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David Walker Dec 2012
written and directed
David Walker

the films of
Quentin Tarantino
David Lynch
Rob Zombie

There is method
To his madness

                                                        ­                                                                 ­                  January 2013              
                                              ­                                                                 ­                       first draft

1. EXT. Run down project apartment complex - 3:00 am

A dark, tall figure with long black hair and a trenchcoat opens the already cracked red door.

I'm looking for love in all the wrong places.

                                                        ­                                                                 ­                                       CUT TO:
INT. Apartment 3

A typical roach infested apartment with a kitchen built into the living room. 3 GIRLS are on the kitchen floor. GIRL # 1 one has black hair with big lips and a curvy frame and she is wearing a pair of Tripp pants and a black bra barely covering her ample *****. She has a flesh colored rubber hose tied to her left arm. GIRL # 2 has dyed rainbow colored hair, a nice smile, and a skinny frame. She is wearing a pair of tore blue jeans with smiley faces and cute in jokes written on them, also not wearing a shirt with a lacy blue bra on. She has a spoon with water and black tar ****** inside it which she is heating up with a silver Zippo with the word "Skittles" engraved into it. GIRL # 3 Has long naturally red hair, glasses and an extremely voluptuous figure. She is wearing tight black pants and a black shirt with thin sleeves. She is inspecting a covered syringe with an unsure look in her eyes.

GIRL # 2:
So, do you wanna do it or not Jane?

Snatches the syringe out of JANE's hand.

I'm not sure. How long have you been doing this ****?

Girl #2 takes the orange cap off the syringe revealing a small needle.

GIRL #2:
Since after I graduated. About 3 years. Liz you ready?

As ready as I am for dat sweet tang!

Girl #2 giggles. She sticks the needle into Liz's arm, blood mixes with the brown fluid inside, and she pushes the plunger down. Liz leans back into Girl #2's arms and Girl #2 gives her a kiss.

I love you, Julia.

Well, I love you too.

You guys are so gay!

Save that **** for the ******* customers!

                                                     ­                                                                 ­                                       CUT TO:
Other side of room. A greasy looking MAN with short faded black hair and a scar going from the corner of his mouth to the right ear is sitting in a beat up recliner cleaning his Uberti 1873 Cattleman revolver while smoking a fat blunt and watching some kind of high budget **** with Sasha Grey in it.

Sorry, Mike. It didn't stop you from leaving me and Liz unsatisfied and bored, did it?

LIZ and JULIA laugh. JANE has a nervous look in her eyes.

Very ******* funny you wore out trick! Am I gonna have to smack the sass out yo mouth?

MIKE gets up, puts out his blunt and walks over to the GIRLS gun in hand.

Or am I gonna have to give your little friend a scar like mine.

Mike don't!

MIKE SLAPS JULIA with the side of his UNLOADED revolver and grabs JANE by her hair.

Who the **** are you, anyways *****?

I was walking down the street earlier today and I ran into Julia and Liz. They went to school with my sister I think. Let me go!

So you're a young'n. Well you have some nice big *******!

MIKE RIPS off her shirt exposing her *******. He begins to squeeze the right one. JANE SLAPS MIKE HARD!


MIKE lets go of her hair. Jane runs to the other room grabbing her shirt. LIZ stumbles towards him and PUNCHES him in the nose.

That's it! You little *** dumpsters are dead!

MIKE picks up the REVOLVER, runs to the chair where the bullets are and tries to reload. JULIA wakes from her daze. We see him load 3 rounds. All of a sudden the DOOR gets broken down and the dark clad FIGURE from the scene before pulls out a BERETTA M9 with a silencer attachment. MIKE FIRES 2 shots at him haphazardly missing both. The MAN LAUGHS and FIRES one shot that MIKE's crotch catches.

                                                       ­                                                                 ­                                       CUT TO:
2. INT. Next door in Apartment 2.

A MAN and WOMAN in their early 40's are smoking a joint and seem disturbed by the gunfire.

What the hell was that?

Sounded like gunshots. Do you think we should call the cops?

**** no! There is a pound of chronic in the bedroom closet! Just pray whoever it is doesn't come over here!

Okay. Are you gonna pass that?

                                                          ­                                                                 ­                                     CUT TO:
3. INT. Apartment 3.

The smoke has cleared. MIKE is begging for death and BLEEDING out everywhere, JULIA is in a daze, dumbfounded by what she just witnessed, LIZ is cowering in fear, crying, and JANE just came out of the bedroom with her TORN SHIRT on and a terrified "Oh my God" expression. The unknown assailant has a devilish grin upon his face.

Godfuck! **** me you sunuvabitch! Godda--

The MAN obliges. He fires a single shot into his RIGHT EYE.

Well, looks like I got here in the nick of time!

W-Who the **** are you?

That is of little importance right now. Who are you foxy ladies?

M-My name's Julia. That girl over there (points to Liz) is Liz, and the ginger is Jane.

What pretty names! Well, I have a question. Will you three lovely young ladies gather round that despicable looking chair and listen to what I have to say, or are you going to run? Keep in mind I have rope in my trenchcoat and the fact I mean you no harm. I am just a lonely man with a story to tell, and the way I see it, what with that bruise on your sweet face, you kinda owe me.

I think we can stay. I just wanna know your name.

Ahh, but I am a man of many names. My christian name is Derek. You don't need the last for now.

DEREK walks to the chair and sits down. He waves the GIRLS over.

C'mon I just want to tell my tale. Look, I will put the gun under the chair as a sign of good faith that neither you girls or I will start shooting the place up again. Are we square ladies?

What do ya say guys?

They gather in the kitchen.

This guy has a ***** loose.

Yes, but he saved us from our ****. We should humor him.

I think he is hot!

LIZ and JULIA just stare at JANE.

Sorry, but he is.

So it's agreed. We will listen to his story, silently pray he doesn't **** us and leave afterwards.

The GIRLS walk to the chair. DEREK has lit the blunt.

