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Joe Nov 2017
Shinkansen baby
Whizzing across the
Land of the rising sun

Bullet train baby
Shooting straight through
The heart of Japan

What was that blur
Causing such a stir

It's the Shinkansen baby.
Jonny Angel Jan 2014
I've traveled through outer space,
sat buckled to the seat,
with aliens all around.

The outside domain was a blur,
I rode supersonic steel
knifing lush countryside
between chasms
of skyscraper structures.

I tried to decipher
the language of such folk,
who seemed unfazed by my jokes.

Their gaze, the same slant,
followed my every move,
I felt like an un-caged freak,
myself an alien
in a future-world
riding bullets.
Qualyxian Quest Jan 2023
The Shinkansen was very quiet
Smooth, steady, calm
In Kyoto the Zen garden
In Gilead the Balm

I found Japan amazing
Eat my bento box
Deer Park in Nara
Mr. Spock socks

        Kamakura clocks
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2021
Lifelong religious obsessions
But I can also let them go

Shinkansen speeding by
Tokyo to Kyoto

Kamakura Buddha
Silently the snow

The mystery remains
No one on earth will ever know.
Qualyxian Quest Jun 2021
On shinkansen
Qualyxian Quest Apr 2023
American society loves celebrity
But I am quiet and shy
Don't like public speaking
Do like Life of Pi

All the news is bad again
Kiss your dreams goodbye
In my solitude
Exoplanet Sky

Yo soy un isolato
Why Judi Why?
Silently Shinkansen
Ay! Ay! Ay!
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2019
Tokyo to Kyoto
Upon the Shinkansen
Not really a question of if
More a question of when
I think about this often
Nearly every now and then
Will I too disappear
Like I’ve never ever been?
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2024
Tokyo to Kyoto
Upon the Shinkansen

San Francisco Zen

Not a question of if
More a question of when

Will I too disappear
Like I've never ever been?
Qualyxian Quest May 2019
leaving Kyoto - train station, Zen temples
       thunder, wonder, one with her?
                    silent shunyata
Qualyxian Quest Apr 2021
I'm sexually starved it's true
Lonely as the rain

Madness breaking through
Marriage is pain on pain

This life's a horror story
But still La Mancha, Spain

We disappear forever
Bullet train my brain!
Paul Hardwick Apr 2013
when i was boy
i watched cool stuff
but now i am old
the stuff is all the same
not stimulating my mind
and young people remember this
my mind is more able
and today i feel myself Shinkansen .

Work that out for your self suckers!
**** looking at this sorry all! but that is ******* good.
Qualyxian Quest Jun 2023
Probably it doesn't make sense
But I still pray
At times
Even when I can't believe in God

I like Albert Camus
My favorite French atheist
Unde Malum?
North Africa. Berber Mother.

Me at JMU
Lonely as the rain
Her boyfriends studlier than I
Might place Life of Pi

The Shinkansen is impressive
Chesterton aggressive
I tend toward confessive
Like Augustine. But still shy.

               Thank you, Ry.
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2023
The Americans will cut you loose
Make you go it on your own
Shiva at Angkor Wat
Honeymoon in Rome

Took two years of Latin
Threw a Rolling Stone
Tokyo to Kyoto
Very far from home

Qualyxian Quest Sep 2020
Tokyo rain, Tokyo rain
      Tokyo to Kyoto
         bullet train
Tokyo to Kyoto
  train station
Tokyo to Kyoto
Arigato, Rieko
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2019
of strolling Japan

snow on cedars
Ishmael can

cherry blossoms
Rieko and

on the shinkansen
Qualyxian Quest May 2019
Tokyo to Kyoto
Upon the Shinkansen

Now in Carolina
But I remember then

Rieko’s generosity
Gave us traveling yen

Not really a question of if
More a question of when

Will I too disappear
Like I’ve never ever been?
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2019
waiting for the Shinkansen , Tokyo station
Tube from Paddington, Oxford location
     Taipei to Kaohsiung, no hesitation
            Nightriding mystery lands
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2020
Tokyo to Kyoto
Upon the Shinkansen

In Wetheral we return
Although we've never been

Socrates the wisest
Of all ancient men

Knowing he don't know
Rey saved Kylo Ren!
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2018
Tokyo to Kyoto
Upon the Shinkansen
Not really a question of if
More like a question of when
Will I too disappear
Like I’ve never, ever been?
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2021
The American right is wrong
And the American wrong is right
The American left long lost
Last lone American night

Bangkok truly bustles
Sweet the Swedish summer
Dublin has the pubs
Poland has the plumbers

Tokyo to Kyoto
Silent Shinkansen
Probably will never see her
Wouldn't do that again

America has the Ignorance
The crime, the prisons, the money
Seattle cedarsnow
La Florida so sunny

          Kate Mckinnon: very funny.
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2019
I think I’m going to die
without ever seeing her again

Tokyo to Kyoto
upon the Shinkansen

Will I too disappear
Like I’ve never, ever been?
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2022
I've written an awful lot of poems
But I do not reach
Do not breach
It's the silence that surrounds me

I'm probably Buddhist
No religion
No hope
No life after death


Fo Guang Shan
Shabu Shabu
Arthur Edens reversaleth

   ­               Caesar

               ­         0
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2021
remembering Rieko
on Valentine's Day

Staunton to Baltimore
Tokyo to Taipei

you held our newborn son
we took Shinkansen all the way

all these decades later
arigato and xie xie!
Qualyxian Quest Apr 2021
I'm a child of the 80s
Can't quite escape

Lovely Florida ladies
VCR cassette tapes

Now 2021
Decades vanish like smoke

Shinkansen in the night
2037? One hopes.

