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Riddhi N Hirawat Apr 2018
If you don't have it, you regret.
If you have, then I bet
that give it a break and
you'll get it very correct.

Imagine a forest without a grass
A band without an instrument of brass
Imagine a butterfly without colors
that you thought, will bring for you wonders
Imagine a desert without sand
a sea without a drop of water
Were standing but there's no trace of land
Pots given shape without the hands of a potter

Imagine schools going on without a teacher
This world without the trace of a creature
A class in which nobody passes
Flowers decorated on tables without vases
Water in pots with holes at the bottom
Trees full of green leaves int he sesason of autumn

Imagine the tongue tasting nothing kept on it
or if the slowest moving animal becomes rabbit.

this all wasn't for getting irritated
'cause "Haste is waste."
Like all this sounds funny to be
The same is the condition of life without patience
and around honey, no honey-bee.

There are curves in the Nile
They're also in our lives
Like the crescent sand dunes and the shiny crescent moon
So a man should have patience, whether morn or noon

We need to have a cup of patience
Atleast to understand the answer of its equation
Patience has to be applied
In every desirable part of life.
This all is known by that man
who doesn't have patience in his pan

Patience in life is like
Soul in body
Rhythm in music
sunlight on leaves shone
me i my mommy's womb

Mother is the biggest and
the greatest idol of patience fpr
it is totally undoubtful that's bound to hats off
be a man full of patience
its one of life's greatest lessons!
Questions hit me hard.
      Will I be successful?
            My roads lead where?
                  Why did I choose to be me?

Questions do hit me hard,
they hit me in forms I can't even feel,
in 5th or 6th dimensions.

Questions are an insult,
Doubts are heresy,
Doubts are immortal,
truths are fragile,
Truths are lack of intelligence,
but still I seek them relentlessly.

I'm broke to search things I do not believe:
to look for oceans inside a desert,
to look for laws and axioms in chaos,
to look for stories never to be told,
to seek and seek answers
that brings reasonable meaning to the world,
to **** absurds,
and to birth coherence.

I took things absolutely,
I believed unquestionably in nature's laws,
I believed in authorities,
I legitimated aesthetics,
I thought I learned,
I talked and spread words not mine,
I walked in firm soils
(but never knew their plasticity underneath me),
I assured,
I was,
I am

Faith Melton Oct 2011
He came to us purely by accident
A spirit from beyond the veil
He does no wrong, he is an innocent
His words are a song
Waiting to be sung
By those who remain loyal
Who honor promises made
His name has undoubtful meaning
An act needing to be remembered
He seeks to avenge
Those who have done no wrong
But have the upmost evil
Done to them
He brings forth Justice
As himself and as his actions.
He is a knight,
A skillful man with a blade,
A hero of peace.
Our unrecognized savior
Derek Pascarella Apr 2014
Showering undoubtful love.
With eyes filled of pride.
He voices admiration about us,
He embeds ambition within us.

Strong willed.
The epitome of a hard worker.
He constantly picks himself to give to us,
He wages war to support us.

The key to the past,
Reciting history about family.
He shows the importance of kinship to us,
He ingrains the significance of affinity within us.

A shoulder.
A hand.
He is a monument to stabilize us,
He is a beacon to show the way for us.

Full of laughter.
Patron of jokes.
He lights up the room for us,
He roots humor within us

A storyteller.
A dreamer.
He installs creativity within us,
He exemplifies wonder for us.
Joanie Poston Feb 2013
There is no magic within this mirror
To hide my undoubtful tears

I am ashamed of this
This feeling in the p it of my stomach
I should be happy
Grateful for this life

But I see that I am so small and meaningless
But I want to be more than this

I want to be your reason that you smile
I want to make this life worthwhile

I want to be seen and not in the shadows

I want to start this revolution
I want to be a solution
To someones unhappiness

So I hereby tell you you are beautiful and lovely
No matter what they say
Sometimes when I see someone down I don't always know what to say or have the nerve to speak up and say something and make them feel better. I would like to make atleast one person smile a day :) that would make my life worthwhile.
Zay Bliss Feb 2014
Skies falls, true happy ones die with no regrets,
Blood reigns, depression worsens, for some it stays the same,
The young die at their peek of youth,
The old are left to await death, undoubtful truth,
But, the lonely ones,
We were here,
We will always be here,
The truth was always near,
To die isnt what we had to fear,
It was to be alone when everyone else is nothing but ash and bone,
It should be written in stone,
That in the end,  we will survive,
When all is gone, no more loneliness,
Together and forever The Lonely Ones shall roam...
L Seagull Jul 2016
Character sprouts and spreads
And penetrates the view the action
And response
Does this skin fits my inner world?
Does my inner world fit my outfit?
Blanket embroidered with a portrait of
Your heart's temple and a flag to your war
Is it a boldly stated truth undoubtful axiom?
Is this changing shape metamorphosis
Faithfully truth to her essence?
While stretching it's limbs  
Transforming it's tangible qualities...
The flexible substance is essence of the Constance
Do you find such substance in what's expected?
Do you follow instructions compulsively
Step by step towards a ready made final product?
Character defined and well understood
With a resounding hahaha and a polite distance
The character in keeping the face and the stiff upper lip
Giving lip service to the leaders and those to be followed on Twitter
Hiding the angst in the nights embrace
Facing the morning as must be done
Over and over and over
With much character for others to see
the waves crash
over my mind
words slash
over time

misplaced curiosity
had no home
until undoubtful atrocity
the thought i roam

i over think
all the time
to the brink
so devine

every word
to i cling
i cannot find
what they mean

ill figure it out
this ill do
until i come
to talk to you

then ill freeze
ill muck it up
without words
i am stuck

— The End —