Ahh, so you have decided to join me. Good. Do you guys wanna hit this?

LIZ and JULIA shake their heads no.

I will.

Great. Now, where do I begin. I suppose everybody's roots stem from childhood, so lets go back, oh say, 20 years ago.

                                                           ­       FADE TO BLACK        
Against black, TITLE CARD

October 15th 1995.

                                                          ­                       CUT TO      
4. EXT. Suburbia circa 1995.

There are three boys between the ages of 6 and 9 playing in front of a grey HOUSE with a white MINIVAN in the driveway. Little DEREK is a scrawny 6 year old boy with short brown hair and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figure in his hands. The 2 other BOYS ages 7 and 9 are picking on him and trying to take away DONATELLO.

Leave me alone or I will whoop your ****.

BOY #1:
Whatever! You are scrawny and lame. Give us your Ninja Turtle now or we will beat you up!

BOY #2 picks up a STICK and starts hitting DEREK with it.

BOY #2:
What are you going to do? Get your daddy? Oh, wait...that's right, you don't have one!

The 2 BULLIES start laughing. A look of hatred fills young DEREK's eyes. He catches the STICK and slaps BOY #2 in the face with it. He then tackles him and starts beating him mercilessly. BOY #1 runs towards the PORCH and knocks on the DOOR. DEREK'S MOM answers. She is in her mid 30's with brown hair and casual clothing on, smoking a cigarette and drinking a cup of "coffee."

BOY #2:
Derek's beating up Josh again!

Well, good for him! Bet that little pecker snot deserved it too. Now, Brad...why don't you take you and your friend on home before I tell your dad you play with Barbies.

My mother was a sweet ol' broad!

Okay, Ms. Walters, but you do know you are going to have to pull him offa Josh right?

(sighs like Brad)
I suppose.

DEREK'S MOM and BRAD walk to the front yard and GASP when they notice that DEREK has knocked out 2 of JOSH'S baby teeth, both in the front and broke his nose, which is bleeding profusely.

Derek Charles Walters! Get the **** up offa him!

He hit me with a stick!

Well, now I'm about to!

She picks up the STICK and beats his *** with it several times.

******* *****!

DEREK'S MOM, infuriated throws the stick down and SLAPS him across the face. DEREK runs away.
He runs to a wooded area in the back yard as far as his legs can take him.

Do not weep, for on that day, I met God and Satan incarnate and it turns out they existed singularly in my head.
                                                           ­                                                                 ­                          CUT TO:

5. JANE:
Like a conscience?

Much more. These guys are in the room right now and only I can see him. Satan led me to you guys tonight! Who knows what kind of CRAZY hijinks are in store!

That's it I'm outta here! C'mon gu--

DEREK fires of his M9 1 time.

Now, listen to me you dykey, ****** *****. I have 3 more rounds in this ******* and one
of them is reserved for you if you don't sit your tight *** back down.

JULIA sits back down scared to death. DEREK regains his composure and is "all smiles" again.

Phew! I don't want to hurt anybody. I just want someone pretty to listen to my ******* story. ****, if you want, I will ask you guys about yourself later on, but for now I'm going to introduce you to my best friends.

Who are they again?

Ah, you were trying to pay attention. I will remember that. They go by many names. One can be called "God", "Heroic Harry", "The White Knight", whatever you envision as good, this **** is it. He is the reason you guys are still alive.

And the other?

Ahh, him. He can go by "Satan", "The ******", "The Angel of Death." He's the reason ol' crusty here no longer bothers you.

So you're basically ape ****, right?

Pretty much! Now where was I? Ah...yes

                                                       ­                                                                 ­                                    CUT TO:

6. INT. Small wooded area behind the house --- Early evening.

DEREK has made himself a nice little HANGOUT in the woods! there is a trunk with tons of comics in it, an arsenal of sharpened sticks and rocks, Batman action figures, and a Game Boy Color. He is drawing a picture at the moment.

There I was in my element. ****** at my mother, then all of a sudden, a deep, angelic voice rang out.

(OS...of course)
You don't have to hate her, you know. She loves you.

And then another, this voice sounding more playful and mischievous then the other.

But, for how long? Do you think she meant to have you?

Where are you guys?

And then they appeared.

A 13 YEAR OLD BOY with BROWN hair and a FLANNEL overshirt over a Nirvana T-SHIRT with baggy torn blue JEANS with stains on them appears.

BOY #1:
Don't hate your mom.

But, watch her close.

DEREK turns his head. We see another BOY roughly the same age with slightly long BLACK hair and a TRENCHCOAT over a Nine Inch Nails T-SHIRT with tight black CHICK PANTS with a CHAIN leading from his pocket to his BELT. He has a lip piercing and he is smoking a cigarette.

Who are you guys?

BOY #1:
Just think of us as older brothers your mom can't see.

Wow! I should introduce you guys to my friends!

BOY #2:

Why not?

BOY #2:
You are the only person that can see us. Don't go telling anyone and don't talk to us in front of anyone. People will think you are nuts!

BOY #1:
Think of us as two ghosts that give you advice. Don't listen to him though, he'll get you in trouble.

BOY #2:
Shut up! Or I will kick your *** again.

BOY #1:
Not in front of him. He doesn't need to see that ****. Not now

What are your names?

BOY #1:
That's up to you.

I'll call you Joe, and him Jerry.

Works for me, for now. Call us whatever you feel like calling us whenever you like. If you wanna call me ******* and him poophead, go right ahead.

Okay, but for now you guys are Joe and Jerry.

We are going to leave now. We will show up when we think the time is right. Sometimes you will see us others you won't, but we are always with you.

Even when you ****.

                                                          ­                                                                 ­                     CUT TO:
7. INT. Apartment 3.

And then I went back home and they disappeared. I reconciled with my mom and for the next few weeks I didn't see them. Brad started hanging out with me again and school was good. The years go by and still no sight of them. 4 years pass by. It's 1999 and my tastes changed. Instead of Ninja Turtles and Batman it was KISS and Freddy Krueger. By this point me and Josh had made up and Brad was in middle school. And so we go to where me and the voices meet again.

