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The neon kisses the sidewalk below embracing strangers as they pass
in all directions none seem towards home.
***** sidewalks and the slums splendor Im a gatekeeper of despair and hard
luck just living for the bells chime to echo from the counter.

Drunks and ****** gather within my confines the outcasts of the night my people
seldom will I ever know more than a signature upon the page.
Moths drawn together attaracted by neon light.
Tommorows not a promise so embrace feeling and grow numb in reflex for now.

Are we not twisted from exposher numb from the streets brutal truth?
I count the hours a television for companion a bottle a often short staying vistor
who's welcome till the hangover's regret.

Some pills to drive my thoughts and a fresh *** of coffee to fuel my engine
tIme kills even the most unfaded of us all.
And through the night they gather some to escape the cold others for a quick escape
or fast **** to forget as if in a Halloween costume soon they'll return to there true act
of a life.

Embrace as lover's when there nothing more than roomates hey kids were doing great
you coming home for Christmas this year?
And so they like well trained actors reprise there roles.

But i see there mess allnight I collect the rejects nothing more but fragments
glass that reflect what they wish could never be.
If only we could rewind.
But life's highway cant be retraced so on we roll.

I  collect there money and take down there names the keeper of memories
tattered wings fly none the less.
As for the women the far away stares are but shared thoughts of a misery
more bitter we drink from the same passed down glass.

Some things just don't have to be said to be understood.
The nights my watch my vices fuel me for yet another round.
the neon signs my beacon And the moths glide to flame with the turning of the switch.

Were all ****** up but seldom can some show the flaws .
I embrace them unspoken please sign here.
Tommorows walk we'll pretend to not see for we all need to feel
invisible sometIme.

The end of my shift bids farewell to my collected chaos tired we've become in constant
recollection the light is off for now.
Zenobia Feb 2010
I've heard it said
We're only vistor's here on earth
That our real home is up in Heaven
If You Believe
When things said true or untrue
Then is it the rightous who are barely saved
What chance will the Godless have

Be careful
Watch out for attacks from those
Who our the greatest of enemies with no soul
Their on the prowl
Like hungry roaming lions
Looking for victims to tare apart
Standing firm with their own beliefs and goals

Stand up and trust
In God
He's the true strength to getting us through
Any and all storms
When one of us around the world is attacked
It affects us all in suffering  
Go and stand up for courage
Not with Fear
Surrender it in God's Hands

Raise your thought of consciousness
The core of Peace is near
The enemy of Fire
Be ****

(upwc)Zenobia/aka/LadyZ710 - 1/31/10
juan zavala Jul 2010
Dark starry night, all is quite.
Sounds of leaves falling flapping
and twirling a gust of scented nature.
Sitting alone in the dark pondering,
awake by memories like a rerun on a

I Could just remember when I first
Set my eyes on her, my love the one
whos holds my heart in one hand and
the other.. the key to it. Beauty Unbearable
Shines light upon dark, cuts through
shadows and glistens with sun rays.

Im alone in the dark just sitting, rocking,
back and fourth like I have no self control.
I cant sleep phantoms whisper in my ears
reminding me of what I have lost dear to me.
"An accident!?!" I keep telling myself over and
over till its embedded to be well convinced.

No more my love is with me she sleeps
peacefully not temporary but eternity.
Her soul was lost from an accident I say.
No more but I still smell her presence her
touch I still remeber..but one day,
We argued while she cooks, her hand she
holds her ticket to death.(knife)

Cutting away on the table while we argue
I grab her to get her attention but she slips
down and with her, her death ticket.
As I watch horrified in shock she gasp for
Her last breath, I rush to her aid.
I looked at what ended my future, my everything,
my love..

Im holding her tight screaming to myself
but no words speak out. In a  silence staring
into her eyes, my lips move telling her, begging
her for forgiveness. I kiss her to comfort
her letting her know that everything
will be alright. I look away to find help
but only to find emptiness, loneliness.

As I sit while she lays across my arms,
she gasp for here last breath only to feel
her heart take its last beat. No more she
calls for me nor her heart, I cried rivers
drenching her in sorrows and guilt.
Laying here lifeless only way I can keep
her forever if I was to bury her near me,
her home,her previous life.

Her body Im holding taking her to her
resting spot a dark shallow grave.
She deserves better my mind tells me but I
can't let a single soul know, soon ill join
my love so we can both be together again
just like it used to be...

Two days pass by but it felt like years crept up,
seconds became minutes, minutes became
hours, hours became days as if time just stood
still for a lifetime. I waited in my room no food,
no sleep, just to see my love would come back.

Midnight lingers outside wanting to
shadow over me. Im immune to darkness
only to accept it as my life style..but all of
a sudden scratching, crying, and pounding
outside my front door. I come to my senses
to discover only insanity like no other
only to hear an unexpected vistor late

Walking pacing slowly hesitant to wonder
what could be the other side door this late
night, when all is dead with silence no trees
whistling no leaves falling. I open the door
as it screech loudly. My love stands before
me the flesh but to find a corpse decomposing
a smell so foul it reeks as it hovers and suffocates
the smell that Im use to smelling from my love.

She walks words are spoken but to find her
holding my hand and leading me to the bedroom.
Eyes no longer show life but just sunken in the
sockets no pupils just a dark glaze over them
I see what she has in store for me as she points for
me to lay on the bed so I do. She joins me on
the bed but its not what I expected to be...

No soft touch, no light shining or no
sun glistening. We lay, I thought to myself
so this is it huh.. I close my eyes just to
picture what my love looked before her soul
went dark revengeful. I can feel without a
doubt that she holds my heart in one hand and
the death ticket in the other...
idea from steven kings pet cemetary
Star BG Sep 2017
We are just visitors borrowing these bodies for a human experience. To play, run, feel, heal laugh cry, learn and remember who we are
True purpose... so we connect with all and God on this our sacred earth.

StarBG © 2017
Stephen Norton Mar 2021
I am not liked
I do not like you
I am a vistor
Walking through a human zoo
I observe your behaviors
I may think you are cute
But I cannot take you home
I'm alone
A species of one
Chemically controlled
I could be like you
Braindead and handfed
A vistor become prisoner
Please the many
Destroy the few
Instead I observe
Unbeholden to you

— The End —