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teel-ly lugu
bri ous



Vlrey Jul 2014
I was so afraid to loose you that I lost myself someway in the middle of love and hate.
So please don't look at me like this. Like I'd have ripped your heart out and left you bleeding on the street. That's just not what happened, okay.
You might ask yourself why I tell you this...
Maybe because you just have no right to act like this!
Maybe because I've spent the entire last year crying and thinking over the same **** thing.
Maybe because I can't and won't do this one more year.
I wish I could tell you I'm sorry for how things went.
But I'm not. Seriously. I shouldn't have to feel guilty because I walked away  from something that made me sick.
Yes, I was the one who left but we both know why.
So I'll ask you again, why sould I feel guity about this? Huh?
Why is it a shane to walk away from someone who makes you feel sick and worthless? Why nobody ever asked hy I walked away?
Because you're the poor little kid that was left behind?
I teel you this because I want you to know that I don't miss you anymore or even hate you. I can't. I've spend so much time thinking about you and everything that has gone wrong between us that my whole body is sick of you. Of your voice. Of your face. Of your whole existence.
But there was a time when you used to be the most important person in my life. To be true, that's the only reason why I'm even writing this down.
I let you go along time ago betwenn tears and loneliness.
And whatever what, I'd never wanna go back to the past.
sorry but not sorry ;)
Harry Gione Sep 2019
It takes time to feel
What has not yet healed
I felt and kneel
And wavered a shield
And paited skys teel
Like a flickering film real
It shook me like an electric eel
My eyes forever seal
Because this moment can't be real

— The End —