8. INT. Taft Elementary
A class of roughly 25 children in your average 5th grade home room with a stout middle aged gentleman teaching. JOSH and DEREK are in the back row sitting side by side.

...And that's how the metric system works.

(to Derek)
Dude, did you check out RAW last night? The Undertaker crucified Stone Cold!

**** I missed it. I was doing homework.


What did you say Mr. Jarvis?

Sorry Mr. Cannib. I forgot to do my homework.

Josh, Derek, outside!

The old man had taken kids out of the classroom before and they always came back with tears in their eyes. As we walked outside I heard a familiar voice.

If he touches either of you, kick him in the nuts!

I told you boys too many times! None of this **** in my classroom! Josh get over here you little *****!


Hey ******* keep your hands to yourself!

CANNIB begins to throttle JOSH. DEREK pushes him off of JOSH and KICKS the TEACHER in the nuts with FURY about 3 times and jumps on top of him while JOSH watches holding his neck.

(OS) While we see Derek's mouth moving

Look here, *******. You think you can be called a teacher for drinking on a farm, ******* cattle and beating children so you can have Summer vacation every year? *******, you spiteful sad man.

DEREK SPITS in the *******'S face and begins to PUNCH him when JOSH pulls him off.

Dude, the door outta here is right there. Lets go to our lockers, get our **** and get outta here.

(Breathing heavily)
Did I just do that? What the ****? Let's get out of!

                                                    ­                                                                 ­                                           CUT TO:
9. EXT. Taft Elementary
A bunch of playground equipment next to an alley with a fenced in field. JOSH and DEREK are walking down the alley. It is sunny outside but about to rain.

That wasn't me that did that.

If it wasn't you who was it?

It w...

It reall
victor tripp Oct 2013
your love surrounds me,in a crowd of many,your searching eyes found me,your arms are the gates that open wide,to take my life in , saying silently you  belong,welcome home.
victor tripp Jun 2013
I never knew his real name and my youthful imagination named him uncle funky the peanut man as bagged peanuts burnt were hopefully sold from a makeshift stand now on this June 2013 morning my mind slowly opens the door of youthful memory and I see soiled pants turned over shoes old hat crooked atop long gray hair  brown hands waiting for a dollar exchange as funk clings to the untended skin like fleas on a homeless dog whiffs released randomly would stagger a prime boxer the times changed with the town sweeping uncle funky away with yesterday and the past of bygone days and I wonder and it is"t a very pleasant wonder whatever happened to uncle funky?

ut to be sold hopefully from a makeshift stand now on this june 2013 morning my mind opens the door of youthful memory and I see clearly soiled pants and shirt old hat atop of unseen hair  brown hands waiting for a dollar exchange as funk clings to the unbathed skin like fleas on a homeless dog whiff released would stagger a prime boxer the times changed with the town sweeping uncle funky away with yesterday and the past of bygone days but I wonder and it isn"t a very pleasant wonder whatever happened to uncle funky the peanut man?
victor tripp Apr 2013
the sinner regrets ,he was unable to pray today, o lord. the sinner regrets, he was unable to pray today-he was sorry prayer was delayed' but yesterday in a lover's arms to long he stayed,o lord. the sinner regrets he was unable to pray today. when he realized  and found, that the love was gone,o lord, he went after the woman who led him astray, but he was shot by her husband along the way, o lord. the sinner regrets he was unable to pray today, o lord. when blood came rushing out of his side,tears of repentance filled his eyes, o lord.he passed away on a ***** city street, and was given only a moment to cry. looking up to Heaven he died, o lord. the sinner regrets, he was unable to pray today.
Victor Tripp Nov 2014
Bad boy blues.Get away from my door. Trouble trying to crawl.
Through my window. But I  keep it closed. So it can't get in. Found the
The girl that my eyes were searching for. To help me take care. Of love's
Business .That's what I was made for. Been looking all over for a love
That could be mine. All the time
Brandon Apr 2011
Priest with an intense hard-on for young boys
Dropping LSD into the water
Hallucinations of grandeur
Guilty in the face of soiled minds
Praying on the alter boys
The bigger the *******
The closer to god
I wrote this years before all the priests started going down on little boys...i don't know which is more ****** up. Priests for their perverse interests or me for writing something like it.
Victor Tripp Jul 2014
I never knew his real name as a child in Newark
But named him Uncle Funky the peanut man while he sold peanuts
from a makeshift stand, now on this June 2013 morning
My mind opens the door of youthful memory
I can see soiled pants and shirt,an old battered hat  covering gray uncut hair and brown hands waiting for a dollar for his peanuts
Funk clung to his skin like fleas to a dog
And just one whiff released would stagger a young boxer in his prime
The times changed with the town sweeping Uncle Funky away with
yesterday and the past like old news
And I wonder and it isn't a very pleansant wonder
Whatever became of Uncle Funky the peanut man?
Victor Tripp Jan 2015
DR MARTIN LUTHER KING trained us in workshops based on non-
Violence to resist the water hoses soaking us and knocking us down
On hate filled sidewalks  or the sharp teeth police dogs set upon
Men women children biting our private parts and making meals of
flesh,the billy clubs sprayed tear gas on the EDMUND PETTUS
Bridge, but somehow as I walked saying inside that time will tell about
Me and I glimpsed ahead the resurrection of my soul and manhood
Rising from the dust of shame. We all locked arms together with our
Wounded bodies determined minds and hearts spirits soaring
From DR KING's I HAVE A DREAM words and marching right
On into history
victor tripp Jan 2014
Like an artist, creating, his very own, masterpiece, on fine,canvas, in creative,brush strokes, of mental, thoughts, within the mind, I created you, before, your presence,came forth, masterpiece in body,  and thought, masterpiece, of my own,design, for all, the world, to see, a masterpiece, that changed, even me, painted,beauty, in real,vision, that my eyes, beheld, in human,form, masterpiece of elegance
victor tripp Sep 2013
the plantation that housed both my body mind soul had fallen on hard times.union soldiers had plundered the crops and taken every thing worth stealing.when word spread from plantation  to plantation that president abreham Lincoln had something called the emancipation prolimantion  that set us fre and we were no longer enslaved . able bodied and once docile slaves ran of in all directions  but I stayed behind with the old and spirit weary faithful who seemed dazed and mistres was the only white face among us.i still wore the faint imprint of the daily chains worn like bracelets .that spring day in the kitchen while preparing black coffee and biscuits the little left for mistress and me I felt eager white hands on my *******,than the cloth shirt hiding my nakedness was ripped away as pink hard manhood invaded my insides.the intense pain rocked all senses and tears flooded out like a dam screams bounced off each enclosed wall.yet no one came to make it he rode the waves of his personal pleasure my shut  off mind could see visions of running through creek beds and swimming through rivers with a knapsack with two linen shirts two pairs of pants one jacket one pair of shoes one pair of socks parting gifts from my mistress tied atop my wooly head and most of al being able to sing with a loud free voice a song yet sung.
victor tripp Jun 2013
you're the very reason that I hold on . the inspiration for this song made this man into a ever lasting believer surrender throws my hands up in the air  inside said show me something faith said come closer if you dare sweet love each time felt pouring through convincing beyond any doubt that I can't live without you  so love away please stay  you already know I can't play the game of round and round  up and down people go in spite of brokenness anyway so love away please stay such wonderful love has my soul craving and  i'm the one that you're affection is saving  so love away  please stay lord I want you to stay
Victor Tripp Oct 2014
Papa was never home, women he held in his arms were't his own
Papa did't like to do much thinking.His natural talents were
Gambling loving drinking .Mama I don't need you to tell me the truth
Papa was never home , the loving he did was always his own
And when he died did't even our dog a bone
victor tripp Dec 2013
his name was John Coltrane, and when his long fingers,touched tenor saxophone keys, his notes slapped jaded, sullen attitudes, about jazz, including my own, musical notes ,leaped, bent, twisted, soaredin the air, as he played ,with eyes closed, as if lost in,a personal dream, the saxophone moaned, cried. whispered, told the good news, on the mountaintop, Coltrane was in the house, rocking it, he did it,simply, yet, unlike any other,ever heard before ,that moment, gone now, in the shadows of time, but his music, remains, still gathers new followers attention,pointing ,an indignant finger of cool, at those, who wish, they knew,coltrane, before he left, the station
victor tripp Oct 2013
coming up autumn you were a loving playful tyke,just to lose your 12 year old life last year,to two brothers from the neighborhood who lied and stole your BMX bike.and if that wasn't enough for your DADDY and family to stand,i  remember the case unfolding on tv news and I  your  DADDY  recently kneeling on a football field next to your initials in a park that will be dedicated in your memory and tears came to my eyes ,and the daily news informed me about the anger in that town,which I can understand with you AUTUMN no longer around.a waitness at

