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Philip Le Barr,
Was knock down by a car,
On the road to Mandalay.
He was knocked down again
By a dust cart in Spain
And again in Zanzibar.
He travled at night
In the pale moon light
Away from the traffic growl
But terrible luck
He was hit by a duck
Driven by an owl.
Miles of highway pass me by.
So many beautiful places.
Yet apon nights reflection I cannot even try.

She waits down near that red Georgia clay.
So many names to recall.
But only one brings a tear to my eyes to say.

Jasmine scented dreams hang like spanish moss
in my mind.
My soul does linger apon a southern shore
for the one I could never leave behind.

Ive travled the four corners
From the lights of Vegas to isolation of planes Montana.
I can forget all but my sweet savannah.

People many inviting yet none lure me to stay.
All night dinners frequent flyers.
loving like madmen only to vanish with the day.

We are pirates of land.
Giving all sacrfice the soul.
The tramps of being in demand.

Should I stray to oceans view.
Cocktails by the beach front bar.
Taste of peach mixed with strawberries and bannana.
So sweet to the taste apon painted lips.
But none can ever quench the thirst.
For the sunset of savanna
Mitchell Jan 2013
Got a condition
Under my skin
Ain't going to be solved
With simple addition

These days are short
These hours are long
I'm whispering to myself
In a tune of a song

Here comes Greg the gong
Standing straight as he cracks his knuckles
His face his old, his robes are grey
He tells me, "Your stomach looks like it's about to buckle."

Outside the cafe
We sip on coffee and biscuits
Looking at a world
Caught up in its own mischief

Lies are spread thin
Truth a little thinner
Then, we see something move
Behind the building of the barber
We go to look and later on
Wished we were a little smarter

We saw
A rock painted in blood
An eye inside of a glove
I nod my head and Greg tries to say,
"Death is a caught fish in a stream far away."

The night fell like an anvil
Onto my sagging shoulders
I was never taught the rules
So I can't say I've forgotten them

Caught in a fix of my own creation
Where the truth and the lies mix
"There's nothing in this life that is quick"
I nodded my head at him and paid my tip

Catch the break in the pause
"Smells phosphorous," she smiled.
I've travled a thousand miles
But what I've seen
Never amounted to nothing
After I saw her

She was the cat's purr
And the dog's meow
The air behind
The desert winds frown

I'm torn apart
Left for dead
Waiting for that moment
When one become two
Wishing I'd chosen
The other instead

Can't see a way out
The tunnel's caved in
Dynamite went bad
Only darkness around me now
And I'm struggling to breathe

There was no light
No way away from myself
I tried to recall
Everything I'd ever touched

But all I felt was
Soot in my nose
And rocks in my eyes
And then a phrase came to me,
"It was all a big lie."

I died and became
The whistling kettle
Of an unreleased song
By a well-known singer

A whisper whose sound would be better
If shouted by a heated young lover

There is a night
Without vanity or despair
Where life runs free
Without injustice or duty or care

Find that Night

Seek it
Search for it
And take what you were born for

Find the Night
Francisco DH Jul 2013
My heart has travled a thousand miles.
A thousand words. A thousand Feelings.
Never really tiring as it travels further into the unknown.

And each day it feels the heat.
And each night it feels the loneliness.
And each day it feels complete.
And each night it feels emptyness.

My heart has travled a thousand miles.
A thousand words. A thousand Feelings.
Never really tiring as it travels further into the unknown.
Marina Gomez Jun 2011
When I couldnt take it anymore
When life knocked me to the floor
She reached out and grabed my hand
And Alice brought me into Wonderland

Down the rabbit hole we fell
Farther and farther down past hell
To a place where imagination strives
And only your deception keeps you alive

Alice and I travled in awe
Amazed at all we saw
Not even our thoughts were safe
Everything is heard in this place

And when the Queen looked our way
We couldnt think of what to say
She yelled "off with their heads"
Then I woke up safely in bed

Was it only a dream
And even Alice wasnt what she seemed
I couldnt bring myself to believe
That Alice would ever decieve

So I continued along
But never forgot Alice and her song
I knew she would come back some day
And she would be here to stay

And when life became too much to handle
In order to escape the lies and scandal
In hopes that this too shall pass
I followed Alice through the looking glass

I asked why she had returned
She told me I had a lot to learn
That I needed this place more then i knew
I agreed, nothing could have been more true

And even though I was scared
I knew that there was a reason she brought me there
And as I tried to emrace my surroundings
I could only hear my heart pounding

The sky captivated
And the flowers beauty devastated
The wind had its own power
And there was no clock to mark the hour

It was as if time did not exist
And I absolutely could not resist
All that this world did possess
But Alice told me that I did digress

She told me to really take it in
To let the emotion come from within
I breathed and I breathed deep
It almost felt as if  I was asleep

When I opened my eyes
I nearly cried
I was back and Alice wasnt there
And the pain was more then I could bare

Then I realized that she couldnt stay
And I simply had to wait for the day
That I could imagine being back again
Imagine a life with no end

And there Alice would be
Smiling and waiting for me
We would walk through the glass hand in hand
And skip along the streets of Wonderland
Emily Kauffman Jun 2013
something you would never imagine happening to you
you never thought it would ever matter to you
what other people say
but when its part of who you are
and people try and say they know you
understand it?
when they don't
judge it?
you don't know me
who i am
what i go through
what my back round is
we live in a world of judgement
i dont have control over it
neither do you
dont make assumptions about who i am
without knowing me
it hurts to get pushed into something
releasing something of yourself
that you might not realize yourself completely
it got taken out of me
almost like my entire life being put on display
did i ever think it would happen
did it
i am proud of who i am
that doesnt give you the right to push me to a place im not at yet
a place i dont feel comfortable yet
a small little comment
travled your world in one night
you all know me
as a build board sign
not as who i am
you pushed me there
to that point
im out
Akira Chinen Jul 2016
It isn't the question of all men being created equal, it is the matter of keeping all men and women and children as equals.  Let none of us raise above and ignore those that have fallen down.  Pull them up by hand and by heart and shoulder to shoulder and head to head and eye to eye.  Let no one see themselves as superior or inferior, let brother aid sister aid mother aid father aid stranger aid friend aid child aid infant aid animal aid flower aid tree aid air aid nature aid all.  We are of one people of one planet of one land of one ocean of one love connecting us all.  It isn't a matter of religion or prayers or god or gods or faith or skin or color or heritage or race, in the end we know not where we go but only where we have been.  It isn't about the destination but the voyage we've travled both outside and in.  And both our history and blood have been tainted by hate and war and greed but yesterday doesnt have to repeat.  Let us not continue down the same road of crimes that cause only suffering and grief.  Take the hand of your sister holding the hand of your father holding the hand of your brother holding the hand of the infant being held by the mother holding the hand of your child holding the hand of a friend holding the hand of a stranger and let the raise of equality spread across this one land of one world of one love and find in unity we stand shoulder to shoulder and eye to eye and soul to soul and finally see there is no real difference between us all.  Let us voyage forever forward through kindness towards love.
Wide eyed Jun 2017
Bar X

Had my face stayed one
Had I not lost my job
Had I not ******
The tattoo artist

I would not have travled
Down the city
45 minutes from home
Total strangers

One night
Had my arms heavy
Without you
Vision blurred behind your glasses
One night
One week before you go

White sheets glowing in sun
You wake me
With your soft voice
You fell asleep on my belly

Day four
Three more to go
My arms will stay heavy
I'll use your flannel to keep them up

— The End —