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**** jy die **** van yster-gordyn wat val en die aarde omhels ten laaste sy afwaartse versnelling.

Dit maak seer mamma...

Gewere word neergelê as ń universiële teken van hoop en vrede , maar verlang na ń lid van die geledere.

Dit maak seer mamma...

Ons was almal naïef; in ons drome was daar plek vir twee,
Ń eindelose see waar ons kon wegvaar van die ontbindinde spoke van gister, waar ons ons hande in soutwater-poele kon was iewers langs die kus van versoening...

Dit maak seer...

Niemand sou kon raai dat die jare se snellertrek en loopgraaf grawwe jou eens sagte vel kon magnetiseer nie... *** kon ek voorsien dat jy ń bietjie van die geweld gaan steel het om vir jouself te hou nie. *** sou ek weet dat jou vingers jeuk sonder die dooie staal wat dit streel nie...

Een skoot
Twee skote
Drie skote
Ń eenman vuurpelaton reën op my neer en dring deur my ope arms...
Jy het nog altyd ń plek in my hart gehad, maar nou het jy dit beset met lood en alle onskuld uitgerook met brandende kruit...

Dit maak seer...

Dele van jou hang nog swaar op al die plekke wat saakmaak en seermaak en trek my af grond toe...


Liefde ek het altyd geweet ons het mekaar se ruë gehad... ek hey net nie geweet jy was besig om ń rooi kruis vir jou fissier op myne te verf nie...

Dit maak seer mamma...
Selena Jance Apr 2014
Jij bent een man om gekust te worden, steeds weer in mijn gedachten.
You are a man to be kissed, over and over in my thoughts.
Zoals het gezang in het zachte, een blijk is van de zachte aard van diens ziel.
Like the singing in the quiet thoughts, is proof of a gentle soul.
Soms is een taal die niet van jou is, het meest dierbare en meest gekoesterde, dat men er een teken in kan zien, een leven te beleven op afstanden verder dan tijd zelf.*
Sometimes a language that doesn’t belong to you is the most dear and most cherished, that one can take sign, to experience life in distances beyond time itself.

Someone who takes love on the inside, and is pulled
from pleasure, only to distil it in oneself. It is given that
the humour that one feels in only the thoughts, similar
to ones being, of hope, and giving of time,

and life, how can you be so careless?

To caress that face of time itself, and it takes away
from the love, and maybe one shapes these figures to see
how the plays and scene of life has, it escapes the trained
head and goes out to endless spaces.

These kisses are not meant to extract fairness and
lay a waste. Only to instil on you my vision and a way
to show gratitude to gentleness emanating from smiles, from
painted lips, pitch dark eyes and your sun crinkled skin.

Whether you’re granted a vision of this vocabulary
or are taken from its meanings. To show you my
internal love, which is beyond all material planes, and pervades
this desire to teach on a lesson learned.

© 2009
Ode to a friend in whose eyes I saw his closeness to God.
Irene Wangai Sep 2019
Life is like a merry-go-round
What goes around comes around
Mistakes and failure flowing like energy in a circular motion
Don't know what perfection is, coz to me, there is nothing like practice practice makes perfect,
For the more practice I make the more mistakes I make,
My eyes blinded with negative thoughts in my mind, not knowing what's good and best for me,
Not realizing my purpose in this life,
I take my pen, writing down my failures to ten,
Finally, I discover my merry-go-round failures and mistakes that battle me like in teken,
Finally, I discover my everyday weaknesses,
Finally, I get to ***** out the source of problems within my ego,
Finally, at my longest battle of self acceptance,
I see solutionsvti to the source of my problems,
Finally, a new strength emerges from within,
As these thoughts play a teken battle(+ve and -ve),
I finally get help and a catalyst if the solution to all my problems,
As easy as it may sound in my kinywa, another problem appears,
I write down the solution,
I calculate its formula, and creat  more formulas to jaggle my soul a bit,
I recite, and cram all what is needed for my solution,
I practice practice practice practice but no perfection comes out, who ever said that practice,
practice makes perfect!
The more I practice, the more pain I get,
Wait! Maybe I should change my mentality of perfection, maybe if I only accept myself as imperfect,
Maybe,, just maybe, I let go of my ego of 'am perfect' and instead improve myself,
Aha! Another solution appears, another problem vanishes!
Finally, I can now practice my long dug solution with patience and persistence,
Finally, I can now have a clear inner sight of the solution to my problems,
Finally, at twenty, I can now taste the feeling of the results from my solution,
The solution, my solution, of positive mentality, of change of my mindset,
Finally, at twenty, I see myself greater than myself,
Finally, at twenty, I see my need for help,
Finally, at twenty, I learn the fruitfulness of humility in abundance, and abundance in humility,
Finally, at twenty, I find the greatest solution to my problems
Daan Jun 2019
Faam en ik zijn slechte vrienden.
In de spots, op de planken,
bang van uitgekienden,
gedwongen af te slanken,
zou ik kwijnen, stilaan weg,
wachtend op een teken,
tot iemand start met preken:
'Handel pas als ik het zeg.'.
Vinger op de lip

— The End —