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You hold on to your sanity as long as you hold onto yourself
a good musician is the one who writes just to write, just to play a purpose, no, live the purpose, to tell a story
to make a story

The only way we get stuck is when we forget what we're writing for
the real meaning
the truth
you can get wrapped around an idea so strongly that you lose yourself on the thought of it,
how to say it,
how to play it out just right so that others can understand
instead of remembering the reason why you started all along
which was to sing
to enjoy
to embrace
to be entertained pertaining to whatever emotion you're feeling or want to feel
to have the vibrations ringing through your ears
putting you to the frequency level accompanied by the beauty
a mental state, not of euphoria
but of release, an escape from everything but the motion of your body to the sounds
to be what we all look so deeply for
but never quite understand the chains that bind us enough to love it's existence
to be free

music gives us freedom
music makes the real rebels of society
music makes the genuine come out to play
music is what will forever keep us alive
forever telling the memories of the pure, the true,the holy, the one's who never break character
and hold on to what they believe in

I believe in everything, and I believe in me, so who's to say they can't believe in me too?
that's why I'll never stop
because hopefully if I do it right, I'll be giving back to the world while simultaneously gaining it all
by never stopping the songs
by never giving up
someone else will see the light of hope and faith
and won't stop
for the sake of their dreams and aspirations to become a part of reality

If I can just touch one person, then I will have touched them all
If I can keep one mind from falling to limbo
from getting caught up in circles
and instead enjoy the fact they even have what they have
then I will have created the story that continues on in all of us
the story of life

a life of succession
a life of purpose

by the time I can reach out to everyone
I will have already told my story to the next
a neverending purpose, with a never ending soul
that's why we're here
to search within ourselves deeper than anyone else
to lose our sanity before we can even build it
so that we know
what we're building upon is nothing
but everything

we are old and we are new,
we know that existence is true
and the things that we do

so why let it stop when you know you have complete control over your actions?
because you forget what you were writing about in the first place

To end life without influencing someone is a life never lived
it's selfish to say you can't do it, when that's the point to it

no matter what you do you will always give and take
but you will receive more if you outweigh your taking with giving

so keep singing the songs
Love is strong
yet undefineable
as are all emotions
unless there's a purpose

purpose gives purpose
purpose takes purpose
that's why accidents are miracles
God and I both know
that's why I just laugh at the good and the bad
because that's all we'll ever have
and if we all figure this out
we're not going to cease to exist,
ceasing is going back into nothingness and recycling

If we all come to know what I now know
We'll grow into something...fresh

so keep telling the story
keep living the dream
and if you forget what you were writing about, don't end it.....start over

1969 was the last time,
and there were many before it,
we're coming closer to another each day
the closer we get to it
the closer we are to it falling apart afterwards
I'm trying to make this time around, stay for a while
and make it's way to everything
what I'm talking about is a collective consciousness
and it's the reason why I'm writing this...Hope to see you all sooner than later, but not ever never
**Faded Fate**
Anna2000 Apr 2015
Science explains life as a series of reactions.
Some are inevitable.
Some are just chance.
Science is supposed to be a explanation,
But somehow,
Mabye just because I am me,
Science has failed me.
That day in 7th grade was just a fleeting feeling
Or so I thought.
A crush is just that.
A confusing, scattered mix of feelings, that normally,
Science could explain.
Dialated pupals,
Fluttering heart?
Flushed cheeks?
Still normal.
This is what science explains.
Perfect sense.
But what about what it can't explain.
This little fleeting feeling can
Turn a normally sane person into a aparent lunatic .
Turn a single word into what seems like a thousand buzzing
Coded messages.
Turn a slight stumble into a worldwide tumble.
That quiet little feeling,
That you told to just go away,
Has apparently decided instead
To just keep growing.
To defy rationality
To blurr the line between just a flutter
And the unknown.
Even after a year of starving that feeling,
And you think, its finally gone
With a mixture of
disapointment and relief.
Just to find out that it was hibernating
And ready to make a comeback.
Do these things
That just start as just a little feeling
Defy science
And turn into what could be described as
Resiliant, controlling,
Odd little feelings turned creature
That seem to have minds of their own
And a twisted sense of humor.
Things that some might Call
the begginings of love.
One of the few,
Or perhaps many,
Things that are truly
jeffrey robin Nov 2010
..........ever betray?

never trust what a man does
but only what
he says.............

(and never deeply)

stand undefineable
and bring

only one


in the obvious

in the desire to attain
one worth having

we need not criticize anyone


in the obvious

we arrive

at the door

always opening

and see eachother

deandra ardya Feb 2014
Someone out there is going to physically ask for your name
not to play with it, but to live the rest of their life with it
Someone out there is going to flash you a smile
even when you hardly expect it
Someone out there is going to brush off the hair from your face
not only with their hands, but also with their soul
Someone out there is going to hold your hand
no matter if your hand is sweaty or cold
Someone out there is going to stand right out your door with flowers
and tell you you're beautiful in your pajamas
Someone out there is going to look at you like the first time
and you won't notice the difference because the way they look at you is undefineable
Someone out there is going to whisper those three meaningful words into your ears
that send shivers through your skin
Someone out there is going to love you,
not only for who you are in the present,
but also for who you were in the past
and for who you will be in the future,
and for the first time in your life,
you will believe it
and live with it for the rest of your life
pluie d'été Sep 2014
kiss my wrist
the way you're used

and tell me the secrets
all the girls

watch my
the beautiful ones
you say
watching you

and smile
when they melt
into rain
as our fingers

slip through
to the cold air
and make it all grey
instead of
the undefineable
i was drowning in

but first
kiss me again
before you go
I love
to feel

with you

— The End —