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absinthe Feb 2016
selfish seated next to pure
how does evil lure demure
underserving, i am cruel 
a wildfire only one ruled

narcissistic, i saw snow
so i torched it, saw it glow
watched the torture, killed it slow
forced together, white and coal

hand in hand and as they melted
when things ended, i reacted 
if only i'd been forewarned
would’ve never fired that torch 

a refugee i fled for help
from war i'd waged against myself
when ceaseless thoughts of him intrude
i knew fate had picked my refuge

an Angel touched my hand 
he took from me my black
his wings lifted my sins 
he sensed my innocence 
rinsed clean my slate with his
for me he risked his wings 
saw my tears made them his

he is my tears
he protects me
offers relief 
he sustains me
   made quiet my fire 
   he seized my fears
   saved me like tears
                                     he is my tears 
                                     he is my tears
i am pyrite, he is gold
in-fractions quartered my soul
so one tuesday night in june
i raised my weight up on a stool

pessimistic i sought sleep
sewed a tassle by my eulogy
blotched its ink as my eyes spewed
forced my neck into the noose

inhaled the last breath i’d hold
when in he rushed, my precious stone
if only he’d been forewarned
would’ve never touched fool’s gold

then an Angel touched my hand
he changed my jaded plans
his words exuded jewels
he sensed my dissonance
synced my dead breath with his
with jade greener than spring  
filled my lungs to the brim

as my eyes streamed in front of him
he swam dark seas and prized me with
faith i’d drowned cowardly in gin

he is my tears
he protects me
offers relief 
he sustains me
   made quiet my fire 
   he seized my fears
   saved me like tears
                                     he is my tears 
                                     he is my tears
he kneels down by my knees, says he
wished he had his lens now to steal
this image his two lenses see 
the sky's iris crowning his queen

dilates my pupils as he speaks 
constrict-in vein when high i peek
see no bright stars can make me peak  
like sights of his smile just for me

seep fingertips deep in my wrist  
feel my heart racing, so i sprint 
hear its beats use my ears as drums
hymns his tears sang that day still haunt

i stole from him all but my tears 
he held my burden selflessly 
and as i robbed strides selfishly  
my faith fell back beneath my feet

he is my tears
he protects me
offers relief 
he sustains me
   made quiet my fire 
   he seized my fears
   saved me like tears
                                     he is my tears 
                                     he is my tears
wish he could see 
that even when they kneel
     Angels                                              ­        
exceed queens.   

- end
L Gardener Apr 2018
beautifully sad woman,
city trees ***** mimicry,
that mean sick friendship changes,
but the blue eyes unhesitating, large,
a thunderbolt for someone,
fires of passion and caresses,
have tragedy, have disorder,
get us two confined,
now the imagines marry
a look will torment,
the dark velvet for witches,
led wolves,
each ache crackle that couldnt feel,
slowly flexes from sorrows,
and because the electrified spiderwebs,
have a small current,
an illusion that to have brightness there,
not when blinding them,
even if the sun heavens dreamed lover Greeks,
a thousand tears breathe songs.
JS CARIE Nov 2019
1.)When imagination became infiltrated by sounds of the nocturnal
—— —— —— —— ——
2.)When negatives sabotage the nocturne to infiltrate imagination  
—— —— —— —— ——
Your wonder ever waver
from reflecting on the wholehearted feature in your possession,
then retreat back into fixed permanence lining every pondering moment with conditions?

Disbelief loomed in your direction,
accompanied by a voice speaking phrases that shock...would you barter?

Over the most rigorous of hand in hand tribulations
Your hand picked heart continued on the loyal
As precursive voices shock that faith
Be open to obtain verbalized through summoned thoughts,
or whisper,
or even murmur such a combination of letters squeezed together

you wouldn’t barter your set mind
For the widest of riches or a trickling scrap of any gossips current scoop

you wouldn’t barter your set mind on
anything open ears didn’t hear
Focused eyes haven’t seen

