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Elijah Corbeau May 2014
This forced swinging from high to low
with emotion as my rope;
Perhaps but to fall, the ebb and flow
of a drama of a grand scope:


Midnight and the moons resounding note
waning like memories of her caress,
"Thy soul be sundered; thy life 'tis smote-
Your love 'twas simply in jest!"
Fearfully I cried under a frightful duress-
"Who art thou, wicked seraph! Fiend indeed!!
Why, why should you call my distress?
In my hour of loss, my hour of need?"
It then said, 'Thy know, thy soul I read-
Blasphemer! Defiler of a chaste life!
Sin tis your cover, desire your breed,
To be covetous of anothers wife!"
Furious was my speech - "Take thy seraphic knife,
Let us clash, I shall not fall!
Thou art simply a portent of strife;
Thou hast no honor, no higher call!"
Claimed I, "Thou art not in God's thrall!
Thou art a menace black and seedy,
To come before me with such gall,
to come before a man so needy!"
A horrible visage then arose before me,
Terrifying! This angel of doom-
The moon 'twas struck, lay bleeding-
It's light red, fading soon...
A soul of the darkest gloom,
This being 'twas not ordained!
Beneath the light of the hemorrhaging moon,
I saw what it seeked to gain!
This monster, it fed off of pain,
I cried, "Thou art surely craven!
Thy knife hast many stains,
But how art thou so boldly brazen?
Perhaps hailing from some deathly haven,
or heaven tormented, I know thy measure!
I do know ye, sinful, lust-torn maven,
Forsake sustenance from my pleasure!
Be gone! Shatter thy earthly tether!
Back!" I shrieked- "Away from this plane!"
Whether Angel sent, or Devil, whether
Freudian delusion or Jobs game!
Love and sin art not the same!
So cast off of me your burdened guilt-
Love blooms wildly, it's vines my veins,
And from stronger feelings 'tis built!
I shall not be cursed by passions blame,
and my love shall never wilt!
From Valkyrie Profile! Inspired by Lezard Valeth - Great Character!
Celia Alexandros Jan 2018
Love is an art a mystery for where I agree to it.
Beside my weakness that I easily move on I am obsessed to understand how love works
Why people willing to sacrifice their wonderful  life for something like love
I wish to know that. Other than the positive side of it I am aware of the negative side of it
But it does not surprise or interest me
What surprise me is how we see one person from one glance and there without a warning our heart beat for that person so quickly
Without a logic explanation or a warning why we feel that way
How love can turn someone into a different human being
And there I thought I for one will be changed by love
But to my demise I was wrong
As much as how different I am to other people
That is how I am different when it comes to their view of love
I felt like I treated love like an experiment a research instead
So my heart was never broken
in fact love has showed me that I am not ever going to change
i will go worse and worse
Like Lezard Valeth

— The End —