Dayend still must bare the cross of shooting down the siegel
And if you care for a demon you may doom yourself to hell
In a decision to remain for the duration of fall
The town reeks of itself, despair is on the horizon my veins feel cold at the thought of yourself forcing a smile when you look in the mirror,
Provocation never met with impunity for those who just don’t never seem to know when and when no’ to quit— —
Losing is the only way to play.
Burnt pathways line both sides,
Choice seperates the individual from the options;
always the option. agrarian scars
bare the fields of grass and buildings
We once called our home.
A hundred thousand miles away
and I still just shook you off with excessive force.
I’ve always been mean and sometimes
it’s a good thing and sometimes it’s the worst
and I don’t realise ‘til the next day
But nonetheless you pretty ugly *******
We have others to haunt and feast upon.
At times we are O so laughibly evil it does no good to think about it after it’s been so committed-to and done for a while
I’ll be dead before I make a bigger regret,
But with you, honey,(though now you hate me so) I reckon I’d still trade an your time over just about anyone else’s.
Your words were so sweet and supportive and forgiving when i was on your side,
How long can two people who live to spite even expect to stay a team? Nice knowing you.
I’ll wear the reflections and deflections like welts and I won’t forget the magic I felt but I’ll happily scrap the plans made.
You only knew how to lie and you’ll no doubt forget my name in time, and I’ll spit yours onto the ground from time to time.