In order to accept another truth that has no traits of convinces
So much they are willing to pay you a premium of immeasurable value
to reflect on
And waver wonder from wholehearted feature
This is now the lost swamp of fright that begins the next chapter non-being existence vacuum
Sadly there aren’t any shortcuts around this living read
Only the path of lonesome
Unraveling and hurling pelts of disgraced immediacy at your thoughts,
Your appearance,
Your confidence, and trust
running multiple scenarios through chronological process
Trying to spot the precise moment of derailment
internal bitter aggression is crowned result

Because your mind is doubtless  
Based on your belly that’s taken confirmation
By your unhesitating heart
Supported by the goddess
you began outlining on canvas
since your ears took in this echoing pain of disbelief
Certifying to the Triplex Elements
That your love runs deeply,

The triplex elements throughout our

(Mind)Restless with doubt and demands believing

(Heart)Personal justice pulsar until dotage rings out with excess

(Stomach) When swallowing ethos emits bubble gutted pathos pay no attention to almost

you wouldn’t barter your mind and open ears
For the widest of riches and a truth accepting order undefined
Solitary Frenzy
Jamal Abboud Jan 2019
The moon watches from far above,
In obscured space of loneliness,
Feels whispers, cries and sighs of love,
Among all miraculous creation;
And guide hearts that dwell in brightness,
For light is the language of the soul
Of the fair, the ugly, the unsatisfied and all
Can wait no longer  in separation;
Nothing can be right more than the moon at night,
For ages and further in subtle lightness,
Unchanged moves, unhesitating high above
Forests, valleys,  primitive beings and civilized,
Odor and spirit of light's grace,
So quietly passes gently with frowning face,
Or eye of merciful fate or heaven's breast,
Feeding the fancies of desire, east and west,
So famous, yet glimmers with sad shade,
Quite always, as it is, pretends to be winking,
For lovers receiving his charm, charm of a king,
Lured easily by perfect beauty of perky maid,
So secret desire lifts light to outer space of loneliness.
Joevoltage Jun 2020
Thou cold eye of midnight,
Which see through the crust of daylight.
Keep steady watch over this soul of mine so enervated;

Thou inveterate eye of the starry night,  
Whose light shines to keep the night alight.
Keep thy sworn sentry over this soul of mine so worn-out;

Keep thy hate to thyself
Thou shadows of the night,
That knows no rest
For this soul passes through thy valley;

Cast not thy indignation against my sapped soul,
Thou untamed tongue of night terrors for this soul be innocent of thy pains.

When the montain shrouded in mist belch it's cruel venom of unholy hatred,
Let this loyal oath by which thou art bound,
Keep my zones safe and quiet.

Howling winds, crawling ominous shadow and tenebrous sinister lightening overlap the night sky with doom,
All this a reminiscence to the dark mages fallen.
Whose plight refuse rest.
From this too be quick to my jaded soul defend.

Bath now I pray my parth with thy beams of light pure and true.
Guide this noble reason which before thee i lay,
For this reason I groan while my knells so swollen moans.

Let it not be chronicled that I fell into the alluring petals of decay that glimmers.
Nay!!! neither a victim of her pleasant poisons.
Keep an unhesitating watch over my soul o bright of the morning stars that rides the cherubs of war
And seraphs of peace.
............quod scripcy, scripcy
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2020
Thinking of the summer
plotting, planning, waiting

Basketball with my boy
No need for more debating

They try to ride the tiger
It turns unhesitating

Time just tick tocks on
I'm alone and contemplating

Qualyxian Quest Feb 2020
Shiva in Charlotte
         waking, walking, waiting
Athena Wallace Nov 2011
You break; I cry. We lose our minds.
And tumble down with shattered spines.
The fragile earth at sudden halt, and all of this: it was my fault.
I should have spoken, should have said, everything:
But now you’re dead.
My actions, words, or even pen, Could have changed this tragic end.

But Didn’t.
“Why?”, I ask in retrospect.
The answers though, I can’t detect.
I wanted failure, loss of life,
I wanted me to burn and die.
I took inaction, mouth sealed fast.
My pen withholding, hidden past.

But Didn’t.
Despite my efforts, past revealed.
Even wounds, yet unhealed.
But it’s too late, and can’t be changed.
Unhesitating, somber blade.
I tried to stop, to ask for help, to understand, to change my path…
But then again, you do the math…

I Didn’t.

— The End —