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George Arkley Jan 2013
Currents move the water.
Squirming, snaking and slithering
Through the depths till they reach the surface,
And then the gushes of air come,
Plucking the currents from peace
To force them forwards,

Another current swipes,
And another crashes,
Another burns with power,
And another dives through the centre,
The wind moulds the currents,
Sculpting the water to shape,
Until finally a ripple forms,

The gales flood over the crinkles,
They drag and try pierce the perfect folds,
Making the swan into an ugly duckling,
The duckling rises to its feet,
Excessive flesh flying away
Into the moist air,

The wings flap,
It stretches its legs and neck,
More impurities flicker off,
Brown feathers fade,
The beak sharpens,

Currents, gusts and ripples
All bundle into one,
The swan extends its wings fully,
And the water crashes.
Remains of the stunning creature tumble behind,
White foam and twizzling tides are left,

They reach the shore,
Swamping the sand in energy,
Clawing the helpless pebbles off the beach,
And retreating back to the ocean
Where more swans are formed
brooke Dec 2017
the construction
outside my bedroom window
finally stopped--a groaning
heaviness that rattled my
insides, made me feel like
there was air missin'--
a sound of normal i'd

i turned over in bed
sure as the moon
that it was sunday
up at the dried sycamore seeds
still clinging to the tree
climbing the north facing
wall, twizzling down
against the double paned window

i imagine once all of this is over
that's what it will be like--
a sound of normal i'd
in my drafts from a while ago.

(c) Brooke Otto 2017
Martyn Grindrod Sep 2017
The Fall

Hollow Pumpkin
Alight Triangular eyes
Summer's gone
Sad goodbyes

Darkness envelop
with yellow tumble
Autumnal chill
Thunder cloud rumble

Ruddy face russet Red
Spiralling descent of once living
gyrating , Twizzling down
To ground fell gently giving

Once alive healthy green
decry rotting brown
Once smiling cheery faced
But now a deathly frown

thank you
It's that time of the year here in the UK
Maggie Sorbie Aug 2016
My mother and I
Sat on the settee
Where I was happy to be
I saw twizzling butterflies in the air
And blue **** two of them in a pair
Mum saw a man up in a tree
In the next door garden to me
It was good to be there
With my mum
Because I love her
And she is the best mum
In the whole wide world

Maggie Sorbie  August 2016

— The End —