A woman with a tattoo
over the top of her *******
above her red dress got
on the uptown bus and
sat down. Henry tried not
to look, he couldn’t make
out the words that mingled
with the coloured flowers
tattooed there, looked away,
followed for a short while
the goings on in the passing
street, then turned again
and gazed surreptiously as
if he’d not intended to stare
or find once seen, but still
the words were lost in the
flowers’ hold. The woman
thumbed her cell phone,
messaging a text, while he,
giving a sidelong gaze, tried
to solve the puzzle of the
words and meaning that
she wanted to convey by
placing the tattoo there,
but no matter how hard
he looked or turned his head,
no sense was made, just
a puzzled aging brain instead.
She crossed her legs, a little
more thigh was shown, her
suntanned flesh too much
for eyes of Henry’s age, he
turned away, carrying the images
seen to sup upon another day.