Gidgette Mar 2017
When sleep can't find me, I guess because I'm camofluoged and fit too well in the night
(After all, sleep does have its eyes closed)
I make the 25 minute drive down to "L" street.
I sit on my old bench in that ****** fake park with the lined up giant rocks and the one weeping cherry tree. City counsels gift to the street ******, rapists, thieves  and drug peddlers.
  I watch, I listen and sip my whisky. L street is the worse part of town here. There's an asylum on one side of the corner, a bank on the other. Red light number 3. People are always lined up in front of the asylum. I suppose for little blue pills.
  Further down the row of crumbling bricks, is a cafe that plays live music on Friday and Saturday nights and across from that is a pool hall that sells green hotdogs. On the other side of the pool hall, is an empty building with my tobacco lady painted on the side of it. And my "bitchs bench", as I call it, sits beside that.
My mother has always raised immortal hell about my going there. Day or night. "You'll get *****, hooked on the "L" pills or murdered. Dont come crying to me when it happens", she sais. But as much time as I've spent there, I've spoken with more than a few of those "undesirables" and they all have a story of such pain and heart break. Or they're just mentally ill.
They're daisies. That didn't grow upright in this field of life. They tripped.
  My "L" street,
is where the daisies tripp.
"L" street is so nick named, because of these pills they call Ls that apparently make you "tripp". All kinds of crazy things happen there Day and night. Aren't I sad case when even the "crazies" won't bother with me? Ha!
Victor Tripp Dec 2015
It's the final  countdown when buildings and trees on earth
Are falling down. The final countdown when panic and raving madness
Can be found. Rich men and women sitting on their money
With the poor left behind again in life too
And overcast days will be normal  here
And the sun will never shine on us  any more
Tell me brother what will doomed mankind do ?
victor tripp Oct 2013
Joel's ten month old only child, a son, had just started walking as Joel was sentenced to jail for three to six months for fighting, after charges had been filed against him. Each time a court hearing was set Joel went, but the dates were always post phoned. Joel meet Sena a tall dark skinned buxom  twenty nine old French speaking woman, just off the coast of Ghana. They married and through mutual friends came to America,and settled in Germantown. Sena spoke French to her dacca. She was a devoted mother and wife. Each time that Sena dropped her child off at daycare, she covered dacca's face with kisses,before heading for the indoor fruit stand that employed her. Joel always cocky and prideful,all of his life,drove a black Lincoln with his girlfriend closer than a flea on a dog, and met sales quotas when required. Granted one phone call from jail, Joel spoke with his rejected wife Sena, asking for bail money, his once proud and sarcastic voice breaking. A lawyer informed Sena that since charges had been filed ,the conviction had to stand. Joel now sits in a shared cell occasionally looking through the steel bars in lock down, gazing up at stars that he once rode and walked under freely.
Victor Tripp Nov 2015
Miss lee regrets
She's unable to dine today
Sadly , miss lee regrets
She's unable to dine today
She's so sorry to be delayed
But last night
At lover's lane instead of being faithful , she strayed
Sadly, miss lee regrets
She's unable to dine today
When she got up from her dream
Discovered her man had tasted her sweetness and gone
Sadly, she ran after him
And made it his final earthly time to play
And from her chic matching outfit
She fired that first bullet into his chest
Sadly, miss lee regrets
She's unable to dine today
Than the cops came and put on the cuffs
Read her rights calmly with no muss or fuss
She served ten years  right away
Used the long years of time to think and pray
And not long after her release miss lee died
Few folks were at the graveside to cry
Sadly , miss lee regrets
She's unable to dine today
victor tripp Sep 2013
Your love is the warmth that  surrounds me, in the crowd of many, your searching eyes found me.  Those arms are the gates that open wide to take my life. Saying silently here is where you belong. Welcome home.
victor tripp Jun 2013
I am king appointed by God and the sun is my trampoline  work of artistry, the sun is my private stock color, the moon is my faithful broken stallion in the sky, my own sundown I capture blue clouds with silver chains mixed with gold, I make steady the day with wind gusts of playing leaves  running and hiding, the day is my sweet, sassy song of joy to God , the world is mountain tall waiting to be climbed, the world is my many colored coat designed with rainbows, stars, sunshine, clouds, trees, grass, shy, trees, worn buttoned yet loose, the world is a painting on my wall of my  house
victor tripp Sep 2013
slaves never owned the land nor themselves and its hard to imagin if we were free in  every possible way.let me explain,master gave us a piece of land seeds and let us have credit at the corner store where our ious were accepted  plus he owned the shanty that we used to fight off the wind  rain  snow such as it was.lest I forget to make it known  master also took most of the crops when they came in  which left only enough for our family to live on until the next crops came up. this happened year after year until the ious were taler than the trees  that once hung us and let dangling like biter fruit thrown away with blood on the leaves running down to the roots.
In the 1950s, a radio disc jockey by the name of Peter Tripp engaged on what was (and still is), a popular radio amusement, the "stunt." (Nowadays, it's just about the norm for wacky antics to pervade radio stations across the nation.)
