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When Lazarus left his charnel-cave,
  And home to Mary's house return'd,
  Was this demanded--if he yearn'd
To hear her weeping by his grave?

'Where wert thou, brother, those four days?'
  There lives no record of reply,
  Which telling what it is to die
Had surely added praise to praise.

From every house the neighbours met,
  The streets were fill'd with joyful sound,
  A solemn gladness even crown'd
The purple brows of Olivet.

Behold a man raised up by Christ!
  The rest remaineth unreveal'd;
  He told it not; or something seal'd
The lips of that Evangelist.
Satan Nov 2010
Bloodmark, swords and damnation.
I fought for the lost souls of the nations.
With such unbearable desire and passion.

Fuil ar mo aghaidh....

Secrets of three, veiled yet unhidden.
Lights upon the earth to cast away the forbiddens.
Pain and sorrow to deaden.

Forget thy sins not...
Unreveal thy secrets not...

Mo chroí a fháil ar bhealach...
For God love ist divine...
To those who dwell in His Shrine...

Dorchadas fháil bás...
Darkness finds death...

Solas teacht ar an saol
Light finds life...
Thanks to Keiran and Galman for the irish gaelic translations.....
She's the girl who's like every key of piano at once & I the boy who writes to create a sky where moon can touch the sky and not get burned
And at the moment when her musical notes meets with my words ; my words turns into beautiful musical poems
She's the girl who's like pauses between every words & I the boy who's like silence which make terrible noise
And at the moment when her rhythmic pauses meets with my noise ; my noise turns into melodious love songs
She's the girl who's like the feeling when blind get eyes and see the world first time & I the boy who's like the first thought in mind when everything is ending
And at the moment when her gentle stream of feelings flowing like river meets with that thoughts; endings turns into brand new beginnings
One day she & I'll sit at the edge of the world and will ride strange tides of sea together
One day she & I'll steal all the stars from the sky because there will be too many between she and me
One day she & I'll the only one thing the whole world eyes will ever notice, she & I'll the only voice whole world ever need to hear
Y'all want to know who's she?
She's the girl who's like morning first light unreveal the all secrets when she appears and I the boy who's like a box of secrets waiting to be opened by her gentle hand.
And at the moment when she'll give her hand to me; I'll tell y'all and will hold her hand walk with her on the floor of ocean and will walk away from y'all
Mateadi Thabiso Mar 2015
last night I sat in the dark
fishing for luminous words from
what seemed like a shallow furrow of thoughts
and I found myself stuck
between realities I dare not speak

allowing time to whisk me
to the edge of the world I only see in a dream,
indulging in calamities I cant seem to unreveal,
for Im stuck between two worlds of conflicting

The night with whom I conversed the
perplex complexities, mimicked the
unbirthed reality, leaving me in a pool
of confusion and a list of future uncertainities
again I find myself stuck between
worlds I dare not speak

The words I utter seem to fade
in the deep belly of the hours I sat, as
the only hope I hold on to,
is that of morning when a thick line
is drawn between my dreams and my reality

Last night I sat in the dark eluded by sleep,
swimming in a pool of written
ideas of metaphors, to undress the thoughts
that lie far beneath my sleepless nights,
and haunted by words I dare not speak

— The End —