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For the seven lakes, and by no man these verses:
Rain; empty river; a voyage,
Fire from frozen cloud, heavy rain in the twilight
Under the cabin roof was one lantern.
The reeds are heavy; bent;
and the bamboos speak as if weeping.

Autumn moon; hills rise about lakes
against sunset
Evening is like a curtain of cloud,
a blurr above ripples; and through it
sharp long spikes of the cinnamon,
a cold tune amid reeds.
Behind hill the monk’s bell
borne on the wind.
Sail passed here in April; may return in October
Boat fades in silver; slowly;
Sun blaze alone on the river.

Where wine flag catches the sunset
Sparse chimneys smoke in the cross light

Comes then snow scur on the river
And a world is covered with jade
Small boat floats like a lanthorn,
The flowing water closts as with cold. And at San Yin
they are a people of leisure.

Wild geese swoop to the sand-bar,
Clouds gather about the hole of the window
Broad water; geese line out with the autumn
Rooks clatter over the fishermen’s lanthorns,

A light moves on the north sky line;
where the young boys **** stones for shrimp.
In seventeen hundred came Tsing to these hill lakes.
A light moves on the South sky line.

State by creating riches shd. thereby get into debt?
Thsi is infamy; this is Geryon.
This canal goes still to TenShi
Though the old king built it for pleasure


Sun up; work
sundown; to rest
dig well and drink of the water
dig field; eat of the grain
Imperial power is? and to us what is it?

The fourth; the dimension of stillness.
And the power over wild beasts.
Tenshi Jul 2019
even if the sky is full of clouds
and it seems that this cold and endless darkness isn't defeatable
is there a little warm and glowing light
this light is like a flame which shines brighter than every light you've ever seen it's strong and powerful enough to defeat all the darkness which is inside of you
And even if you cannot see or find it
let me be your light

Umi Sep 2019
In your arms I feel the delicate heartbeat, assuring me you are alive,
All the sadness, all my pride, all my ego and all deception are radiated away, by your gentle touch, the sound of your breathing,
One day, I would like to give to you what you always return to me;
The purity of Love.
But, little old me seems to be too frightened, too delusional to accept the reality of the warmth you gift me with each and every moment I can share and enjoy along side you, hand in hand,
It is too much like a dream, to escape from all sorrow and heartache because of you, and what you have done to change me,
No song, no poem, no words and emotions would ever be capable to show you how much you mean to me, but at least I shall try!
So may I make a wish of selfishness today,
Stay with me, don't leave me,
You are the last light I'll see,
My dear, wonderful..
Tenshi ♡

~ Umi
Tenshi Jul 2019
They are deep and hurtful,
They are a part of you which changes your whole character, your personality and your life,
They are strong and if you are not careful enough they will destroy you
They are undefeatable by your own and even if you get help they will never completely be gone !

Tenshi Oct 2021
Feelings are very difficult to understand and so easy to underestimate,
In one moment they are like a colorful explosion,
full of happiness, joy and excitement
In the other moment they are like a destructive force,
full of  pain, sadness and sorrow,

Tenshi Apr 2022
Time is such a fragile element of our life,
Something you don't want to mess with,
Fast as light and slow as a snail at the same time,
Time is limited and rare,
in an blink of an eye could be all over,
everything is running by so fast,
Take a break and enjoy ons in a while the beautiful things of life

I love you wholeheartedly my wonderful darling thanks for being by my side ~Umi ❤️
Adrianna Oct 2020
Every birdsong sings your smile
Your name smells like fresh basil
Your eyes taste like gold
Tenshi May 2021
frosty and icy blizzards blasts above the landscapes,
carry anxiety and destruction,
an inferno of ice and snow,
reigns in this cold and dark season,  
what remains is fear and devastation,  

* Tenshi
Tenshi Aug 2023
a burning sensation,
destruction is all over the place,
hatred and despair walking hand in hand,
sadness and sorrow are everything that's left,
worries over worries spinning in your head it's an endless circle,
which brings you even more plain,
the only way not being hurt like this is to ignore the concerns,which brings you nothing, than despair,
so leave them alone even if it is the hardest thing to do,
it seems better to be not concerned as to try to help,

Tenshi Jan 2023
Unseen in the shadows,
in the darkness of the night,
behind the waterfalls,
in the mystic forest,
lies a pure treasure,
which only people with a pure heart,
could see and find,
something which is long forgotten,
and never found,
it lies deep within yourself,
but you're too blind to see it,
the pure and lovely treasure of
warmth and love,
but you're deceived from anger and hatred,
so you have forgotten that there are such feelings,

