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Daisy Fields May 2011
there are in my opinion 2 differet types of doors of perception in the human mind.
the doors to darkness & the doors to light.
the doors to light have always been in everyone,
but the doors to darkness were built in our minds to confuse & control us.

everytime a door of perception closes a new one will open in it's place.
& i find that for every dark door you close 2 or more doors to light open.

when you shut the door to government the doors to real freedom, real privacy, & real truth opens.
how can we really feel free in the relaity we are in now?
we all have a false sense of freedom, to think, speak, & act,
but really nothing is free anymore, everything will cost you something.
how can you truley believe we are free when there are so many laws, rules, and confinments & so much we have no say in.
human's don't need laws or bibles or police to tell us what to do,
we have the sense of right & wrong built into us.
we know what is good or bad by how they make us feel,
and we all generally feel in the same ways.
with laws in place we don't take the time to really think about how our actions will make others feel we have alredy been told & there is no need for further thought.
also, people i find always have the tendacy to want to do what they can't do.
if you tell them they can't do things, they're gonna try.
so are jails filled with bad people, or freedom fighters?
people rebeling against the law.
we are living in a dark reality.

let in the light.

when you close the door to media you open the doors to true beauty, to inner beauty, to self love & to self acceptance.
how can one see real beauty in such a fake reality.
in people today judgement, cliques & suicides are at an all time high,
self confidence & self worth is at an all time low .
people judge people based on how they look, & what they're wearing.
they form opions of others without even talking to them.
we should love & celebrate our differences, not hate & divide them.
you could miss out on meeting an amazing person because you are so blind to real beauty.
think about all the things great things people don't know about you,
now think about all the great things you don't know about other people.
we are living in a dark reality.

let in the light.

when you close the door to technology, you open the doors to unity, to true connection with others, & to real experiences.
in our technological relaity we live in the illusion that technology is bringing us closer,
and that we are becomming more inter webbed to eachother when we humans have the capabilites to establish these connections without help.
we are like robots, expressing emotions based on how we are told/suppose to react, not because we are really feeling.
instead of going out to explore & expierence life, nature, & new relationships,we stay at home and watch them on t.v.
instead of talking to someone, visiting someone, spending time wth someone, we connect with them threw computer screens, facebook profiles & emotionless txts.
where is the connection?
we are living in a dark reality.

let in the light.

when you close the door to money the door to free trade open.
to a reality where we help other not for money or for benifit
just to help another human bening like yourself,
just because it feels right, it feels good.
the reality we live in now is one with fake, bought happiness & of selfishness.
we try to make ourselves happy with big homes and nice cars and expensive things when we don't need them.
true, pure happiness comes from the love of others, from helping, giving, sharing,
& from making others happy as well.
nobody can take that kind of happiness from you ever.
we are living in a dark reality.

let in the light.

when you shut the door to war & violence the doors to peace opens.
the door to equality, to harmony to love.
to a reality where we work out our differences with words & not wepons,
it doesn't require money, or casual deaths.
how can we use the term casual deaths?
let's take a look into this relaity for a moment...
there was a solider in iraq who ran into a home & killed a man in front of his wife & kids.
this man was killed because he had weapons in his home which was viewed as a threat or possible terrorist.
in actuallity the man was not planning any attack at all he merely had thoes weapon to protect himself & his innocent family in the case of a home invasion.
back in the soliders home town a man wakes up in the middle of the night because he hears glass break. he grabs a wepon that he has in case of emergency to protect his family and goes to investigate. he walks in on a man intruding in his home, the man has a knife, the dad shoots him dead.
on the same day as the solider get his medal for killing an innocent man the dad gets sentenced to life in prision for trying to protect his family.
who is the real hero, who really deserves a medal, the solider or the man?
i guess ****** is a heroic thing if your doing it for the government..
we are living in a dark reality.

let in the light.

