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Alexander Doss Jun 2010
Lost River

Phantasms fill the spaces
Of my dreams a haunted place
Chatter chatter clatter breaking
Shattering the cold chains
Undamming memories of childhood
Lost, torrents of pain lay bare my banks
Of deep rooted trees
and tossed my sanctuary asunder
Dragging me under  
I sputtered and gagged on thick muddy memories
I could not
find a dry place on my pillow
I moaned a lullaby
A dirge so cheerful I wept no longer
behind the heavy red curtains of my
Private place,

I welcome your feedback.

Ken Pepiton Aug 2019
she was jest one knotch too weird wired for regular folk
smile was sorta crooked,
'til she grinned,
the whole ****** room lit up like

Christmas Eve and New York New Year on TV

she was thereafter ever after I vanished
in the undamming of the flow,
past the weir on Tenant's Creek.

We walked in the moonlight,
to a famous cavern
Dreamtime, dust stirred in the cave...
hear the sea?

way yonder, hear the ocean?
Sh, touch the dust, ashes of the past,
roll in the dust.
cough choke joke joke
you pass
you pass heko heko finiinish wink.

Wood pecker rythmn in a hummingbird realm,
one two three for five six seb

seberal cebral lesions appear, pop-outa-gno-where

evil imaginations in your hear, dear reader,
go binge all Purge movies,

then rewatch five seasons of that sup-augmented
puppy show, where each episode is a win,
for the
favorite, in any any child's hierarchy of worth.
Patrol verses Oscars Oasis--
Get some goodoldfashion ethotical archeo-types
Etched in acid,
splashed in face of the diva asking ever who who who

is fairest of the fair?
not fair?

har har har, fair's fair, in Love 'n' War glory stories,

that end well, all's well.
That ends.

Next is no longer just
around the corner... this junction is some

past all that. Here is where
the rubber met
the road,

the one that leaked and changed reality
for me.
How small the co-incidental nature of our nativity. It's a miracle you can read this.

— The End —