Tenshi Jan 2023
Seasons come and go,
they fly by in their own way,
a gentle guide through the rough year,
which represents our feelings,
colorful and beautiful like spring with all the flowers,
burning and exciting like the hot summer,
Windy and rainy like the autumn with its astounding leaves,
Cozy and comfortable like the winter with its dreamy snowy days,
every season is beautiful in its own way with all the up and downs

Tenshi May 2022
We are going through the darkest of nights,
through the roughest times,
even though it would be a hell of a ride,
we face it together,
don't give up I will never let you go,
never let you down,
I love you for infinity ❤️

I love you wholeheartedly my wonderful darling ~Umi❤️
MsTruth Dec 2019
A heart ever-growing, accepting, loving
A soul ever-glowing, revering, endearing
A multitude of folds, a gathering of creases
under your direction, a character undresses

Romeo, you made a number of oritsuru
Romeo, my friend, you were an oritsuru, too
You are now a Hikari no tenshi, fly high
Have a great journey, rest in peace, goodbye!
Tenshi Dec 2020
The softness of the blue sky and the wildness of the gigantic ocean which is so elegant and soft at the same time so much is unknown and undiscovered It's like a miracle there are so many perspectives to discover the endless ocean it's like a adventure on the one hand on the other hand it's like a reassuring place, you can be free and find freedom the sound of  the waves on wich you can trembling away to a far place of imagination on, you don't need to fear anything there is only and the softness of the waves an escaping place out of your troubles a place,
you can find love and peace you can life in pure harmony with yourself and maybe  with your precious treasure you one and only your darling  and together you will find a way out of all your sorrows like the ocean do it so when ever the dark side of the world cruising you down think of this place of pure harmony

Tenshi Apr 2023
Everything is flashing by,
fast and without a moment of enjoyment,

Tenshi Jul 2019
Let us defeat all these cruel demons in these dark and cold world together
we are a perfect team!
let us as a team search after all the positive things, after all the wonderful colours which are hidden behind the darkness and after our lost self
As a team can we help eachother in every situation let us together find the lost happy side of life
What do you say ?
Take my hand and let the adventure started

Tenshi Jul 2019
I can see your inner fight against yourself
in your empty and sad eyes you lost any kind of hope which is the reason for your self-perception of a demon
But this perception is worng
I wish you could see yourself though my eyes I see a gentle and loving person who is always there for me a person who gives me the power to hold on
You aren't a demon! You are so much more you are my hero my one and only my life
If you cannot see the many things which make you perfect as the person that you are
take my hand and I will show you these things

Tenshi Mar 2021
Everytime I'm in your arms,
Every kiss we share,
Every hugs you gave me,
It's like heaven,
Like a wonderful dream,
This kind of dream that ends at the best moment,
like a daydream,
as like you are gone in the next second,
But it's the beautiful reality,
And I appreciate every moment that I can share with you,
The warm, soft and lovely feeling you gave me every day,
Like I'm finally at home,
Your sweet gaze and your gentle smile,
Takes away all worries,
I want to take care of you like you do it for me,
Together we can do everything,
I'm always there for you and overjoyed that you are by my side,
I love you wholeheartedly

Tenshi May 2021
No matter how hard and difficult our way becomes, 
it doesn't matter how many people want to tear us apart,
 or how heavy your problems  will become, 
I will be always by your side,
and  protect  you,
so take my hand,
and let us survive these difficulties together

❤️ Umi
Tenshi Nov 2019
Nothing hurts and burns more than a scar which is deep on your sole or your body it doesn't matter how many scars you have or how big they are it doesn't matter why you get them
the only thing you know is that you have to live with them
But scars could be a lecture form the life for you to learn from the mistakes from the others you have two choices to handle them:
1. You learn to handle the situation and  fight
2. You give up and let the person win who made these scar

The life is full of lectures it's your choice what you gonna do with them

Tenshi Jul 2019
If your impression is that you don't belong here, your vision is clouded and all seems dark and cold without any chance to escape it seems hope and senseless
Then look to the sky smell all the wonderful odours of nature, recognise all the colours and feel the warm and pleasant presents of hope which surrounds you
If you perceive the world like this, the world will start to glow in all their splendor and all the negative things will be blow away
And always remember their is always a person who believes in you, who gives you a hold and who no matter what happens is always there for you

Tenshi Oct 2019
I wish to die every second a bit more,
all is so dark and cold,
and the worst think is it's all my fault,
I lose the only one I really need,
all what I seemly can is to hurt and destroy all what is important to me,
it's a cruel circle without a chance to escape!
what's wrong with me, why must I hurt all around me so much without noticing, why  I'm so cruel?
The demons which are inside of me screaming at the moment so extremely loud and I can't do anything against I can not take it anymore!
The only way out is to die