In Peter's case, his objective was to break the world's record for staying awake. He didn't sleep for days and days while he played records and bantered with his audience from a glass booth in Times Square. He was on the air for about 3 hours per day. The rest of the time, he was kept awake by nurses who nudged him when he began to drop off. Doctors and scientists who were studying him also played games with him, asked him questions continually, and did everything they could to keep his attention.
In all, he was able to stay awake for a total of 201 hours before he simply passed out. That's over eight days! But it came with a price.
During the wake-a-thon, and after only a couple of days, Peter Tripp began to hallucinate. He saw cobwebs on his shoes. He saw mice and kittens that weren't there. He rummaged through drawers looking for money that never existed. He also accused a technician of dropping a hot electrode into his shoe. Basically, he had totally "flipped out."
When he finally ended the ordeal, he went to sleep for over 13 hours.
But that's not exactly the end of the story. Unfortunately he was also involved in the infamous "Payola" scandal, and disgraced, reverted to lowly radio jobs and bounced around the business world in several occupations. He was married and divorced four times and died in Los Angeles a few years ago in relative obscurity.
Peter Tripp's first spouse and closest friends said that after the sleep deprivation stunt, he was never quite the same again.
victor tripp Jun 2013
Attack the known and unknown fear waiting to strike a death blow to confidence, progress and achievement.  Lift up talent's voice. Let the world know who you are. Come out of the valley of the shadow of death. Never let opportunity escape your grasp. Jab daily and knock out failure. Climb hills of disappointment, with the the very best inside. Seek the high ground.  Never the low.  Be teachable to life's lessons. Listen to elders to go further. Stride toward the farthest horizon with God leading each step.  Arise from your bed of unbelief and walk.  Let your talents be stubborn and unyielding to defeat. Swim past imperfection and not good enough.  Climb out of the crib of woe is me. God made you for greatness. No life should be tongue tied by fear.
victor tripp Apr 2013
IF I TRAVEL SO MANY MILES AWAY I WOULD WRITE A LOVE LETTER IN MY HEART TOYOU EACH AND EVERY DAY CAUSE LORD NOTHIN CAN EVER CHANGE THE LOVE I HAVE FOR YOU  oh, this love makes me weep makes me cry before falling asleep- i feel it moving deep inside and it tends to make me sigh. nothing can ever change the love i feel for you.oh,you know each thought inside . from evil you won't let me hide. oh, your soul food and sweet drink you're wisdom and peace so nice so nice the Lord of my dreams in paradise. i don't ever want to leave your side  or ever roam, i've got your back on my own your love always says welcome home. i know that nothing can ever change the love that i have for you.
victor tripp Dec 2013
I never thought,or realized, that in speaking,your name, I would have tears in my eyes, you were the  presidential first father, of south africia, but now, you, nelson mandela, sleep among, the giants of history, like George Washington, laid out the framework, conceived in liberty, a new nation, under God, injecting into the veins of your country, liberty without malice, for all peoples, all colors, who walked democracy's long road,to freedom, by your side, always refusing to let the scorning, heat, of racism, put out, the light, of your divine humanity,  ever lifting up, a fist of victory, toward a new dawn, of opportunity, patience, love for all, while ever remaining , a risen hope, in the body of politics, refusing to bow , to  the cruel headwinds,of hate, even after, breaking rocks, of harsh, prison punishment,for twenty- seven years, you went in, a prisoner, coming out, a president,no, the relentless, sun of hate, never blew you,off course, as a king, who walked, among us, in peace, with a freedom metal, nobel peace prise,one who kept, the common touch, with embraced humility, smiling, greeting, the known and unknown, the rich, the poor, the tired, the weary, nelson mandela, you were true,royality and grace, among us
victor tripp Oct 2013
my love for you is stronger than a mighty ARMY on horse back with a thousand waving victory banners.much stronger than the sun daily kissing the revolving earth. stronger than a mighty riptide. stronger than age old trees rooted deep. stronger than the sky that hold the stars in place . stronger  than a decade old marriage that has stood the test of time.
victor tripp Sep 2013
America I protest against  ******* the ******* of your discontent  served on the soiled platter of racism your womb cradled me from birth and taught the lyrics MY COUNTRY TIS OF THEE SWEET LAND OF LIBERTYover you I've cried  place where in the CIVIL WAR and what war or fight is ever civil? my black forefathers all rejected men of color died on the soil of this country fighting what they thought at the time was a gallant war  at ABRAHAM LINCOLN'S behest and for the STARS AND STRIPES of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA O MY COUNTRY your dark slave sons fought and died with honor  and yet even now 150 years later we are still in ******* to the new plantation in the ghetto called the bank mortgage company  hidden interest rates and there are city areas that for certain you dare not go while Black or the police stop and ask if your lost and show your ID and what is your business in the area the stand your ground law applies mainly to people of color and openly gives whites permission to gun down blacks and walk away free of any punishment are we free in this great land not yet and if you don't believe me think about how the cities and even the WHIE HOUSE say that we have a transparent government  and yet laws and public concerns are discussed behind closed chambers or doors and passed with secret vote  or voice vote without public inclusion and yet we pay taxes to be shut out or fed political lies by those whom we've elected to office to serve us and not their own pet projects and desires are we free yet,not yet.