                   No joke.
Qualyxian Quest Apr 2023
Nearly 20000 poems
And I still can't reach
Not one step closer
Sleeping on the Beach

Was an English teacher
English I did teach
Cannot give a lecture
Do not give a speech

San Francisco Zen
Bangkok taxi traffic
Rain. Shinkansen
Kamakura snow

Baltimore, muy bien
Kiss her from behind

       Red, Red Wine
Qualyxian Quest Mar 2019
Taipei, Taiwan typhoons
    Shinkansen speeding soon
           In Bangkok the monsoons
                  Seattle (I view the moon)...

and the rain it raineth every day.
Qualyxian Quest Jun 2023
Gonna have to interpret me
At times close to association
Yes, I need the sleep
Yes, my medication

Time is the Cross
And the way through
See me on the Shinkansen
See her wet with dew

Charlotte alone in Kyoto
Me alone with you
Softer than the rain

Qualyxian Quest Dec 2022
My long attraction to religion
Why, Judi, Why?
Exoplanets spin
I reread Life of Pi

Yo momma was my teacher
Space Shuttle died in sky
Florida, the Land of Flowers
My father too did fly

Japan jaw dropping amazement
I don't like to say goodbye
The Shinkansen almost silent
Cedarsnow does sigh

Charlotte is your past
Charlotte is my future
Deer appear at night
I Thai Wai

         Ay! Ay! Ay!
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2021
The twilight as I age
The sky
The yearning
The fade

I just want to talk to her
Not explain
Just talk

The Shinkansen is quite quiet
The boat to Helsinki was karaoke

What could I tell her?
16 years old

Qualyxian Quest Dec 2021
The Trump years were disturbing
Not quite over yet
America the Ignorant
But the sky still lonesome blue

2 weeks in Japan
Rieko is a wonder
Silent Shinkansen
Kyoto knows the crew

Starship enterprise
Are we not quite alone?
I'd like to die at home
Sleep ever ancient, ever knew

Thank you for my sons
Quiet calls for Cate
Hope but not for us
Still to do the best we do

               Mr. Wu
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2021
Just one little lonely life
Mostly quiet college town
A little basketball
A little Mexico

Dailiness ain't ****
Especially at 52
But the waitresses amaze
Cousins in Ohio

Theology in silence
Monks post on Facebook
I eat mango fruit bars
Mango don't you know

One day to Japan
My gifted middle son
Manga and Shinkansen
Kamakura snow

              True to Tokyo!
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2020
Two weeks in Japan
Rieko's extreme generosity
Giving us enough money to travel
For the entire stay.

The silent speed of Shinkansen
Deer Park in Nara
Kyoto temples

Tokyo fish market
Tokyo jazz clubs
Tokyo umbrellas, trains, and rain

Jaw dropping amazement
Ah! I don't wanna home go

           Rieko and Takahiro
Qualyxian Quest Jul 2023
I miss taking trains
Peaceful in the night
Speeding Shinkansen
I got a Ticket to Ride

American women betray you
Best to leave them be
Moroccan mint tea
Lovely Malahide

Inner Harbor, Baltimore
Quiet, lonely, walking
Romeo and Juliet
Cannot be denied

Flight to Copenhagen
Soren Kierkegaard
Staunton for the Bard
George W. Lied

Qualyxian Quest Apr 2024
Tokyo to Kyoto
Upon the shinkansen
I saw her once
But I don't remember when
Cool grey city of love
San Francisco Zen
Susan Darlene Meek
Ah! What might have been
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2021
Again the nightly darkness
Me at 52
Am I late along?
Ever ancient, Ever new

I read theology
Didn't often do
Father Greeley freely
I do remember you

Travel was a gift
Beauty Baltic Sea
Kyoto Shinkansen
Rieko's sight for me

Toledo's taqueria
Carolina blue
Stockholm sweetly sunlight
Love from me to you

           Es verdad. It's true.
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2023
America is Ignorance
Ignorance with nuclear weapons
I take a little walk
Lonely in the night

The Shinkansen was quiet
Edamame, miso soup
Deer park in Nara
Manga - but I don't buy it

Moon aglow tonight
Round, yellow, full
Mexico City
Sor Juana's mystic flight

      My Mr. Spock kite

— The End —