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I have friends but I have a Friend
A Friend who loved me before I knew Him
He's an old man who is very modern
This Friend was before Eden and Adam
He knew the Sauls, Paul, Matt, Mark, Luke, John and me too

He is diligent in selflessness
No Friend has ever loved this DEEP
A great friend with DEEP love for simple fellows like me
Times alone with this Friend is a great company
No faking, I'm DEEP in love

When I offend Him I sob
I become joyless and worried
Yet He comes from behind
And whispers, "I forgive you"
He's always there and promised to always be
His counsels are wise
This love, I don't understand
He knew I won't understand
So He said, "Only Believe"

He's the wise God and guide
The faithful, GRACEFUL and merciful God
Full of POWER and abounding in justice and LOVE
He's trustworthy and simply beyond description

He invited me from the world of filth
I met him in the world of faith
When I got there, He was waiting
This friend wants knew friends
Call Him now on faith
He's never out of reach, only if you'd call

© Selorm Deku Charles
This was written for a friend for a program under pressure
Festus Boamah Apr 2019
A question most people couldn't answer
Not even the great minds
Something is not alright, we know
But how do we fix it?
None asked this
Not because we are okay with the standards
We're living to suit the tradition of the old
With much contempt to change
Custodians spell, "This is how we do it"
Or die challenging the status quo

What is missing in our religion?
Each side believes the other side is
Made up of creepy people with ungodly doctrines
But teach the same moral value
Believing wrong is evil and right is godly
Apparently, culture sets apart our conscience
If there indeed is one God
Then it ought to follow that
He would define the proper manner
In which to worship Him
And reveal that way to man
Yet these religions differ vastly
Is there one true faith?
If not, then based on the assumption
Of all three of these religions
That there exists one supreme God over all
Has that God destined mankind to a life of confusion
Over the very basic questions about His nature
His religion and the reason He created man?
These are fundamental questions
With which countless generations of thinkers
Philosophers, religionists and educationalists
Have wrestled for 6,000 years of documented human history
In doctrine and in practice.

What is missing in politics?
World in which the helpless suffer
And the remorseless roam free
Fed up with the political discourse
Exacerbated by the current presidential cycle
Debates take place in a derisive manner
That is designed to tear down the other side
What kind of ethics is this?
Little thieves are hanged
For the great thieves to escape
Label it any way that you want
But many of them that lives deserves death
And many that died deserves life

What is missing in our traditional system?
Feeling empty and alone in a society that lacks a common basis
That touches our feelings and heart
Upholding to old culture blindly
Creating an enmity in the human race
Discouraging inter ethnic marriage
You took away what I treasured
Replacing it with timeless void
For how long can we accommodate this insanity
Of ethnocentrism bullying our sense of joy?

As many who ask this question
As many who believes something is missing
We have a responsibility
A charge to keep we have
It all depends on us
To look for the missing parts
To complete the puzzle

The nation has been anticipating
The arrival of a generation which will change
The way things are understood
And done in the country
The better of course
It's true humanity is more appealing than humans
As Koffi Selorm rightly said
Just because we wear a garment without a HEM
Let's solve this puzzle with the missing parts
Honesty, Empathy and Morality

The world is not bad because bad people tell too much lie.
It is neither bad because they are too loud and imposing their views on people.

It is the way it is because the good people shy away from speaking the truth, doing their good duties and being bold to be different.

The world is the way it is because Christians are scared people would not like them if they look obedient to the ways of God.

Oh yeah, Christians are ruining the world because peace with men is looking more important to them than peace with God.

They know much about righteousness but would neither say nor do nothing about what they know.
They are full of knowledge and they lack actions which match their knowledge base.

The supposed lights of the dark world are scared to shine because they feel people would complain about how bright they shine.

The world is lacking seasoning because the salt of the world is gradually letting go of its saltiness.

It's a sad situation and you are a part of the cause.
Can you start your part while we wait for others to join the CHANGE?

© Selorm Deku
i don't know if this is a poem. it wasn't meant to be anyway
I Caught me Again Thinking and Dreaming

Fresh air by the road that paints my shoes brown in the day soothes my lone self at night.
Sitting in a slum and envisioning life in mansions.
Troubles no matter how enormous I'd outlive
I won't think like my comrades cos I don't want to end like they do
With the zeal with which we chase the game I'd hasten my dreams to reach.

If I can think the good thoughts here, then my eyes would see and my feet would step there.

©Selorm Charles Deku

— The End —