Victor Tripp Dec 2015
Life is to brief to live all alone
I need someone to come to be my very own
I will care tenderly for you, you will do the same for me
Our love will always be forever
Come shower me with your love, shower with all the love I've waited for
I'm hurting inside as this love song I now sing, but when a true love
Comes, it can turn around and change everything
Shower me with your love, shower me please somebody
With all the love I've been waiting here for
I close my eyes and bow down on my knees and pray
That all my dreams do come true
Until you to me, I'll wait right here for you,patiently
Fairy tales in story books come true, praying hard and hoping
Each day and hour to fill up forever with you
Like the night stars that shine above in the sky
Our love and dreams will come together
Shower me with your love,shower me with the love I've needed
Shower me with your love that I've been waiting here for
Victor Tripp Nov 2015
Miss lee regrets
She's unable to dine today
Sadly, miss lee regrets
She's unable to dine today
She's so sorry to be delayed
But last night instead of going home , at lover's lane she strayed
Sadly, miss lee regrets
She's unable to dine today
When she got up from her dream
Discovered her man had used the act selfishly it seems
Sadly, she ran after him, and that led to his final day
And from her matching outfit she fired that first bullet into his chest
Sadly, miss lee regrets
She's unable to dine today
Than the cops came and put on the cuffs
Read her rights calmly with no muss or fuss
She served ten years right away
Used the long years of time to think and pray
And not long after her release miss lee died
Few folks were at the graveside to cry
Sadly, miss lee regrets
She's unable to dine today
victor tripp Jul 2013
Memory takes me back to long ago, I can see the deck of the slave ship  I came on smell the salt air and hot vinegar used to clean away the escaping stench below decks hear the sound as male  slaves exercise as crew members play fiddler music while chains thud hard from dancing amusement my home was near the River Senegal on  the coast  the slave traders  ships brought brightly colored cloth beads *** cowrie shells to trade for our black flesh father raised cattle  rice maize this ebony man traded for muskets gunpowder needles colored thread for what he grew on the day of our capture we marched  during the long day tied to each other  given only thin meal and warm water tiredness bore down on our limbs each step canoes came on sea waves toward us fear moved down the chained line men women children were separated our clothes were taken  standing naked mouths were opened skin and muscles felt we had to jump up  and down while moving  arms  chosen ones were branded with hot irons marking each one cold wet cloths applied to the brand on the seared skin  I scream loudly until my voice refuses sound the time for hearing is gone rapid  waters fill with blood as some are tossed into sea for circling sharks to dine on the ship offers only sixteen inches to hold me  others have two and a half inches if tightly packed bodies are in the hold secured down my chain is nailed dimness cries of agony beat on my ears like drums I try not to breath in the rancid smells of those who have soiled themselves air is limited I wait  for my body to die like my mind and soul we sail  for slave ships must leave immediately before sickness breaks out if that happens slaves will mutiny uprising usually takes place within the shoreline when neared at sea chances are less to leave slaves who simply refuse to eat are force feed with the speculum oris  which is placed in the slave's mouth opening the jaws then food is pushed in usually rice or millet crew members wash away stench of blood  from floggings feces ***** from between decks the stink of vinegar drying in sun is as bad living is sometimes harder than dying
Victor Tripp Sep 2014
In the middle of humanity's jungle the wonderous sound of two cellos
Sooth my inner being floating on waves of air filling the night with
Gladness kind of a purple haze of rippling depth these two cellos
Unlike any sound ever heard before two cellos weeping tears of
victor tripp Apr 2013
pete  called  me  and  said  that  he  wanted  to  talk  man  to   man  finally  battered  and    emontionally   wounded   he  said   his  girlfriend  was  gone  drained  and  tired  of  the   questionable  and  uncertain  path  the  relationship  had  taken  he  should've  realized  that  women,  like  men  need  emotional  nurturing   and  centering in  themselves- which  helps  them  to  grow  in   a   positive/sane  direction  i've  often  wondered  why  the  wrong  people  fall  in  love  and  become  a  pair... what  causes  cracks  in  the  foundation  of  love- some  warp  in  the chromosomes,some  flaw  in  the  genes, a thin  film of  paranoia   in  the  embryonic  sac ? is  it  the  stresses  of   modern  life  or  Mozart's  Requiem  of  the  full  moon   or no  moon? was  it  the  march  beyond   being   strangers,perhaps- that  destroyer  of  great  expectations? or  does  love  bring  forth  a   dormant  madness  that always  begins  on  a  day  that  other wise  seems  normal- beautiful even   fate  thubing its  nose  at the  future ? mutual  sharing  is  required  for  any  lasting  relationship  but  sharing is not  in  itself   what  i'm  talking  about   nor   is  relationship  i'm   talking  of   capacity  to  meet   and  be  met   in  the  soft  unkown  part  of  your being  such   meetings  from  time  to  time  are  the  essential   growing  points   in  any  live  relationship    can    hardly  be  used.  it  is  possible  i'm  sure  for  more  than  two  people  to  meet  at  the  same  time    the  