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Tom Cooney Feb 2014
we all wear them,
at least from time to time.
Don't try to deny it.
That girl who seems cheery all the time,
who always has a jacket on, or a sweater,
to hide the cuts,
and more importantly,
her Mask.
The little kid who sits alone at lunch,
who, "just isn't social",
because if he plays with others,
they'll see the bruises,
the beatings will show through.
Again, always wearing a jacket or somesuch,
but again,
more importantly,
his Mask.
me, who barely gets by,
without just exploding,
and hurting those he loves,
and wants to just be able to be STABLE,
just to see what it feels like.
I wear my faded jeans,
my gloves, to hide the bloodied knuckles,
from just punching whatever's at hand,
my boots,
to keep my toes breaking when I kick things,
but most importantly,
my Mask.
wordvango May 2017
had a sight to see
and it took my life to get around
to making it reality

I have seen in this somesuch  make
believe life beauty of
a mountains tall

majesty, a woman's
glory so softer than a

and more god than any
being I have known
her navel

her hips the way
they curve up to her
*** and *****

her soft wetness
a swell the seas the mountains
never touched

the way she took me in
we melted into each other

I speak now of suddenness
how the days are metered
and she and hers are

tender but not all
of it and I'd lke to show you
one day

just one day I stepped out
of my mind
and saw myself

it was enlightening
and baby it was good
I floated over

died for a minute
came back

I seek that
the fervent reality

in the mirror again
Jenny Gordon Nov 2018
Yes, you can laugh in my face.

(sonnet #MMMMMMMDII)

So Hollywood makes films of books, and hence
The De'il Wears Prada, or somesuch detail,
That purse I found at erm, Goodwill in pale
Excuse the thing itself, I guess.  Good sense
And taste, what Vogue swears by, oh sweet pretense!
It's leather, red and black with accents they'll
Approve of--buckles, rivets is't? t'avail
Hauteur in proper style.  Don't ask me whence.
I do not dress like some old frump as twere
Nor paint my face, although my nails would do
Some good if I could find some polish fer
Them.  It's a lie decked out as if's not true.
Yes, true.  But we put Trump in cuz it's poor
Nay, worse than poor:  cuz they are devils.  You?

Vogue magazine...the article on Emily Blunt found me securely lost at long last in that famous movie.  Kick me for being too pinked with this review of the same...though penned at such a late hour you can criticize it for--??
Jenny Gordon Jan 19
Walker's shortbread cookies, to be precise; then memories of the Scottich cookbook my parents had resurfaced, whose recipe for shortbread sported a long essay the upshot of which ****** me as "...only a BAD COOK will add things: shortbread ONLY HAS 3 INGREDIENTS." or somesuch. And I used to make that recipe way too many years ago.


Mull groc'ry shopping til I'm wanting thence
Lo, Sco'ish shortbread.  Craft it to avail
Me, all myself?! The antique cookbook, frail
As dreams, is not mine to use 'gin fr'intents,
So Google rec'pes with the ling'ring sense
Of that page whose keen warning yet'd detail
Aught finds: "...bad cooks will add stuff." t'will derail
Some, but I know where I am headed hence.
I knew twas only three ingred'ents fer
All that, or maybe four, no more, else rue
Thy folly, "bad" cook.  I'll need butter.  Were
There else, I have't.  "Have with tea," is that true?
Me wants to try that.  Sco'ish, known as poor
Back in the day, what's new? LORD, save me too.

I tried two recipes for the event and prefer the purely Scottish one. Everyone loved them. Now I'm hoping to make them a staple of sorts since... well, lemme post the next sonnets

— The End —