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Goodbye becomes an uneasy token of grief

when love fades then walks out the door;

it's very sad to realize love's been too brief,

working at it has become a chore,

it is not worth it anymore.

The attic holds a memory of severe pain

shelved remains an engagement ring;

I can't fathom how a love for me you did feign

that I was merely a Spring fling,

I know I cannot trust you again

you made my tears fall like rain.

Held faceless against spare sunlight graying shadow

being invisible to you,

I had foolishly basked in your smile and although

a foreboding came into view ...

apologies cannot make love grow,

sacrifices ... I will forego.

Past the little details that tend to resurface

I try to go about my day;

my heart breaks whenever I think of our first kiss

waterwork woes are on display,

that is when our together I miss,

O, Lord!  Why do I reminisce?
The first phrase in each verse was given by a Contest Host ... I had to fill in the rest of the sentence and accompanying verse in a four stanza rhyming poem.  I do not know the form.
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2020
simple word: emma... emma... wright...
           a postman dropped
a package at 294 havering
road... when he should have dropped it at...
294 pettits lane north...
so i...
     walk up with this
package come 9pm... knock on the door...
              a dog barks...
a youth opens the door
i ask:
does...............   e-m'ah...
    yep... not: em-m'ah...
     does... E-m'ah... white...
i probably butchered
wright so i'm supposing:
white rather than wright...
right... because:
plain stephen: the trill is gone
hello: tarantula bitten numbing
on every... ******* R to come...

not that i think myself a poet...
but... when you...
have a goblin in your gob...
and you speak someone else's
teased **** of a tongue
in your, own... mouth...
                 no... not EM-M'AH...
          it went back toward
the greeks... μω / ημ...
                   the best reason to...
walk into a forest and get blind
all because...
   E-m'ah... not emma: not
                     e-and... m'am...
                 a demon in my throat
how could i... somehow...
"forget" how to say... a girls name...

there's no more curiosity left
in me...
salvage the hopes of leftovers...
because there are always some...

i... supposedly write...
            this frustration of...
un-invited bogus wrapping tow...
snub... and choke on... ropes...
a sentence...
          i have these... sensation envelopes...
they're not hallucinations...
much milder...
          the eyes are forever blind...
no... these sensation envelopes...
    my own tongue feels foreign
in my own gob behind the gate
of rubric of ivory... 26?
     no... that's the letters... humans have...
32 teeth...
               to speak... in 26...
   i had my original... ******... 32...
that's 6 short...
       ****'s sake... e-m'ah...
   rather than em-m'ah...
                     enough to make a man
drink himself to a sleep
towing a worship of death...

                      at my disposal...
about four fifths of fingers...
itchy... typing...
     and when speaking arrives...
a foreign tongue...
         it... truly wasn't...
a complicated: confiscation of a word...
     HCl mouthful...
   even though... hydrochloric     (acid)
is not a mouthful...

      шure: and a supriße...
                     ςeriously: c-c... chim-chimney...
                            the french: cedilla...
ç could only, have been... born...
from the greek...           sen-sible.

that irritating sound of a turning
of a door-****...
    or plucking... a silence...
when... there's a sloth-rummaging...
leak of a waterwork... tap tap tap...
a sound and a name for:
   no crescendo... not even a...
rattling: allure...
for... how sand and snare...
imitate... rain and a metal
                  arch:          e-
              ­                              +    
                             ­                   -cho...

such days... best left... forgotten.

— The End —