modern  emphasis  on  relationships  between  only  two  people  can  degenerate   into   mere  exclusiveness  and  a  self-conscious  sharing  which  though  it  is,  may  become  an  infringement  of privacy,  or  an  abuse  of  intimacy. deliberate  sharing  is  sometimes  as  dangerous  as  sympathy  new  ideas  which  are  forming  in  the  depths  of  the  mind   can  actually  be  destroyed  or  crippled   by  being  shared  to  soon  it  is  like  dragging  a  baby  from  the  womb  before  it's  ready  to be  born  or  digging  up  a  tulip bulb  to  watch  the  sprouting  of  the  roots   respect  for  another  person's  privacy  is  as  important   as   sharing  thoughts   for  the  deepest  communication  will in  any case  take  place  in  moments  of  silence  every  time  i  think  its  one's  own  attitude, not  the relationship on  which  one  needs  to  work  its  a  fact   that  in  any  partnership  if  one  of  the  partners  becomes quite  clear  in  himself  what  it  is  that  the  situation  requires  the  chances  are  it  won't  even   be  necessary  to  voice  it   the  other  will   somehow pick  up  the  point  and  comply   with  no  words  said  internal  clarity  anywhere  seems  to  have  the  effect  of  an  invisible  guiding  force   which  can  be  trusted  to  affect  not  only  personal  relationships  but   other  situtions  for  the  person  who  has achieved  inner  clarity   new paths  appear  and  doors  open  without  the  need  to knock
Ashley R Prince Nov 2012
I knew a man
with eyes so blue
you'd think he was blind,
and he had done
so much heroine
that he couldn't flex
his arms out all the way.
He had four teeth,
one in each corner of the front.
His name was Charles
but he went by Tripp
because he was a III,
but he's really a trip.
victor tripp Sep 2013
Little RICHARD the proclaimed self architect of rock and roll sang out high pitched about GOOD GOLLY MISS MOLLY you sure like to ball when your rocking and rolling can't hear your mama call OTIS REDDING sang about SITTING ON THE DOCK OF THE BAY while RICHIE VALENS played his guitar singing LA BAMBA and FATS DOMINO found his thrill on BLUEBERRY HILL than MARVIN GAYE crooned through the mike that  I HEARD IT THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE and IF I COULD BUILD MY WHOLE WORD AROUND YOU PAT BOONE related to pioneer DANIEL BOONEspent  his day WRITING LOVE LETTERS IN THE SAND THE  COASTERS sang about that lazy CHARLIE BROWN  JOHNNY RAY sang about THE LITTLE WHITE CLOUD THAT CRIED  as GLADYS KNIGHT AND THE PIPS about taking THAT MIDNIGHT TRAIN  TO GEORGIA and IF I WERE YOUR WOMAN meanwhile THE FIFTH DIMENSION  sang about ONE LESS BELL TO ANSWER  one less egg to fry one less man to pick up after I should be happy but all I do is cry CLAUDE MCPHATTER in true rock and roll style  sang WHITE CHRISTMAS and RICKY NELSON sang POOR LITTLE FOOL AND TRAVELING MAN when I heard about THE BEATLES I  thought they were coming over the water to eat up our crops but they had  A YELLOW SUBMARINE sweet and wholesome CONNIE FRANCIS asked WHERE THE BOYS ARE some CHAINGANG and CUPID draw back your bow and let your arrow go straight to my lovers heart for me ALLAN FREED an unknown disc jockey tagged the new wild music ROCK AND ROLL DEAN MARTIN sang AIN'T THAT A KICK IN THE HEAD and somewhere  along my musicial journey  I heard the great piano mover and confess  I watched all of his films  MARIO LANZA formed and shaped my love for opera with BE MY LOVE for no one else can fill this yearning ,I went out and brought an album of the wonderful singer actor activist HARRY BELAFONTE and freely admit that during that time I was a teenager with limited funds but saved up the money just so that I could hear  BELAFONTE sing SCARLETT RIBBONS  and the infectious DAY O sunlight come and me want to go home come mr  tally man tally me bananas and than QUINCY JONES known as Q  wrote the theme for SANFORD AND SON and produced THE FRESH PRINCE OF BELAIR starring WILL SMITH ,WE ARE  THE WORLD AND OFF THE BLOCK ISAAC HAYES black tall barechested  draped in gold chains won an OSCAR for singing and composing SHAFT which was before he acted in TRUCK TURNER  IKE also sang I STAND  ACCUSED of loving you to much and I hope that you don't mind PAUL ROBSON in deep bass  sang OLD MAN RIVER in his career he was a lawyer actor scholar outstanding athlete singer  finally THE BIG BOPPER sang CHANTILLY LACE and a pretty face and a pony tale hanging down he died to soon in a plane crash along with RICHIE VALENS and BUDDY HOLLY who sang THAT WILL BE THE DAY
victor tripp Jun 2013
Pleasure should be taken in small doses lest when departure comes the soul stops dancing by habit strive to live each moment waiting ahead with a resolve not to be a hero expected to carry the crushing burden of another's dreams take heart in your rejoicing- because the heart is made for making glories from agonies not for sadness passed into empty spaces believe in self deep enough not to fall into ruins build strength and hope from scratch exercise the body while the mind _body remain fat and careless while waiting for superman
victor tripp Sep 2013
Saturday night on the farm managed and operated by the animals.the penguin trio were singing and golden oldies fit the slow dancing mood with the paired bears cats hoot owls ground hogs leap frogs moved in slow rhythm as  the leaping lizards finished their set with slide trombone drums trompets when the mad hatter with new and white turned down brim slow dragged with alice in wonderland in Gucci boots the big bad wolf promised to be on his best behavior until 12:00pm before changing back.
victor tripp Apr 2013