when you close the door to religion you open the door to wonder, curiosity, and exploration.
to a relaity with less division & less disagreements.
where does all that money go to?
certinly not space exploration.
i strongly believe that by giving into the idea of god you giving into the idea of there being a higher power in anything race, gender, religion, ect.
i also believe that because of this and the idea of god it has created this huge power struggle all over the world of people trying to own/run the world.
people trying to be god/godly.
these are the most powerful people in the world right now.
and it is thoes people who have place these dark doors in our heads.
and who are constantly watching, and making sure the doors stayed open and all other doors stayed shut.
but we have the power to.
we are all god.
& we all have the power to view the world in any way we want it, heavenly or hellish
.'god created the world with his vision'
change god into we,
'we created the world with our vision.'
'god has the power to change everything'
'WE have the power to change everything'
but as of right now we are living in the dark.

so let's let in the light.
& let it shine threw every pore, every breath, every thought we have.
let it ignite us, & drive us to great heights.

don't live & act based on how you look to others/god/ect.
live & act based on how your feel inside.

don't have an idea of who you are,
know who you are.
live for yourself, not for anyone els.

i want real words & thoughts
i want real freedom & truth
i want real faces & emotion
i want real experiences & places
i want real peace & equality
i want real people
i want real happiness
i want real connections
real love, real light, real laughter, real life.

we can make things real again, just don't be afraid, don't be lazy, don't be doubtful, don't be fake.
The plane touched down after a long flight that was true torture the whiskey had long since ran dry the coke had left me
with a headache and the movie was freaking me out
****** you twilight.

Had a seventeen year old girl chose this film that reminded me
I needed to call my wife  to tell her I couldnt pick her up after highschool.

Apon landing I was met by strange  men all named bobby  
im guessing to be a cop here you had to all be related
and named bobby  fine with me.

These men unlike there many named brothers across the pond didnt
have any wepons  dear lord man   wait a minute  take mine  what nice men these bobby clan were.
what was even better was this magic land had the sense to give them all the same name   so when you were drunk you wouldnt forget it.
Why did we not do this   the women  as well.

Apon searching my always ghost town of a wallet  one of the bobby
clan replied hey you know skeeter to?
Jesus  I wont even comment on that.

Apon my exit from the airport i was greated by something that was
a true blessing to any hungover eyes.
No sun  dear lord  I also noticed these people had already been drinking.  
For they were all driving on the wrong  side of the road.
London was rainy  cold   and soon to be Gonzo.

My trip began  like any good writer slash reporter slash honrny ******* drunks would begin  at the liquor store.
the bobby clan had taken my moonshine slash rocket fuel
oh well  least the plane wouldnt be the only thing flying tonight.

The strange little speaking man  who drove the taxi rambled on  as i applyed my social lubricate  better known as *****  how i did miss wild turkey.

You fancey a ***?
Sir your attractive but i dont swing that way.
One thing seemed clear these people were all drunk
it brought a tear to my eye  I had finally found my people.

Wanna see the palace?
Why not although  after i had been to cessars  this place seemed
kinda odd how did they expect it to make any money
with it all locked up?

Allthough the silent man outside with the black furry quetip hat was a draw.
The strange big eared  man i met in the garden after  my  
well little fence hop hell  being the human quetip didnt say anything
I figured he wouldnt mind to much.

Well the big eared man was rather plessant  after i offred him some whiskey  sorry  its a little weak  thoose bobby boys took my good ****.
No worries you crazy *******  wanna ***.
****** man Ive  told you guys  im straight.

After my exit  and brief *** kicking seems thoose quetip people are silent but deadly   my face soon kissed the pavement
as one replied  I belive him to be the one that wasnt special said thats what you get yank for speaking to the prince.

These people were worse than i thought  I was a big fan of purple rain.
dont belive a word that man said  besides he's a racesist.
never trust a man who can jump outta a  airplane and glide to the ground  unless he's dumbo.

One place to always seek refuge when in doubt  was a pub
least these people werent obsessed with if i was gay.
yes like a man in a church filled with like minded crazy people i was home.

