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dennis gunsteen Jun 2010
season of hope
please for give
because i love you
you are but
a friend.that
i care for.
in this season of
rainbow of the sea
you are season of hope
that bring peace to my world.
spring is round the corner not very far away

the season of the year that makes life bright and gay

the singing of the birds singing us there song

happy and content as they bob along.

daffodils and crocus growing wild and free

showing of there flowers such a sight to see

trees they start to bud as leaves begin to grow

spring is on the way thats how they let us know.

the seaon of the year that make life seem so bright

there for all to see bringing such delight
The old ship moved along with forgetfulness through the sharp pains of darken dreams oh winter waves rushing through the night like it was holding fright  to all eyes that could seewhat the storms out on sea brings, The old ship Dark Angel call black pearl the old ship rock and rock ;like it was angry out on the Mediterranean seaon every hour the wind blows and the rain comes downas if death was taking a stand to all men that sail at seaoh how they do bleed what Dark Angel feeds, Tears will fall with no end just like the windthis old fearful story force sight with a hunger in thrustMoonlight stand out from the crowed her as are like angel of light that shines so brightclouds of darkness is making its roundswhile Dark Angel pushes his anger all over the seaeven casting pain upon on his queen wreathed words of error holding on to ignorance, Moonlight has clime the stars of her own beaten down pastthat holds the pains of rain that others gave ; But at times see did find her faith and comfort that gave her the reasons to fight the good fight even if she is being tested by darknessoh fate with jealous eye are always nearbut Moonlight will keep her strength even in darken dreams.

- Judy Emery © 1980
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery
Jonas Oct 2023
I wonder
when in my childhood
did little me go, from being
loved, cared and protected
a walking sunshine
whaetever the seaon
from being unbotherd and innocent

To making pretend,
protecting myself
and not trusitng anymore
building up walls
high and higher

Hiding away in his little fantasiy worlds
strong, and invulnurable
always on top
the hero
to save the day
no one can reach me here,
no one can hurt me here

Avoiding real life whenever,
avoiding the outside
shying away
fleeing when possible
An outcast trying to find something to hold onto
with a weakening grip

You have to do this on your own
you think
the world is bad outside
it doesn't welcome you
like the others

Better to keep away
Don't move, keep quiet
no sound,
stay hidden
in the background
this way
they might overlook and forget,
they might not notice you

Who hurt you this much?
I've long forgotten,
the origin of my instincts
I've survived and have to unlearn now.

Be safe little one,
be patiend,
try to be kind to yourself,
at least a little kinder
Nellie 55 Apr 2020
Confidence ruined
Success abandon
Thrills drowning
Second thoughts happening
As the far cry goes
I'm hitting every nerves i throw
I know I am not really okay
But I'm a be fine
Just as long as I stay clean I'll be more then alright
The pain is real for a reason
What a timing especially woth a kick start to a new seaon
He's my motive
He is gonna be 5 this year
And my youngest sis needs me
In fact I'm well needed
Forgot about the times i bleeded
Mission after mission when will it all be over
It's like I'm chasing a single clover
Hell I'll pack up a wish
And hope to go the distance
Something hopefully simpler than this

— The End —