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Moses Kashlink Jun 2014
Am Moses Makau Muthama a.k.a Triple M or M cubed bt simply known as KASHLINK!!! A Kamba by nature,born in Mombaxa around 1993,a saved christian wit God given gifts. I like socializin alot that guys mistake me 4 a 'player'!! Hobbies include: chilling wit pals,crackin jokes,watchin soaps n muviz,lstng 2 cool RnB's n Riddims,swimmin n playin soccer!! A die hard Man U fan indeed,skuld @ Bashir primo 07' n went 2 Kitondo Boys High xul 11' n did well thx 2 papa God! Currently @ JKUAT 15'. Am now lukn 4ward 2 leave a mark in the globe positively very xun! May da Lord bless de work of ma hands!!! Amen.
silasa Jun 2013
Jimmy please say you wait for me.....
i'l grow up some day you see,,
saving all my love just for you,
i''l b signed in love forever true......,

Jimmy was the guy ,whu lived next door ,
and i knew him since ,ten years of more,
i wrote him a letter one day ...
and this is wt all i hv to say.
he read dat note for once again ,
and then went over to my house next door,
tears fell down rim and tim,
and i told jimmy wat i hv to say.....

"Jimmy please say you wait for me.....
i''l grow uo some day you see,,
saving all my love just for you,
i''l b signed in love forever true.".....,

Jimmy said to me dear jonney you,
just forget me.. bye nd bye! coz
ur jst fifteen and i am twentytwo,
and my dear Jonney , i cant wait for you,
i have to leave my little home town,
to find me job and settel down....
he packed his clothes
and cought a plane,
and my heart was filled with his memories,
all the words dat jimmy said to me!

"Jimmy please say you wait for me.....
i''l grow uo some day you see,,
saving all my love just for you,
i''l b signed in love forever true."........

i said  to him...
dear jimmy u,please forget me ....
bye and bye!
tears fell dowm ...
rim and tim ...
and i told jimmy, what i have to say!

jimmy jimmy please dont cry ,
you forget me bye  and bye!
itz five years since u have been gone...
and i got married with  ,
your best friend john!
JAM Mar 2016
frogman: wax tailor

YOU'all are just like other people
We love to sting
sHe loves to trance
he admires b-e-a-utiful twoomen
Us're whoman
And most-times, twoo whomans

:Now I know my ABC'S
watch me confuse'em like the bourgeoisie:
-"but he pronounced it like Bilgemonkzees"-

( . . 3 . Oh dear, I hope you don't forget to feed me . .
  2 . "I am still learning,"
and I've Dear'd to Remember to Forget my Confusions . .


{B-E-A-Grateful no-s1: "Read DeadHeads to BEGIN,
                                     or Blue Tails to END"

-flips coin- }


1 . .

RECORD: curiosity's and imagination's
FROGMAN: selfse

I think "We've thunk it once before,
but it Bears repeating,
LISTEN to us, all of you.


-caches Bit-

HA!    VV    !AH
        S A Y

-Opens Mind-

"MY FROG... we're full of chars-"
- [May{jor(+/-)To}m] = E.ven-One
-- 1999-2001, a Race Ode-vent-you-See


for those who may be hamyoung-us for the first time


And Whu-may-n't be pondering what isn't going to clappin now.


It is of Coarse : Smoothing for the Mind, Body, and The Selfse of us all.



|Whyever needs Bee? Wills Bee.|

Oh, you're di-vidend?

Oi've got these Two Mackszillery Tired Molaz, Whight.
whand day I was cwussin'a peace'a fwaery'dandy
and tay cwacked, whont down ta cagey'mentals.
now ta twooe woots is eckzpozed.
and i sding'em evewy dway

. . .-inserts troothpic-

jrus'tho da gwhothet OH's it's thrill'a jlive one up'teir
-- prole

/and the ghost speaks:

The Letter-Ing: there are answers but can a whoa-man be logical
forty-yesican last end or new beginning
in a series of poems made of quotes
one part to a never-ending joke
its sum has yet to be totaled
may be more than its parts
subject to change
Elsie Aug 2016
eat me in darkness, in the light of a dying grass,of a lifeless blue sand,take me and make me beg for  a silent violent storm
throw me down  like a  bag of  angry nuts,humble in hot *** in a hot -white winter, chew me like a greedy lion  over  lamb of a creepy camp without lame excuses,grind my toungue,stroke  pull my friendly hair when my ******* are swollen
Have no mercy,keep it messy,to yourself and Shhh, i'll pay the bill and the pill
if you wanna  prune
if you  wanna sprout
I need a sound and a smell of A red rotten egg in a  hard shell
it smells good life and make me long for a ride
a ride in a village
where saints aint invited
wanna mess up with the devil
I see his marks,it sees my fading tatoo
smell the good taste of a begging soul
hit my lip, kiss a tik, make me smile
the village i wanna visit, all **** and ***** shirts,red wine
fine hardships ****** and swagger
mixed up in a laundry where my heart  sings with desire
mess it up  tear a little bit fear no messiah
no priest or a preacher
saint and a sin wear same shoe
make a berry wish i'll give you every dish
of a lonely naked girl in her balgy falling pants
mess it up roll it out and aim for hell

this is a feeling
i have owned for a second
longed for days
wished for months
it flashes my mind when my *** flushes kindness
whu a u to make it holy
who begs a preacher when a ride is  evil
just around the corner
where my neighbour sees it better
i freak and beat the seat before the blindman sees im weak
someone to steal me, feast ON me,
till i disappear in that neat ****
ej Apr 2018
"Why do you love me?"

"Because I do."

"Whu are you risking everything for me?"

"I don't know. I'm crazy for you. And love, I guess, gives a crazy kind of brave."


— The End —