they ThEY
they WERE ALL Wrong-
really THEY WERE when
they told me
but when can they be right?
on a school day.
between cinderblocks
between classes grasps-
of skin like the smooth touch of water
thirst makes more sense when we are
so made of water
in our brains and body
how can water be wrong
water is all right in its place
but when
THEY come out its just wrongThey are bad water feeding bad plants
all in favor of you know who
maybe the world will end up flooded after all
when the water finally
sings its song and
what it wanted all along
to be right to be free
all right
but they are all
not rightwriting away on waves of paper
everything they say is to be right but they are wrong
when they talk they say that being wrong is
but i know otherwise
rightness is bliss and
is righteous and right
i know because i have felt the tides, yes tides of what they think is true
all in favor of you know
maybe it is the same
if they are the same
rightness and ignorance
then i was and will be mistaken all along THEN
the Water will have me like it had them all ALONG ALL along
a Flood.
into the depths i go far from what i have felt from their tides and i go deeper DEEPER
i know.
it is gone
it was never there
to begin with