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They asked me to wait, told me you would find me.
Like a lilly patiently waitn, i did what i was told.
So i waited, hoping you would find me. A year passd and you did not show, attempting to find some closeness, i entertained myself with them, gave them what was yours.
A decade passed and u did not show, thought it was the stench of them that drove you away, so i cleaned up my act, drenched my soul in spirits n let them go.
A year has passed and you have not shown up.
Am getting tired of waiting.
So sit where you are... You were never needed.
Am go
TheSanguinary Oct 2019
I had hope that the sun will shine
I had hope that the dawn will come
I thought i had a chance
brighter days will come they say
I had faith that it was my time
But some how i lost it all in an instant

I never wanted to hurt
"If i had thought my wrds through "
My mind tells me
But once spilt, you cant recollect it
Cant take back wat i said
But it wasnt out of spite
I guess i get to exprience another dusk be4 a dawn

Im tired of being in the dark
Waitn for dawn so i can see wats in my head and wats real.
For my nightmares walk free in the dark
And my head filled with fantasies
I want it to come .....
My mind is falling apart
My heart losing heat
I feel cold
I just cant wait for dawn

Constantly seeking a place to hide
Trying to cover up my mistakes with more mistakes
I keep coming back to my past
Both in mind and matter
A pitch black maze
I'm failing to navigate
Doing this and doing that
A pain that pills and potions can't solve
A hole that alcohol and drugs can't fill
I need a new light
I need dawn.....
I wanna wake up tomorrow
And live a new day
Have u ever wanted something or someone so bad..... but you just cant reach
Roj Oct 2018
If only i could say,
that i could love you in a very special way.
I can do nothing but keep it this way,
So I could make you stay.

For you I am nothing,
For me you became my everything.
Your beauty keeps on shining,
and keeps my heart beating.

Like a horizon I tried reaching,
Even with the storm, I'll keep sailing.
Because you are the one I am seeking,
a treasure that is worth keeping.

I may be hidden,
in this feeling that is written.
Someday I'll be sayn',
that I am here waitn'.

— The End —