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Im emotionless sometimes
Sometimes I dont know how to feel
I feel what im tild to feel
Until I met you
Im no lobger this way becuase of you
You fill me with love and joy
You make me feel like the luckiest man in the world
I love you
Mark Lecuona May 2015
I never forgot you my love
The ten years between us have passed
I knew I had no choice but to wait

Every morning I remembered
But I walked slowly on distant shores
Because love said it's never too late

There are no broken mirrors
Or paintings of jagged edged emotion
You were always my friend
Even when you said till we meet again

We both know how we once felt
I don’t know if you live for something new
Or for someone who believes in fate

Maybe I’m just a bridge you once crossed
But the fire you see in the distance is my torch
Because the moon tild you never to walk straight

There is no broken glass
Or songs about bitter love that was lost
If we can only be friends
I will still smile about you no matter the cost
Being friends with the love of your life

— The End —