Sharing a booth with a strange man creature who called himself Keith something  what a drunk genius he was indeed.
rambling hours on end about **** I seldom understood.
but as long as he was buying i was happy.

Poor guy  seems he was in a band  but with a name like the Rolling Stones how far could they go.
after much more rambling and some bad jokes we were off
me and my struggling guitar playing friend  who dare I say it was on drugs  I had met my true idol.

Always up for a prank we found areselves in he country
loading a bmw full  of horse crap  when a old woman from
the mansion did appear  under the inffluence  anger with pitch fork in hand.

As we fled  as well as staggerd  I asked my drunk pirate friend
you know that old woman looked  Paul  Maccartney That is Paul
Maccartney you ****** my sruggling sorta insane friend replied.

Running through the woods drunk at night is always fun
aside from thoose dam trees.
i was knocked flat as if i had been socked by skeeter
as i came to there the  legend stood overtop me
pitch fork raised wait befor you **** me sir please can i have
one last request.

I should have known Sir Paul  replied  happens all the time who should i make the autograph out to?
***** that amigo i pulled out my bible better known as my flask taking   one last drink of fire water  this was gonna ****.

When all the sudden a banshee's scream echoed in the forrest.
******* mate were done for  sir Pauls fear was clear as the wet spot on the front of his pants.

Tree's rattled what kind of monsters did this country hold?
the howl closer ****** Paul get of my back   im not
your old song writting buddy.

From the sky the bashee did appear  but had little or no intrest in me
The battle was epic the *** stained warrior put up valiant  and tearful fight.

The kicker was when she removerd her leg  like some sort of Brittish  samuri  all i can say is hot.
She swung like Mickey Mantle   or maybe it was mouse im not a big footall fan anyway.

Sir Paul knocked stone cold out  the she demon turned her attention to me.   And you!
She howled her leg wepon raised high in the moonlight
it was i know what your thinking romantic.

I deffended myself as best i knew how by falling to my knees crying pleading for my life  dam you bobby clan were are you now.

But to my suprize she only laughed silly yank  help me go through his pockets  befor the old ******* wakes up.
we searched finding many thing's hey whats this a flash light?
****** i should have known better than to look through a grown man's pockets.  
Had I not learned anything from my uncle.

The moon the she banshe with the removable leg
My drunk struggling muscian friend from a little blues band it was a magic night indeed.

As I sit by the fire  looking at it hanging over the mantle.
I wonder when will i again return to this  strange and Gonzo place.
And how the hell I was gonna explain were that leg came from.

Untill next time kids stay crazy
Always wanted to take a trip across the pond
And never put a thing past me
Forever Gonzo
For years it's been my  defense my escape and my prison
all in one.
It's a drug I can and will never kick.
I wield it as a wepon sharper than any razor none
could ever hold.

But it's a love hate relationship twisted in it's
lack of perfection  harsh edges none can
understand but I.

But in it I find isolation in others happiness I find
none of my own and like any drug its high slowly drains you
yet no matter your best efforts to escape it your always
a ****** after that fix.

I've taken to the stage as easy as breathing
and found it simple to draw there laughter.
Happiness is a splendid vice i deal it often yet
In jokes we show are fears  are weakness is on display
for the mocking of others.

Why do I struggle with masks when my own face is but a stranger
to me?
From the stage im the fool by apearence yet I control
every thought  a craftsman  in laughter  my job
i understand better than any other.

Yet I yern to be more than a teller of jokes.
It's to easy at times not that I want to seem
like a ego mainac  but my job I know well.

Often we see the comedians but seldom do we see the misreble
******* behind the jokes.
Maybe were madmen lunatics in a asylum
so happily on display.

The laughter is the comfort and for a moment it heals.
You feel it like a drug it it flows through your veins.
You take people outta there misery if only for a second
and thats the reward there happines is but my gold in thought.