Tenshi May 2021
A painfully, horrific and terrible sacrafice,
terror will be near by,
rip off your skin and pull out everything inside,
in a horrific hot and  fiery aria,
will your suffering  be someone's laughter,
someone will have fun to see the painful expressions from you,
someone will enjoy your screaming,
and this one can't wait to see you in much more suffer,
because your suffer will be his only joy in his whole life,
So he create more and more ways to torture you,
and so you will pay for your mistakes,
because you are untrustful,
a pain to be around with,
a shame for  humanity,
your only a pice of ****,
this is why you don't deserve it better,
you deserve to rotten in hell for all eternity

Tenshi May 2022
Such cozy and soothing days,
the calming sound of the rain and the warmth of an oven with crackling warm fire,
on which a comfy warm bed,
a nice hot chocolate and a beautiful movie or a little game with your loved ones,
or simply knuddeln with your one and only,
Is enough too let you calm down and let you feel happy,

I love you wholeheartedly my wonderful darling ❤️
Tenshi Aug 2019
even if you are sad and lonely,
look at the sky and watch the passing clouds,
look very closely at them,
they are so soft, peaceful and reassuringly,
imagine how you are on one of them,
looking at the world and saw all the beautiful sides,
and the wonders of the world,
all is so peaceful around you,
and if you are still sad and alone remember,
that you are not alone because
there will always be someone there for you
and think of you

Tenshi Aug 2023
it hurts like thousands needless,
like an endless flame
which is burning you slowly down,
feels like you are shattered from the inside out into tiny pieces,
a pressure too much to bear,
hopelessness and darkness dancing around each other,
despair is growling deeper and deeper into you,
this feeling tears you Apparat,
till nothing is left except an empty chell

Tenshi May 2021
Birds are singing,
Flowers are blooming,
and mother nature shows us the beautiful sides of life,
animals awaken from their hibernation,
and a new circle of life starts
It's like a colorful painted world,
like a beautiful dream,
full of surprises and wonders

Tenshi Apr 2021
I'm lost and lonely,
it's  so empty,
without colour,
left out of any noise,
everything is so strange,
so cold and scary,
every single second without you
hurts like hell,
I'm so delighted when you are finally back
I miss you so much

I love you wholeheartedly  ~Umi❤
Tenshi Jun 2022
Thunder and lighting,
dancing through the rain,
brighten up the night,
a dance of harmony and passion,
white a tender prise cools down the hot land,

Tenshi Nov 2021
Fear trembles me,
I can't breathe,
A shocking wave goes through me like a lightning,
My body isn't mine any more,
Everything is numb now,
I can't move,
So many thoughts in my head,
All criss-cross, so fast and loud,
Everything is spinning right now,
Everything is shaking,

Tenshi Oct 2021
like a delicate dash full of passion,
a fragile feeling,
full of emotions and excitement,
a feeling which gives you wings,
which carry you through all difficulties and worries,
so colorful and stunning,
so warm and cuddly,
a feeling of being at home,
such a strong feeling,
without it the whole world would be shattered,
a feeling which is created for all eternity,
which give you comfort and safety,

~Umi if all seems to difficult to stand it we can master it together we have each other and together we can do everything I love you wholeheartedly and I'm so grateful that you are by my side my lovely dear ❤️
Tenshi Jul 2023
No matter the complications nor the difficulties which we will encounter,
Despite the circumstances or how hard it will become,
We will face them together,
I'm always be your side,
You will never be alone,
We will fight till the very end,
regardless how hard we try and fail,
We will stand up and repeat the process until we reach our destination,
Nothing will be too troublesome for us as long as we are together,
I'm so thankful and happy that you are by my side,
I'm always there for you and love you wholeheartedly my stunning dear ❤️

Tenshi May 2021
Whenever the world is too cruel and dark to stand it alone,
when it seems like the world collapse, and you sink into a deep dark hole, 
on any occasion  you think there is nothing to live for, 
and whenever you think nothing makes any sense,
then take my hand, close your eyes and let me lead you out of this misery, 
let me be your sanctuary, 
I love you wholeheartedly my one and only

❤️ Umi
Tenshi Jul 2023
A gentle breeze,
the sooft and refreshing sent
from the surrounding forest,
The soothing sound from the rain,  
cozy and warm underneath the blanket with a hot chocolate,
everything is at peace and harmony,

* Tenshi
Tenshi Oct 2023
A lost soul wondering through the darkness of the night,
without knowing where to go,
peacefully and quietly looking around,
searching for the reason why she came here in the first place,
flying through the moonlit starry sky,
full of hopes and dreams,
enjoying the gentle breeze,
overwhelmed from the frequencies and the beauty of nature itself,


— The End —