than anything in the whole world, and that will NEVER CHANGE!!!!!! Our love is stronger than the hardest diamond, and when we kiss its magic, and nothing else in the world matters except our love!!!! XOXOXOXO <3 <3 <3 :)
Janna Lynn Lee Jan 2022
I wanna see Angels like Lorna sees them today
Please give me the sight,  Angel's, please show me the way
Seen puffs of clouds and sparkles of blue and pink
I want to see more please, more distinct.  
I want to see feathers, vivid colors displayed
I want to hear the harps of the angelic music played
I want to see them smiling at me
I want to see one, no two, NOO Three!!
Given the gift to hear spirits from the other side
Want them to come through, please please I cry!!
I have looked in the sky and seen'em lookin down
thru the clouds
I am in awe, and I am just like....WoW!!!!!!!!!!  
I love and rely on my guardian Angel Jeanine
She knows what I do and she has seen what I see
I know she is there about 3 feet behind.
She is so quiet, full of loyality and so loving and kind
To come into this world with me from the womb
Then to stay behind me silently but with warnings of doom
She gives me signs and I know that I receive them.
I feel mine is a female and not definitely a him
Please always Jeanine know that love I have for you
Its for me, soley me that you do what you do.
God assigned you to me and I definitely agree
If you were not here, then I might not be me.
So please let me see more Angels appear
Let me feel them when they are near
I promise I will treat them with all the love in my heart
But for now thanks allowing the puffs of clouds and the pink and blue sparks.
Thank you for the ones that form from the beautiful clouds
and sky
Thank you for letting them be near me hearing their wings when i have cried
Thank you God for the Angels.  I will will say it a million times
I feel them always in my heart when I hear the church bell chime.
I feel them when I have an issue or sick
I feel them when I am happy and feel Good about this Chick!!
I feel they help my family friends and so many Souls
I feel they are in the trees the sky and when the wind blows
So again I wanna see the Angels Like Lorna can
Reach out Reach out and Just hold my Hand!!    

— The End —