But any role can become a trap.
For no one cares to hear a fools thought.
So you drown in other vices make light of your ******* up past.

And with any  exceptance in life it changes you.
People treat you diffrent for they see the act not the person.
Soon you cant even see yourself anymore.

Relationships turn sour.
Welcome strangers  who thirst for fun replace friends
And the more you succeed the further away you become.

So you drown in ***** or dose in pills  
Share moments you can barely recall.
Hide behind dark glasse's talk to women who claim
to want a glimpse but you both are just junkies
yerning for that fix.

But to be close if only for a moment is a
bitter sweet  dream cast on a nightmares

But there's always someone who can see past your *******.
but no matter how strong the love the stage and the laughter
are a poisen few can survive.

For how can you love the man who lives a double life?
Who's loved by many and understood by few if
even himself.

Everytime I get up there it's a sacrfice a road ive choosen
with no set reward.
My love for one can never match the  love of many.

It's more than joke ,Im more than a comedian,
Yet im less off a person after the lights fade.
Nothing can match that fix of the stage.

Pain ,Isolation the loss of yourself  and everyone you ever
cared for  thoose my friends are the setbacks of humor.
From the Still Night Sessions

Im sorry for this being it reaks of misery.
But I feel it give's another side of the coin so to speak.
In real life im a comedian I know shocking right.

Making people laugh is one of thebest feelings in the world
to me yet this speaks the truth for me.
It's not easy posting this but sometimes you have to go deep
no matter where it takes you.

I write things on the spot and ive wanted to try in my limted skill
to express the other side of the laugther.
Humor at least mine comes from a very dark place.
This book is taking me places I dont want to go
yet no matter the cost apon yourself I feel you must give all
cause no one who was ever worth there salt was ever half ***
about anything.
I'll never have  fans for I am  the one in awe
of you all.    

Thank you for reading.

You leave the option in a space now  empty
from your actions.
Traggic play acted bad.
Smiles from the guilt forbidden was the illusion no other truley
ever had.

In those confines I speak without words tears
in silence  fill this void.
Am i your wepon a vice or but a pawn in
a soon forgotten game?

Inside the storm is kept.
Outside the lie is shown in mild hope
you'll never see.

I am but spoiled earth.
Nothing more to see.
Samantha Steele Nov 2011
I  laughf,
State of insinaty.
Wild in my eyes.
Unknown evil lurking,
Beanth the surface,
Of my life.
I rejoice at the sight.
Blood covering my hands,
My whole body.
I see my pray,
Im ready to pounce.
I need my wepon.
Grab the blade,
Attack the emotions.
Let them all die.
I smile a wicked one,
Now my job is done.
Emotions are now gone.
My sight is set,
And its oh. so clear,
Its around the corner,
Death is near.
Time ticks by,
Emotions run lose,
No use to catch them.
Ill be gone soon.
Karissa Olson Jun 2013
How can I let you down,
Let you down easy.
You are heavy in my arms
I can't carry both of us
We both fall down.

You draw another line in the sand
I take a step back, wepon in my hand.
I don't want to hurt you
All you ever did was love me
Protect me, make me feel worthy.
But I can't return the favor
All I can taste is the wrong flavor
And I should tell you why...

But how can I let you down,
Let you down easy.
I need to let you go
Before you get too hurt
I whisper my apologies
As I let you down,
This is not easy.
Francis T Sep 2016
The moment i've been waiting for
The moment where I can show people I can do it
The moment where I can say
"I made it"

As I ready myself with my wepon in one hand as my other hangs
The referee giving us the go
As we both shoot at eachother like where bullets coming out of a gun
We both meet in the middle and slash are swords together
All I can hear is the meeting of are blades and how the whole room is as quiet as the night sky

I look to my right
Green light flashing on my side
I screamed

19 X's Beep

The match is stopped as the timer goes off

13 - 13

"Almost there"

Both getting ready again
We shoot at each other again

"His point..."