This  is  a noted   to  remind   us  all  to  grow  tired   of  any  questionable  and  uncertain  path   your   relationship  might  take   and  always  realize  that  women  like  emotional   nurturing  and  centering  in  themselves-  which  helps  them  to  grow  in  a  positive / sane  direction   i've  often  wondered  and  it  is't  a  pleasant  wonder   why   the   wrong  people   fall  in   love   and   become   a   pair - what  causes   cracks   in  the  foundation   of  love -  some  warp   in  the  chromosomes,   some  flaw  in  the  genes   a thin   film  of  paranoia  in  the  embryonic  sac ?  is  it   the  stresses  of  modern  life  or  Mozart's  Requiem  of  the  full  moon  or  no  moon  at  all?  was  it  the  march   beyond  being  strangers  perhaps-  that  destroyer  of  great  expectations ?  or  does  love   bring  forth  a  dormant  madness  that  always   begins  on  a  day  that  other wise  seems  normal -  beautiful  even, fate  thumbing  its  nose  at  the  future ?   mutual   sharing  is  required  for  any  lasting  relationship  but sharing  is  not  in itself   what  i'm  talking  about. nor  is   relationship.   i'm  talking   of  the  capacity  to   meet  and  be  met   such  meetings   from  time  to  time   are  the  essential  growing  points   in  any  live   relationship  could  hardly  be  used.    the  modern  emphasis  on  relationships  between  two  people  can   degenerate  into  mere  exclusiveness   and  a    self-conscious  sharing  which   valuable  though   it  is   may   become   an  infringement  of  privacy  or  an  abuse  of  intimacy.  deliberate  sharing  is   dangerous.  new   ideas  which   are  forming  in  the  dephs  of  the  mind  can  be  destroyed  or  crippled  by  being  shared  to  soon   it's  like  dragging  a  baby  from  the  womb  before  it's  ready  to  to  be  born   or  digging   a  tulip  bulb   up  to  watch  the  sprouting  of  the  roots   respect   for  another  person's  privacy  is  as   important   as    sharing  thoughts  the  deepest  communication  will  in   any  case  take  place  in  moments   of  silence    every   time  i  think   it  is  one's  own  attitude  not  the  the  relationship  on  which  one  needs  to  work  it's  a  fact  that  in  any  partnership   if  one  partner  becomes  quite   clear  in  himself  what  it  is  the  situation  requires   the  chances   are  it  will  not  even  be  necessary  to  voice  it   the  other   will  somehow  pick  up  the  point  and  comply  with  no  words  said   internal  clarity  anywhere   seems  to  have  the  effect   of  an  invisible  guiding  force   can  be  trusted  to  affect  not   only   personal  relationships  but   outer   situations   for   the  person  who  has  achieved  inner  clarity   new  paths   appear  and  doors  open    without  the  need   to  knock
Victor Tripp Nov 2015
Miss lee regrets She's unable to dine today
Sadly, miss lee regrets
She's unable to dine today
She's so sorry to be delayed
But last night instead of going home , she strayed
Sadly, miss lee regrets
She's unable to dine today
When she got up from her dream
Discovered her man had hit and run so it seemed
Sadly, she ran after him and treated him to his final day
And from her matching outfit
She fired that first bullet into his chest
Sadly, miss lee regrets
She's unable to dine today
Than the cops came to put on the cuffs
Read her rights calmly with no muss or fuss
She served ten years right away
Used the long years of time to think and pray
And not long after her release miss lee did die
Few folks were at the graveside to even cry
Sadly,miss lee regrets
She's unable to dine today
victor tripp Oct 2013
be your own light of encouragement,against the darkness of failure and discord.keep swing until  a homerun is hit.victory is a mighty tide to overcome  crashing  limbs of defeat,belief wins out when all else fails.know who you are in the world, wise beautiful  victorious great informed,not ignorant nor intolerant,you are awesome daily.all of these are seeds within to use.
victor tripp Nov 2013
Joseph's father loved him best as the child of his old age, and the dreams he told to the other family members,were the words of a sage,behold here comes the dreamer,his brothers all said, every time that joseph drew near,as the younger brother ,he  made each one tremble inside from fear, so  they plotted ******* him, and take away his many colored coat, but fate refused to let him die, and the story of it all, was rewrote,catch that dreamer, before he gets away, sharing dreams and inspiration, each and every day, behold here comes the dreamer, such  a mocking and smirking sound, but joseph foretold  in advance, that to him, they would sooner or later,bow down, behold here comes the dreamer, are they talking about me or you? behold here comes the dreamer , remember that  ABRAHAM LINCOLN was  a historic dreamer  and history maker too
victor tripp Dec 2013
I never thought,or realized, that in speaking,your name, I would have tears in my eyes, you were the  presidential first father, of south africia, but now, you, nelson mandela, sleep among, the giants of history, like George Washington, laid out the framework, conceived in liberty, a new nation, under God, injecting into the veins of your country, liberty without malice, for all peoples, all colors, who walked democracy's long road,to freedom, by your side, always refusing to let the scorning, heat, of racism, put out, the light, of your divine humanity,  ever lifting up, a fist of victory, toward a new dawn, of opportunity, patience, love for all, while ever remaining , a risen hope, in the body of politics, refusing to bow , to  the cruel headwinds,of hate, even after, breaking rocks, of harsh, prison punishment,for twenty- seven years, you went in, a prisoner, coming out, a president,no, the relentless, sun of hate, never blew you,off course, as a king, who walked, among us, in peace, with a freedom metal, nobel peace prise,one who kept, the common touch, with embraced humility, smiling, greeting, the known and unknown, the rich, the poor, the tired, the weary, nelson mandela, you were true,royality and grace, among us

— The End —