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Katerra McDonell Aug 2012
This is the BEGGING of the story of Us....

Where dreams werer made..
Where promises wrere made..
Where kisses were played
Where hugs mad you happy...
Where when you cryed you were always together..
Where smiles where always there..
Where you started a new life....
Where you found your love....

This is the END of the story..

Where dreams where smashed...
Where promises were broken...
Where kisses were fake...
Where hugs were used in vilance...
Where when you cryed it was always cuz of him...
Where smiles turned in to frowns or eveil words...
Where you found your self all alone
Where you found your heart broken on the floor...
Jacob Farr Oct 2011
Long ago I met the moon
On such a sorrowed  day
With all my heart,I came to love
That perfect broken moon
Though on a darkened,sorrowed day 
The moon, had gone away
And in the darkness left behind 
I was twisted, I was blind. 
Untill the day I saw the sun,
And the sun looked toward my way
I began to see, the sun and moon
Werer simply not the same. 
The sun out shone the lowley moon
A fool,  to be so blind.
So now I see, that there is more, there's beauty I can find
In people,places, sight and sound.
There's beauty that abounds
Jacob Farr Oct 2011
Long ago I met the moon
On such a sorrowed  day
With all my heart,I came to love
That perfect broken moon
Though on a darkened,sorrowed day 
The moon, had gone away
And in the darkness left behind 
I was twisted, I was blind. 
Untill the day I saw the sun,
And the sun looked toward my way
I began to see, the sun and moon
Werer simply not the same. 
The sun out shone the lowley moon
A fool,  to be so blind.
So now I see, that there is more, there's beauty I can find
In people,places, sight and sound.
There's beauty that abounds
S P Silver-Blade May 2017
Lighting stroke within our minds
when we firt met
I knew arms were ment for holding
And hugs werer for love.
But you can't be mine-you won't be mine
We're in two different universes across reality
Our minds are different
But our hearts want the same thing.
But fate won't let the puzzle snap.
Love against fate, fate killed the *fool
and the too *sheltered. I love you
I want you...but fate won't break.
#Star Crossed lovers.

— The End —