I breath as we shoot at each other again like pullets
"My point"

We salute and once again

"My point! One more!"

"I've waited my whole life for this"

"Running at the speed of light"
This might not seem good at all but I just wanted to type something like this! :D
Kole J McNeil Dec 2020
Sitting in this class I feel as though I am wasting away with my thoughts costantly banging inside my head wanting to be free

I am drwonging in my own mind with these thoughts like an angry god stirring the ocean of my happines and peace

The god is drowning me and I am reaching twords the surface gasping for air but the techer drones on while I sit there seamingly bord

Inside my own head is a battle raging my fear a lonly worrior fighting for a place in my mind my anxity is an army of hate

My deppression is the godess of death with her staring eyes and mind breaking words

The techer continues to with the lesson, the lesson that in my mind is the thing fuling the flames of my anger and pain

The kids laugh while I walk by, I am invisible to everyone unless they want to bully me

The kids are the mosters and I am the monster hunter who lost their wepon and is fighting a onesided battle

My words are the double edged sword that while slicing down my enemys are cutting words in to my own skin

The teachers are the evil overlords I must defeat but this not a real fight this is just a normal day

That bag I wear on my back, no not the backpack, the depression and my thoughts make it impossible to run after my target

It is heavy and the sword I cary so bravly is dulling with every slice it takes of my enmeys and myself

I am waering the aroumr that protects my mind from the stress that is school that is the kids that is my deppression and my parents and my thoughts

I am carring a sword that is dull but looks sharp so no one thinks to ask if it is sharp enough or offer to help when they see me loosing my battles

I am have been shot down and stood back up when no one thought I would The teachers they act as though they care

The teachers are the traitors that are pretending to be on your side when in reality they are serving the my angry god just to tick off another curriculum box

That is my battle not one of bloodshed though it is and not one of physical but mental

I see my life as a novle that I am wirting but I am the villian and hero and lost soul, I am everything and nothing

If I see my life as a battle it is easier to face than if I see it as reality, in my mind I have superpowers and I am the greatest sword master though a clumsy one I will admit

We all mess up but if I mess up thats just one more thing my angry god can use against me

I am loosing to my angry god
If you are loosing to yourangry god plz feel free to talk to me. I know how hard it is.
sage eugene zumr Oct 2020
jist of the pencil ontoward stencile fare im the dented pair
my eyes illuminate chizzled chairs as i sit and and stare
imma missionare with a wepon i dont get to share not usually
usin me brute gotta few screws to bleed its human see got
cheddar from a drop now im livin off cresining slots
guess its all about the hue ive not wanted to fume aloft
confuse the cost of a few to drip im askew as often i think
every second wondering how ive brought these words
to scene im a bird of bees what a cur to bring upsure
thats a word id sing if i ever get the chance to bleed out
im dancin free now with a lance at feet such a standard
fee up on the cran of berrie share with me your dreams
ive had an opal tell me it could see inside the hazels
i placed it in those stables wrote a book about the fable
now im thoughtless wrong on the jot get craw fished
couple dotted on the map with a lapse in the lisps actin
amiss never ona matress stackin those fists jack hit the
wrist hard whole arms just a bit scared never saw it
then it came in a scream i was aimed at the tree forrest
here to be so flourish i suppose im morbid listening
what a **** on the mill never knew me to be real i suppose
cause i aint gonna pose id rather go ghost so im super
striffle in the iffle of a glow holy show down comin
through the snow town feel it like a mode now i could
spit a sow wit stable as a hit able bit taken from kid
shame i slipped aim why to miss dame **** you did
imma sickness you cant rid is that for hidden messages
on your skype gettin medicines definite the media
needs an epipen its eprinefrine thats contenteded with
place a bottle on the box then i bent the slick severed
mentions of contorments ona flounder roundin hords
ima sore sword flowin more coarse than a shores chores
cords how you ploy when im four force for course of
action combat the blackened strip upon my faction

— The End —